帮忙翻译一段文章 谢谢 =目前,我国农业进入了....

作者&投稿:宥菁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.

It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.

My sister and I tried paragliding.

I felt like I was a bird .

It was so exciting!

For lunch, we had something very special——Malaysian yellow noodles.

They were delicious!

In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.

I wonder what life was like here in the past.

I really enjoyed walking around the town.


What a difference a day !

My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.

We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.

We waited over an hour it was raining really hard .

We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.

It was terrible!

And because of the bad weather, we coudn't see anything below.

My father didin't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.

The food tasted great because I was so hungry!


At present, our country enters a new developing stage, because of the adjustment of the agricultural production structure of our country in recent years, our country has already become the big producing country of fruits and vegetables in the world so far. By 1999, the total output of fruit of our country reached more than 62 million tons, the output of fruits and vegetables ranked the top in world. The occupancy volume of per capita fruits and vegetables of our country has already reached 400 kilograms. Our country has already joined WTO, the international gate of market for farm products has already been opened to us, make us face new opportunity, must do well fruits and vegetables keep fresh, work, and if keep fresh with the freshness protection package, not only can reduce the losses postpartum of the fruits and vegetables, and can lengthen the supply period of the fruits and vegetables.

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