
作者&投稿:标胞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

To reduce carbon dioxide What can we do?
Light choice
Efficient fluorescent bulbs use only half the energy of traditional bulbs. The United States in the energy sector alone is estimated that the use of highly efficient fluorescent light bulb to replace the traditional light bulb will be able to avoid 400,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide were released.

Low-carbon recipes
Think of the energy in the kitchen. Be careful not to pan and kettle fitted too full. Juh suited to the size of your pan. Frost-free refrigerator to maintain a state.

By the use of recycled materials, cutting cycle can be used to reduce the number of producing new materials, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The organic material (such as: paper, cardboard) recycling, landfills can be avoided from the release of methane (a greenhouse gas can cause).
One kilogram of the recycled aluminum to avoid the use of 11 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions.

Insulation of Magical
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions and energy use to reduce the cost to install a good anti-heat ventilation systems and are the most effective way. Check attic and cavity wall insulation quality. Check doors and window cracks.

Less heat!
Most of the families of all energy consumption in the heating and cooling. As long as the effective use of natural ventilation and avoid too warm a room, you can simply reduce the cost of 10% and carbon dioxide emissions.

Renewable energy - a revolution
A variety of renewable energy technologies can greatly reduce our use of energy in the process of carbon dioxide. Can heat water and solar power generation. In some European countries are increasingly using biomass heating system.

Practical outlet
The purchase of dishwashers, televisions or other electrical appliances, to choose more efficient models.
Please note that there are choices to buy energy-saving evaluation of the product label.

Economical car
Energy-efficient motor vehicles produced less carbon dioxide per mile. One of the most effective vehicle, for example, a small hybrid car per kilometer have less than 110 grams of carbon dioxide (0.4 pounds per mile). In contrast, many large cars and luxury SUV vehicle emissions of carbon dioxide over at least twice.

Gasoline and diesel: gasoline and diesel certain you can enhance the performance of motor vehicles. It can clean your engine, reduce engine friction and fuel to burn more fully, thus reducing air pollution.
Bio-liquid fuel: bio-liquid fuel and fuel compared to traditional motor can potentially bring significant benefits to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. China is already the world's third-largest ethanol fuel producers and users. Fuel ethanol in 9 provinces nationwide vehicle fuels to market and promote the use of.

Travel wise
Think of your travel needs. To use public transport. Have you ever thought of with family / friends in a car pool it? Do you really need to fly it? A conference call is more likely to save time, money and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Car maintenance
Careful maintenance of your car the best it can to ensure that the exercise of the state. Attorney tire pressure and oil. Do not have the time, the roof rack and removed boxes, which will enable the car to reduce the efficiency of the more than 10%.

The purchase of local products
The purchase of local products in the product can reduce the transport of carbon dioxide generated. For example: According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs published a report in Britain, 8% of the car from the release of carbon dioxide from the delivery of non-domestic vehicles.

The purchase of seasonal products
The purchase of seasonal fruits and vegetables can reduce the growth of greenhouse crops. Have a lot of greenhouse consume a large amount of energy to the cultivation of non-seasonal products.

Attention to the simple purchase of packaging products. This means packing in the production process, consumed less energy. Sent to a reduction of landfill waste, and to reduce the number of roadside litter thrown.

The benefits of the use of recycled materials
Compared with the original materials to produce goods that use recycled materials to produce goods that consume less energy in general. For example: the use of recycling iron and steel production to less energy than the use of new iron and steel less 75%


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will always support you.Yours sincerely,XXX 是给某位欧洲乒乓球明星\/新星的球迷信件吧,当然要语法准确,否则太给中国球迷丢人了。本来看到有6个回复就不想答了,但细读下来,实在差强人意,没有不带错误的。这个版本绝对是原创人工翻译,而且保证没有语法错误,识货的话就请采用加分吧。谢谢。

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1.或许我会失败,但我不会放弃 1. Maybe I will fail, but I will never give up 2.我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔 2. I will insist on my dream, never regret 3.我会一直为我的理想努力,因为我相信,总有一天我会成功 3.I will work hard for my dream, because I believe that I ...

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下英文
孟施肯特:is this your imagination? It shows that I never leave my friend? "

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下英语?
孟施肯特: 你应该打错了一个字,不是HAO,是HOW 我不能表达我的感激之情! 或者:不胜感激!

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下 -
孟施肯特: Don't be afraid,don't be sad, I will always be on your side! 或Don't be afraid, don't be sad, I'll always be with you...

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下~ -
孟施肯特: 我明白你说的是什么I know What you were talking about.

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下(翻译成英语
孟施肯特: I don't want to forget I had things, I only know how to cherish you. Ha ha, I'm a little regret I the previous decision, I won't take these things keep on my memory, because I now want to fight for!

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下英文 -
孟施肯特: 【说明】“19 f” 不知是什么,请楼主进一步提供信息,以便解答;比如在说飞机,那就可以解释为19架【翻译】陌生人:19 f()你:16 f你:你是哪里人?陌生人:想换图片?陌生人:我可以给你支招(...

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下!!!
孟施肯特: 你知道我是多麽爱你.我真的真的不能失去你!Do you know how much I love you. I really really can not afford to lose you! 也许,你已不再属於我了!Perhaps, you are no longer belongs to me! 我的世界.你不懂 you don't know my world! 我的世...

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下~急急~~ -
孟施肯特: Recall to the years have been gone...ah....Did the friends mean anything?Who make me blieve something.People all hypocritical ,i hate them.Today i feel so hard,this is my first this...

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译一下吧 -
孟施肯特: 英华街 YingHua Street 科技谷 Science and Technology Valley 博爱大厦 Boai Building 这个绝对正确,我家就住在博爱,门牌的英文就是这个

兴宁区13470325589: 帮我翻译1下 -
孟施肯特: 1 在第一大街向左转,欣赏这个城市的安静的街道.2 旅馆边上是一座带有一个有趣花园的小房子.

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