
作者&投稿:廉翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
100分感谢, 请根据提示帮我翻译这封信~

Dear Yuan Zhi:
Congratulations!I'm so glad to hear that you have been a master of engineering from my friends.In these years,you always studied hard and i really admire your capacity for study.
I believe you must succeed in your computer field.I wish you can own more bright and happy future in my heart!
Please write to me soon!

Lin Fan


Congratulations!空两格Please write to me soon!空两格

That this optesthesia distinguishes system is specifically for pair of Chongqing fish infants fine arts trains objective school marketplace the structural institute enterprise VIS guiding principle fixing position , the infant trains school and future localized general image direction as this; School overall image internal and external qualities having united harmony. Strengthen the student body rise and the active combatant spirit , have established pair of fish infants training school individuation serving and integration. Pair of fish infant fine arts train school to there be no the especially obvious advantage and characteristic in Chongqing city the same kind training school , set up time not also growing, idea and corporate culture not forming self enterprise; Identification system is not really standard , oneself fixes position being not enough to make clear that. If as having lost soul do not lean on close to in boundless training school service trades. Therefore, distinguish systematic at the same time in building VI, we will make clear that pair of fish infants train the school target group (4-year-old the infant till 9-year-old). Judging from Chongqing city overall infant training level and the marketplace allocation that now available the same kind of marketplace trains school, continuing serving allocation with groundless blind high price place is not a wise move; "Delicate service is" main for suggesting that pair of fish infants train school manage idea, develops a new style specifically for infant crowd is to consume a marriage partner mainly , school overall image allocation is fetched in the appreciation of the beauty according with this kind target group to being a major task. VIS having established school at the same time distinguishes system style qualities.


The teacher should pay more attention to the individual difference of students.
2, 杨教授常给学生们提一些实质性的宝贵建议。(tend, substantial)
Professor Yang tend to offer some substantial and valuable suggestions to the students.
3, 不要求你送很贵重的礼物,但是你至少应当送他一张感谢卡。(require, at least)
Not requiring you to send anything expensive,but at least you'd have sent him a Thank You Card.
We should learn how to respect the living habits of others.
5, 恰恰相反,许多学生更加珍惜课外与老师之间的交流。(in contrast, appreciate)
In contrast,many students appreciate more of the opportunities to communicate with the teacher in extracurricular time.
6, 事实上,我更喜欢平静的乡村生活机而不是现代化的都市生活。(prefer, instead of)
In fact,I prefer the quiet rural life instead of the modernized urban life.

the teacher must more pay attention to student's human bodydifference.

2, 杨教授常给学生们提一些实质性的宝贵建议Professor Yang often gives the students to make some substantiveprecious suggestions
3, 不要求你送很贵重的礼物,但是你至少应当送他一张感谢卡
does not request you to give the very precious gift, but youat least must deliver him a thanks card

we must learn to respect the others the habits and customs

5, 恰恰相反,许多学生更加珍惜课外与老师之间的交流just the opposite, many students even more treasureextracurricular and between teacher's exchange

6, 事实上,我更喜欢平静的乡村生活机而不是现代化的都市生活
in fact, I like the tranquil village life machine but am notthe modernized city life

1.Teachers should pay more attention to the differences of the
2. Professor Yang often tends to give the students some substantial and valuable advice.
3.I do not require you to send some expensive presents, but you should at least send him a postcard.
We should learn to respect others' daily habits.
5, 恰恰相反,许多学生更加珍惜课外与老师之间的交流。(in contrast, appreciate)
In contrast,many students appreciate communciation with teachers out of class more.
6, 事实上,我更喜欢平静的乡村生活而不是现代化的都市生活。(prefer, instead of)
In fact,I prefer the quiet country life instead of the modern city life.

1.The teacher must more pay attention to student's human bodydifference

2.Professor Yang often gives the students to make some substantiveprecious suggestions

3.Does not request you to give the very precious gift, but you at leastmust deliver him a thanks card

4.We must learn to respect the others the habits and customs

5.Just the opposite, many students even more treasure extracurricularand between teacher's exchange

6.In fact, I like the tranquil village life machine but am not themodernized city life

1.Teachers should pay more attention to students of human differences
2.Professor Yang Chang to students mentioning some substantive valuable suggestions

Do not ask you to send the very precious gift, but you should at least send him a thank cards

We must learn to respect other people's living habits
On the contrary, many students and teachers more treasure extra-curricular exchanges between
6In fact, I prefer the quiet of rural life rather than modern urban life

1.Teachers should care more about the physical difference between each student.

2.Professor Yang tends to give some substantial advices to his students.

3.I do not require you to buy some expensive presents, but you should buy him a greeting card at least.

4.We should learn how to respect others' habits.

5.In contrast(在国外经常用这个:On the contrary), students more like to appreciate the time after class to communicate with teachers.

6.In fact, I prefer to live in a rural life instead of the modern life.

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毕节市13261761984: 100分感谢, 请根据提示帮我翻译这封信 -
采爸安素: Dear Yuan Zhi: Congratulations!I'm so glad to hear that you have been a master of engineering from my friends.In these years,you always studied hard and i really admire your capacity for study.I believe you must succeed in your computer field.I wish ...

毕节市13261761984: 麻烦各位朋友帮我翻译下下面那段话,译成英文,十分感谢! -
采爸安素: At that moment, we hugged tightly, we fell in love, without too many words;At that moment, your hug was so warm and also warmed my heart;the first...

毕节市13261761984: 国外朋友来信了,麻烦帮我翻译一下,万分感谢原文如下,看不大懂,请朋友们帮我翻下,谢谢,分不多,都给你.-----------------------------------------------------------... -
采爸安素:[答案] Moysen,你好! 真的很谢谢你!如果这个周未前我能收到中国大使馆寄回的签证,我想下个星期我们就可以见面了.2008年9月27号,我的签证下来了!你想见到你的车,看看你怎么开!我保证,到时我一定会把嘴巴闭上!我在想你的妻子...

毕节市13261761984: 请帮我翻译一段文章,十分感谢! -
采爸安素: 当新的工作和新的住处安定下来之后,我开始寻找购物好去处.在我的家乡,几乎每一家店都有人讨价还价.不管怎样,我听说在美国的大商场里面,讨价还价是不允许的.所以,我开始浏览不同的商店,比较价钱. 我告诉我的美国同事和邻居关于不同的购物地点.不懂从哪里得到的信息,一些好买卖是可以在一些允许讨价还价或者有折扣的商店里成交的. 这是我第一次知道在美国购物的讨价还价.

毕节市13261761984: 100分!帮我翻译一下初中英语句子和短语,谢谢! -
采爸安素: be friendly/kind to try one's best to help them as popular as in the future the boy on the left seem to like sports the fastest runner 句子:1. I think camping is much more interesting than diving.2. Luo Qing is one of the most handsome in our school.3. ...

毕节市13261761984: 请帮我把下面的话翻译成中文,十分感谢. -
采爸安素: 作为一个国家的文化不可缺少的一部分,地理条件是国家整个文化环境密切相关的一个部分.区别中国和英国的地理条件揭示了不同方面的文化差异,并且在翻译中,文化差异是重要的...

毕节市13261761984: 请帮我翻译下以下论文谢辞,悬赏100分.. -
采爸安素: To finish the thesis , I has greatly profited from those professors of SuZhou agricultural -technical college,So I can finish the thesis on the base of accumulated knowledge that the thesis need.Especially for my tutor Mr/Mrs Li, who gave much attention ...

毕节市13261761984: 道歉信.100分请能人帮忙,帮我翻译以下几句道歉的话.给您100分.尊敬的...,在这特殊时期,由于我的错我给您及公司带来了很多麻烦,我内心深表歉意.这些... -
采爸安素:[答案] 尊敬的..., 在这特殊时期, 由于我的错我给您及公司带来了很多麻烦, 我内心深表歉意. 这些年来由于您的努力工作使公司得到了很大的发展和稳定, 也使我有了一份稳定的工作和收入, 我始终对您感激不尽. 我知道这件事情领您很生气, 我不应该...

毕节市13261761984: 麻烦帮忙翻译下,十分感谢! -
采爸安素: 当我意识到的时候时光流走了

毕节市13261761984: 麻烦哪位大大帮我翻译下.十分感谢! -
采爸安素: 狗是很聪明的一种动物,有时候它们能够做出我们想不到的事情.我们很久之前养了一只小狗,它很喜欢我们的小女儿.每次Anna穿上她的校服的时候,小狗就会跑到Anna的房间,叼来她平...

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