
作者&投稿:直宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文翻译:If one day, you picked up the "Aladdin lamp", it can only complete a desire, that is, you can become a person.
This person can be a great celebrity, can be obscure cleaners, can be ancient people, and so on.
Please say who you want to become, why?
First of all, I'll talk about it.

I want to become "Liu Cixin" because he is a great writer, he wrote 80 million words of the novel, "three body", in his mind, there is a Hongda world.

Let me feel the "vast universe, the infinite time." I hope to have a same world in my mind

Government affairs with weibo microblogging transmission speed, communication capability is strong, has a large audience, and the characteristics of strong interactivity, has developed into China's government information publicity, and for the people service, political people interactive important platform. In this paper, the paper analyzes the development of China's e-government micro bo, analyzes its development situation and existing problems, on the basis of this puts forward some countermeasures to the development of the next few years government affairs micro bo.

英文:Ultrasonic method synthesis neper Jin Yi e ster experimental research (chongqing thr ee gorges college ring department of che mical engineering and technology (fine) pr ofessional level 2009, wanzhou chongqing 404000) 【 abstract 】 this paper neper g olden ester synthesis method in recent ye ars are reviewed, mainly studied under ul trasonic radiation, with p-hydroxy benzoic acid and p-toluene sulfonic acid as catalys t and ethanol as raw materials of syntheti c p-hydroxy benzoic acid ethyl ester. At th e same time, the factors affecting the yiel d of was investigated, and the parallel tes t and orthogonal test to determine the be st conditions: ultrasonic power 100 w, ultr asonic 74 ~ 80 ℃, temperature, ultrasonic time is 80 min, the molar ratio of ethanol and p-hydroxy benzoic acid as the earth, 9% of the total quality of catalyst for alkyd , production rate can reach 82.63%. Produ cts by Fourier infrared spectrometer and melting point instrument, confirmed with t he target product. 【 key words 】 neper J in Yi ester p-toluene sulfonic acid method of ultrasonic esterification reaction.(中文:超声法合成尼泊金乙酯实验研究

(重庆三峡学院 化环系 化学工程与工艺(精细)专业2009级,重庆 万州 404000)
【摘要】 本文对近年来尼泊金酯的合成方法进行了评述,主要研究了在超声波辐射下,以对羟基苯甲酸和乙醇为原料对甲苯磺酸为催化剂,合成对羟基苯甲酸乙酯。同时对影响产率的诸因素进行了考察,经平行试验、正交试验确定最佳条件:超声功率100W,超声温度74~80℃,,超声时间80min,乙醇与对羟基苯甲酸的摩尔比为11:1,催化剂用量为醇酸总质量的9%,产率可达82.63%。产品经傅立叶红外光谱仪及熔点仪表征,证实与目标产物完全一致。

【关键字】尼泊金乙酯 对甲苯磺酸 超声法 酯化反应。)[以上是我为您翻译的,有什么问题请追问,如果满意请点采纳按钮。谢谢,希望对你有所帮助。]

Chongqing Three Gorges University of the Department of chemical engineering and Technology (fine) professional 2009, Chongqing Wanzhou 404000) [Abstract] this paper reviewed the recent methods for the synthesis of Nipagin Esters, mainly studied under ultrasonic radiation, p-hydroxy benzoic acid and ethanol as raw material using p-toluene sulfonic acid as catalyst, synthesis of ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate. At the same time, various factors affecting the yield were studied, by parallel test, orthogonal test to determine the optimum conditions: ultrasonic power 100W, extraction temperature 74 ~ 80 ℃, time 80min, ultrasonic, ethanol and p-hydroxybenzoic acid molar ratio was 11:1, the dosage of catalyst is 9% of the total weight of alcohol, the yield is 82.63%. Products by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and melting point instrument syndrome, confirmed with the target product completely consistent.

brother 英[ˈbrʌðə(r)] 美[ˈbrʌðɚ]n. 兄弟; 同事,同胞; 同志;int. (表示生气或吃惊) 我的老兄!;[例句]Oh, so you're Peter's younger brother 哦,那么你是彼得的弟弟。[其他] 复数:brothers ...

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请求各位大神帮帮忙,帮我把这段话备注成英文汉子,谢谢! 哈喽大家_百...
Hello everyone! Nice to meet you! My name is Xiao Di, I'm five years old. I am a happy and lovely girl. I have a happy family, they are my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, my brother and I. I love them very much. My favorite color is pink, my favorite animal is...

Container multimodal transport is a kind of advanced and dominating mode in the international transport, and is also the trend and the mainstream of the development in the transportation industry, and is now the one of the key points of the economic development in our country....

英语大神们帮我把下面这些中文翻译为英文吧!急!!!谢谢 目前,全世界...
这个东西直接百度翻译其实就可以的 目前,全世界都有一个很大的难题,就是缺乏水资源,如果世界上没有水的话,人类就会从地球上消失,所以水是人类的生命。虽然地球上有很多的水,但是能饮用的水很少,在一些干旱的地方因为没有水来灌溉,很多植物都慢慢的死去。还有些地方的人们因为没有干净的水使用,...

Oct.26th,不同月份说法如下:1、一月:Jan.:January 2、二月:Feb.:February 3、三月:Mar.:March 4、四月:Apr.:April 5、五月:May.:May 6、六月:Jun.:June 7、七月:Jul.:July 8、八月:Aug.:August 9、九月:Sept.:September 10、十月:Oct.:October 11、十一月:Nov.:...

You always make an apology to me , but not a little bit is ever changed.You are not willing to make up your mistake even if you say sorry .You never truly make up your faults even though you apologize to me.你总是对我说对不起,却从不愿改过 支持原创,望采纳,祝开心~!!

Hoy:豪伊,浩伊,霍伊。Howey的变体,含义是“养马人”Hoy Wang

第一张:Move Free 促进关节健康 uniflex:一种临床认证的矿物混合物发现于自然蔬菜和水果中。被注册专利且能保护和缓解关节疼痛。joint fluid:帮助润滑,激活,重新水合,修复关节,临床研究表明口服透明质酸可被关节吸收。glucosamine: 强化,保护,重建关节。chondroitin: 帮助润滑,缓冲关节。储存方法:...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请英语高手帮我把下面的英文翻译成中文,急,一定要准哦!谢谢各位了!"Oh,Mummy,"said Nike"He's very sad. Can l have him?lt's my birthday tomorrow... -
贠艳伊正:[答案] “噢,妈妈”耐克说到,“他很伤心,我可以拥有他吗?明天是我的生日”“问问你爸爸把”妈妈说

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贠艳伊正:[答案] If there really is a God,I am willing to spend each and every day of my time praying for you,and you will always be safe,joyful and happy. If there really is no God,I am willing to use each and every inch of my life protecting you,and you will always have safety,...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 那位大神可以帮我将下面的英语翻译成中文啊?(1)This has led to the adoption of a more holistic approach to diet that is implemented by the identification ... -
贠艳伊正:[答案] 这导致了更加全面的饮食方法的采用,这种方法推行了一种典型的饮食摄入模式,其目标在于体现食物和营养之间复杂的相互作用,并且避免它们之间相互反应引起的副作用,而这种反应有可能会掩盖它们之间真正的关联. 这些统计技术把各种变化...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 英语翻译各位英语很棒的大师帮帮忙,翻译以下一下句子:(中文翻译成英语)1.今天我之所以穿了一件红色的衣服,就是想提醒一下人们:请珍惜水源!2.... -
贠艳伊正:[答案] 1.I wore red cloth today to remind people :please save water supply.2.I hope my speech will inspire everyone.3.Please lower your voices and listen,I will use my best speech to present this report.

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请哪位英语达人 帮忙把下面的英文翻译成中文,最好是人工的通顺的 写论文用的! -
贠艳伊正: 文献和主要假设 小企业的贷款可能很难,因为信息不透明的财务,道德风险机构和逆向选择问题(如,斯蒂格利茨和魏斯,1981).伯杰和德尔(2002年)由金融中介机构分类为四个不同的主要技术,财务报表的贷款,以资产为基础的贷款,...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请各位英语高手来帮个忙.(翻译以下中文) -
贠艳伊正: In the wrong time, meets to the person, So this lifetime is destined to be a permanent tragedy. However this tragedy, and only the one person could end. I alway...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请各位高手帮忙把下面中文翻译成英语句子,...
贠艳伊正: look!so many people are taking photoes on the Great Wall They are waiting for the bus hurry up or you will be late the news make us very happy like you,we want to hold a banquet next weekend.

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请大家帮忙把下面的英文翻译成中文
贠艳伊正: My New School I am a cemetery in primary schools. I love this new school. At our school has four buildings, which are beneficial Tak House, educational buildings, health benefits and the administration floor floor. Yick Tak House floor, and the puzzle ...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请帮忙把下面的汉语翻译成英语.谢谢... -
贠艳伊正: 1.I arrived in Anhui this morning.2.you said you do not know where Anhui is.3.Huangshan mountain is in Anhui province.4.It attract too many visitor all over the world.5.Anhui province has a lot of interesting place and historic site.6.welcome you come...

耿马傣族佤族自治县13189871460: 请英语高手帮忙把下面的英译汉. -
贠艳伊正: 太阳升起又落下,在一片有7座山的地方,每个人都卖力的工作着

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