
作者&投稿:言肃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急! 帮忙翻译一段文章(汉译英)~

She smiled, and then switched to a rebound slot roll abuse, said to him, if it is an empty gun, Anjiu according to you! Having re-raised a small revolver. Her hand a little shake, Aiming for a long time, suddenly depressed to lay down their guns, a good one just say, I do not accept their fate had, but only to stop you from now on when the bandits and made a deep and I live!
He was shocked, stared at her, as if weaving a dream.
You are in life, I am willing to work with you to suffer. She do not know why the tears came a flower on the eyes.
He was puzzled to walk past, took a look at that gun, stunned like crazy.
I turned around twice, may be it is still facing the barrel of bullets! She cried. At that time, I really want to kill you, can one think you life is so bitter, a bit too pathetic to you. You do not know, I is also the hardy people, ah!

From Jeff body, we can see a tolerance and brave heart. From the pain of losing brother out of, he forgave the driver, also restored the usual vigor. As an old saying: because love ever.so compassion, Because she knows, so good-tempered.

技能提升计划目的是提升雇员的竞争能力,课程由 政府、雇主、雇员及培训机构之代表共同制订,政府资助七成学费,其余三成由学员缴交 。
The skill promoting plan is to enhance employees' competitiveness.The curriculum is laid down by representatives from government,employees,employers and training centers.70% of the tuition fee is sponsored by government, and the rest should be paid by trainees.

The curriculum has no strict quality guarantee mechanism;Any trainee can be awarded a certificate jointly assigned by Education and Manpower Bureau(EMB) and the training center as long as he has accomplished all the courses given and met the training requirements.The qualification is widely accepted by employers and people in this field.

Any one can enter his name for the train so long as he has related working experience.

The whole plan is prepared,planed and brought out in 2001.

Federation of Trade Unions and other related associations took active part in this plan and gave professional suggestions according to their ackownledge and prior experience,so as to improve employees' skills in the real sense through this training plan.

报读资格 Qualifications for application:

Specialized employee at Secondary Five Grade or below;Any one with good education background and interested in related courses can also be accepted.

Furthermore,any low-income trainee can apply to the government for returning his tuition fee if he has completed the curriculum and is qualified in the tests and valuation, with an attendance rate of no less than 80%.

That technical ability lifting plans purpose is the competitiveness promoting an employee , the course is worked out commonly by the government , employer , employee and representative of training organization , the government donates tuition fee to seventy percent , the others thirty percent are delivered by trainee. The course is set up having strict plain quality guarantee mechanism, the trainee studies the Bi course and accords with a request successfully, may obtain reason education making an overall admit that broadly within the bureau and the job training organization to sign and issue that certificate , whose experience commonly obtaining the employer sum. As long as you are in connection with shop employees of industry, equal but enlist enter read.

Prepare , plan and promote the entire plan from 2001. The labor synapsis and every relevant category meeting are participated in actively , are come and go according to the labor synapsis and labour union hold for many years

The skill promotion counts �? 20 goals are promote employee's competitive ability, the curriculum by the government, the employer, the employee and the training organization representative of draw up together, the government funds 70% school expense, other 30% pays by the student.Of the curriculum is equipped with the strict innate nature guarantee mechanism, the student succeeds repairs finishes the curriculum and conforms to the requirement, may attain certificate of by the education overall plan bureau and the training organization together signing and issuing, its qualifications and records of service attain the employer and industry in the widespread acknowledgment。

The skill promotion plan goal is promotes employee's competitive ability, the curriculum by the government, the employer, the employee and the training organization representative of draws up together, the government funds seven tenths school expenses, other three tenths pay by the student. The curriculum is equipped with the strict innate nature guarantee mechanism, the student succeeds repairs finishes the curriculum and conforms to the requirement, may attain by the education overall plan bureau and the training organization signs and issues the certificate together, its qualifications and records of service attain the employer and industry in the widespread acknowledgement. So long as you are employee of the related profession, may register enters reads. The entire plan arranges by 2001, to plan and to promote. The labor union and each related is can positively participation, holds the experience and the profession knowledge according to labor union and the trade union passing many years which takes advanced courses, proposed the specialized opinion, hoped the plan can truly help various professions employee to promote the skill. The newspaper reads the qualifications Employee of the related profession, take the center five degrees or below as a criterion, but this employee has a higher school record also to want to study the related curriculum, also may accept.

Technical ability's promoting the plan purpose is the competition ability that promotes employee, the course is established together by the representative of the government,employer,employee and the training organization, the government subsidizes 70% school fees, rest 30% is pay by the student.The course establishes the strict quality vegetable assurance mechanism, student successfully take finish course and meet a request, can get to orchestrate bureau and train organization to countersign together from the education of certificate, its resume gets the employer and industry inside extensive acknowledgement.As long as you are a relevant profession from the industry member, all can register to go in to read.

技能提升计划 目的是提升雇员的竞争能力,课程由 政府、雇主、雇员及培训机构之代表共同制订,政府资助七成学费,其余三成由学员缴交 。课程设有严格的质素保证机制,学员成功修毕课程及符合要求,可获由教育统筹局及培训机构共同签发之证书,其资历获雇主和业内广泛承认。只要你是有关行业之从业员,均可报名入读。




翻译后:Technical ability's promoting a plan purpose is the competition ability which promotes employee and the course is together established by the representative of the government, employer, employee and the training organization, the government subsidizes 70% school fees, and rest 30% is pay by the student.Course establishes a strict quality vegetable to promise a mechanism, student successfully take finish course and meet a request, can get to orchestrate a bureau and train organization to together countersign from education of certificate, its resume meets with employer and extensive acknowledgement inside the industry.As long as you are a relevant profession from the industry member, all can register go into read.

Whole plan to prepare and plan from 2001, plan and release.The work is allied meeting and each relevant belong to will actively participate, according to work allied meeting and the labor union come and go the experience and profession knowledge which holds continuing education for several years, put forward a professional opinion, hope plan ability real help each profession employee to promote technical ability.

The report reads qualifications

Concerning the employee of profession, take winning five degree or the following as standard, but that employee have higher educational background to also want to study concerning the course, can also accept.

Moreover, the low income reaches to 80% or above and also passes an examination scrutiny such as the attendance rate after the course end, can send back school fees toward the government application.

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凤骂盐酸: 你急用么?这段东西如果翻译好的话至少的一两天,毕竟不是专业翻译,不能把所有的时间都砸在这上面的.如果你能等的话给我回个话好么? 不是很专业,最后的翻译不是很好,参考一下吧 最后的问题部分没有翻译完全,实在是熬不住了.如果你能够等的话我明天晚上可能把最后一部分完成.不好意思 全部翻译完成,恩,我也就不谦虚了,总体来说意思应该翻译出来了.但是一些专业词汇需要你自己检查修改一下.我是一段段对照翻译的,参考作用更大一些,如果直接使用似乎不是很合适的说

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青田县14735625442: 急!急!急!帮忙翻译段文章 -
凤骂盐酸: 我以前一直拒绝买电视机.去年我60岁,退休了,我儿子给我买了一台电视机.他说:“我要让你跟得上时代.”他说的是真的.我看了所有的新闻节目,并且现在对世界了解得更多了.

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