
作者&投稿:学炉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


名词 n.
He died in the service of his country.
That hotel is noted for its fine service.
There is a good bus service into the city.
In a way good service sells our products.

及物动词 vt.
We have the machines serviced regularly.

1. Finished the drink or beer cans later, please ring pull cans into the cans, the habit can add a small amount of aluminum recycling.
2.尽可能在打印,复印时使用单面已经用过的纸张.600张A4纸相当于1棵大树。 2. As far as printing, copying, use of single-sided paper has been used .600 Zhang A4 paper is equivalent to a tree. 多使用双面打印的功能。 Greater use of double-sided printing functionality.
3.不使用一次性筷子.南朝鲜只使用钢筷子. 3000双一次性筷子等于一棵20年的树4.尽可能使用充电电池,废旧电池集中回收。
3. Do not use disposable chopsticks. South Korea is only the use of steel chopsticks. 3000 pairs of disposable chopsticks is equal to a 20-year tree
4. Where possible, use rechargeable batteries, used batteries focus on recycling. 在有电源的地方使用市电,不使用电池。 Where there is power to use electricity, do not use the battery.
笔记本电脑不使用电池,使用市电。 Notebook computer does not use batteries, the use of electricity.
5. Not to buy, do not use cashmere products, goat's hoof is very sharp, damage to grazing pastures, grassland desertification, for example - the extra hunger death.
6. The use of pen and automatic pencil, do not use ball-point pen, pen, gel pen, pen refills because under natural conditions, a hundred years does not break down.
7. 把不使用的物品送给其他人,继续发挥它的使用。
The non-use of items sent to other people, continue to play its use.
8 不浪费食品,自己选择适量的食品,不剩饭。
8 not to waste food, amount of their choice of food, not leftovers. 以自助餐的方式就餐
9. The way to buffet dining
9. 不使用整本笔记本,使用活页纸。 Do not use the whole laptop, using loose-leaf paper. 笔记本很少有被使用完的,使用活页纸可以根据内容整理,保存。 Few laptops have been used up, the use of loose-leaf paper based on content of the discussion, save. 能够保证每一张纸都被合理使用。 Able to ensure that every piece of paper have been rational use.
10 搜集雨水和雪水浇花。
10 to collect rainwater and snow melt water the flower.
11 购物时,自己携带购物袋。
11 shopping carrying their shopping bags.
12 不吸烟,一天一包一年费用1000元13 使用节能水龙头,抽水马桶。
12 non-smoking a pack a day for one year costs 1,000 yuan
13 energy-efficient faucets, flush toilets.
14 使用节能灯,淘汰白炽灯,可以节电80%。
14 the use of energy-saving lamps, incandescent phase-out could be saving 80%.
15 保持适当体重,吃胖了,再减肥,浪费能源。
15 maintain an appropriate weight, Chi Pang, and then lose weight, the waste of energy.
16 家用电器,电脑不使用时,彻底断电,节电10%
16 household electrical appliances, computers when not in use, completely power outages, saving 10%
17.不发送纸质的明信片,减少信件,多使用mail 17. Do not send paper postcards to reduce the letters, more use of mail
18. Money, more support for the establishment of schools, libraries, so may reduce the creation of a prison
19. Little fight, do not buy private cars, more use of public transport - bus and subway
20. See the lights are not related to hand closed, nothing to see that the water cut-off gates to hand off.
21.多利用图书馆的书籍22.夏天空调不要冷到需要多穿衣服,冬天空调暖气不要热到特意减衣服1、烧菜做饭少用煤炉,改用液化气,炒菜时不要等油热得冒烟时才放菜,尽量减少空气污染。 21. Greater use of library books 22. In the summer air-conditioning will not need more clothes on the cold winter air-conditioning heating will not heat to a specially cut clothes, cooking, using less coal stove for cooking and switch to liquefied petroleum gas, cooking, etc. Do not oil until smoking hot dish placed to minimize air pollution.
2、家中的阳台上多种花草盆景,经常打扫房间,经常晒被,保持家庭环境空气清新怡人。 2, at home on a variety of flowers and potted balcony, often clean the room, often drying is to keep the air fresh and pleasant family environment.
3、减少噪音污染,尽量减低说话或录音机播放时的音量。 3, reducing noise pollution, minimize talk or tape recorder playback volume.
4、正确处理废弃物,对生活垃圾进行分类,合理排放生活用水。 4, correctly handle the waste, garbage classification of life, reasonable domestic water discharge.
5、保护野生动植物,不吃野生动物,保护生态平衡。 5, the protection of wild animals and plants, not吃野生动物to protect the ecological balance.
6、奉劝家人、亲友不吸烟,不随意焚烧垃圾,维护家人身体健康,保持洁净环境。 6, advise the family members, relatives and friends do not smoke, do not arbitrarily refuse burning, maintaining his family good health and maintain a clean environment.
7、塑料瓶、废纸等收集起来卖给收废站,减少垃圾排放。 7, plastic bottles, waste paper collected and sold to scrap stations closed, reducing waste emissions.
8、家中养的宠物要看管好,防止影响邻居休息及粪便污染,维护和谐的生活社区和环境。 8, at home pet care to be good neighbors to prevent the impact of rest and fecal contamination, maintenance of harmonious living communities and the environment.
各个家庭朋友们,全民动员是建设资源节约型社会的基础。 Families and friends, popular mobilization is to build a resource-saving society. 我们渴望干净的地球,渴望绿色、健康、洁净的生活空间。 We are eager to clean the earth, eager to green, healthy, clean living space.
让我们积极响应倡议内容,携起手来,从我做起,从每一个家庭做起,从一点一滴做起,保护环境,节约资源,善待地球,让我们大家都自觉地来做环保节能的宣传者和实践者,为建设节约型社会及实现我国的绿色可持续发展做出自己应有的贡献。 Let us respond positively to the initiative of the content that, together, from what I start, from the start of each family, from the start bit by bit, environmental protection, resource conservation, to treat the earth, let us all do consciously green energy saving advocates and practitioners, in order to build a conservation-oriented society and to achieve sustainable development of China's green and make its due contribution.

elaboratre promotion and thoughtful service

careful promotion and detailed service

meticulous promotion and extension, elaboratre service


completely promotion, detailed service

elaboratre promotion and thoughtful service 我看到汇丰银行的简介里面细致的服务用的是thoughtful

如果不是咖啡色,黑色或蓝色,经过1-3、 橙色、绿色或灰色,经过4-6红白粉红或黄色,经过7-101.want给神秘印象; 精细,庄严而隆重; 这个总是戴着有色显示抗议. 2.deliberating、反思,保守主义 、45113 喜欢 成为一组; 好混合机、房颤-fectionate忠诚; 忠实朋友; 有时僵化的信仰,worrier. 3.solid实质...

detailed 英 [ˈdiːteɪld] 美 [ˈdiːteɪld]adj.详细的;细致的;精细的。v.详细列举;详细说明;详述;派遣;选派;分遣;彻底清洗(汽车)。detail的过去分词和过去式。This is discussed in more detail in a later chapter.在后面的一章中对这一点作了更详细...

请教高手帮忙翻译越快越好跪谢http:\/\/www.actionbioscience.org\/newfrontiers\/eldredge2.html这个英语网站里的thesixthextinction全文翻译(绝对没病毒)这是部分内容因为字数太长不让... 请教高手帮忙翻译 越快越好 跪谢http:\/\/www.actionbioscience.org\/newfrontiers\/eldredge2.html这个英语网站里的the sixth extinction全文...

详细的英语是:detailed detailed 音标:英 [ˈdiːteɪld] 美 [ˈdiːteɪldˌdɪˈteɪld]adj. 详尽的,详细的;(装饰)精细的,细致的 v. 详细说明,详述;(尤指军队中)派遣,选派(detail 的过去式和过去分词形式)短语 detailed ...

Delicacy Management

英文:Ultrasonic method synthesis neper Jin Yi e ster experimental research (chongqing thr ee gorges college ring department of che mical engineering and technology (fine) pr ofessional level 2009, wanzhou chongqing 404000) 【 abstract 】 this paper neper g olden ester synthesis method ...

英文文献翻译,哪位高手帮帮忙 先谢谢啦!!!

complicated;complex elaborate(复杂的;精细的)

严谨 求实 翻译成英文应该是什么啊?
precise [pri'sais]adj.1. 精确的,准确的;确切的;精密的2. (说话)清晰的;明白的,明确的3. 丝毫不差的;恰好的,正好的4. 严格的;细致的5. 严谨的;刻板的,拘泥的6. (尤指人、思想等)精细的;一丝不苟的 近义词:correct . explicit .短语 1. at the precise moment恰恰在那个时刻2...

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系帘复方: I'm in charge of marketing publicity and market promoting.

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赫山区15197194718: 求广告宣传语翻译!因为专注,所以专业;<br/>因为专业,所以精
系帘复方: 到目前为止,这里的答案都挺可笑的,就是说让外国人看了会让人家发笑,因为太Chinglish了.翻译公司的有些好的想法但补准确,如profession 不是“专业”的意思,而...

赫山区15197194718: 求翻译!几句商业推广和销售的话,要专业 -
系帘复方: 1.In e-commerce primarily, supplemented by physical retailers, and provide jan.7 custom-made services and products, to provide customers with contracted, fashion, taste of daily articles. 2.Due to shoot the light and different display and other ...

赫山区15197194718: 急求英文高手帮忙翻译下!!!谢谢 -
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系帘复方: 提示: 只用于参考、 With the development of network information, network application in people's lives more and more widely.As a sports-loving people no longer have their own sports information obtained is not the latest upset, and now more ...

赫山区15197194718: 急求英文翻译
系帘复方: Dear leaders: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to review my written submissions, which is a gate towards the students about the purposes, would be a great encouragement. I believe you give me a chance at the same time, you more of a ...

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系帘复方: The media world today is mainly newspapers and websites, newspapers belonging to the traditional media can read anywhere, but needs computers and the Internet site, but the replacement site-speed information and audio and video images ...

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系帘复方: Work initiative, strong sense of responsibility can work under pressure. Have good communication skills, be able to interact with colleagues to maintain good relations. Has a strong self-learning, understanding, thoughtful, there is a strong ...

赫山区15197194718: 急求英文翻译
系帘复方: Please bear in mind that the day ,December 11th,2008 ,was the beginning of our endless love. Love you forever. 由于英语句式要求逻辑严密,因此中翻英时,意思相近的句式可以合并,以避免重复.

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