
作者&投稿:沙蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Are these your sister? Yes,they are. 这些是你的姐妹吗?是。
2、Are those their parents? No,they aren't. 那些是他们的父母吗?不,不是。
3、who's this? She's my grandma. 这是谁?我祖母。
4、who're that? They're my friends. 那是谁?我的朋友。
5、These are my grandparents. Those are my parents.


Chinese McDonald's is "false", just like Chinese food abroad never in Chinese do good.希望对你有用!

1 don't abandon your friend when he is in need.
2 developing national economics is the persistent policy of government.
3 China has decleared their policy on those issues
4 thte suggestion of leaving them alone is not right
5 I always work firstly , unwilling to do things at last
6 please take good care of my child when I am away
7 the exact meaning of a word can only be identified by the context.
8 lessons from Policeman lead him to walk on the righ way
9 nowadays, many people do illeagal things by taking advantage of science
10 this ticket is only effective at the selling day
11 you don't have right to enter this house, it's a private house
12 i hope you can agree my suggestion.

呵呵 太多了嘛 我翻译第一句:Don't desert your friend when he is in trouble..

翻译句子 汉译英( 高中)
1.As a matter of fact,all parents don't want their kids to be in trouble 2.After Mandela came to power and became the president,his goverment had tried their best to change the unfair situation for the black 3.Robert was sentenced to 3 years in prison for stealing,and was...

( underground 乃 英 国 常 用 字 )How do I get to the train station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 火 车 站 ?How do I get to the hotel XXX? 请 问 如 何 前 往 XXX 酒 店 ?How do I get to the police station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 警 局 ?How do I get to the ...

2.仅仅是贫穷,还不能理解犯罪率上升的原因 (我不太明白你这句话的中文意思```)Poverty cannot be the only reason for the increase in crime rate.3.他只停了够照几张相片的时间 He only had time to take these photos.4.我希望他会被任命为副总经理 I hope he will become the assistant...

1.What he said on the conference encouraged everyone.2.I can make friends with whoever is loyal to me.3.Whether he will agree on the plan is still a mystery.4.What the city looked like ten years ago was different from the current situation.5.The reason why we don't ...


1 A lot of people look down on the poor(people) (look dowm on)2 only then,did I realize that I was wrong (only then)3 Once you've seen it, you will never forget it (once)4 yesterday evening, I came across a good friend of mine (come across)5 I res...

中翻英 将中文句子翻译成英语
1.this film is starred by xxx.2.this song has conveyed a positive spirit

英 语音素共48个 20个元音 28个辅音 长元音是元音后边加两点 :短元音后边没有点 例如长元音\/ i: \/ 短元音\/ i \/ 长元音读的时候发音时间比短元音稍长 双元音就是由两个单元音组成的音素 例如\/au\/ \/əu\/ 读长元音时是从第一个单元音过渡到第二个 第一个元音...

船已经几乎和水面垂直了(船几乎快沉没了)。受伤的战士以直立的姿势,笔直的躺在床上。8.Irony implies the opposite of what is apparently being stated 反语(讽刺)暗指表面上所说的话的相反面 这么多内容,你给的分值太少了。不过我实在看不惯楼上的翻译。希望对你有帮助 ...

终于译完啦!~不知道还来不来得及……可能有些地方不太合适,不过大体上应该都译对了,希望对您有帮助~~1 The lack of love among our family members due to the television.we are so addicted to TV which makes us ignore the conmmunication with each other,and we don't have much time...

涵江区15898466176: 英语翻译请将以下句子翻译成英文!1:我正在打开一个新文件2:我正在写我的作业3:我正在发送一封邮件翻译:1:_________________2:_____________... -
禤树济诺:[答案] I'm opening a new file. I'm doing my homework. I'm sending a mail.

涵江区15898466176: 请将以下句子翻译成英文1:这些是你的姐妹吗?是. 2:那些是他们的父母吗?不,不是. 3:这是谁?我祖母. 4:那些是谁?我的朋友. 5:这些是我的祖父... -
禤树济诺:[答案] 1 Are these your sisters?Yes,they are. 2 Are those their parents?No,they aren't. 3 Who is this?She is my grandmother. 4 Who is that A friend of mine. 5 These are my grandparents,these are my parents.

涵江区15898466176: 请将以下句子翻译为英文:
禤树济诺: 1, I can speak English, but can not write.In 2, rolling!In 3, the scenery here is so beautiful!In 4, this school for 100 years.5, you can't do that!In 6, the weather was bad!7, you are lucky!8, why not stay with us?9, do you remember me?10, don't, I forget!

涵江区15898466176: 请把以下句子(词语)翻译成英文1、从伦敦到巴黎最便宜的方式是什么?2、一次又一次请帮帮忙 -
禤树济诺:[答案] Which is the cheapest way from London to Paris? again and again

涵江区15898466176: 英语翻译请帮忙把以下句子翻译成英文.1.感谢您对我们工作的支持2.感谢您购买我们的产品需要是比较 -
禤树济诺:[答案] 1 Thank you for your support of our work. 2 Thank you for purchasing our products. 你对比看看,再结合自己的答案做结论

涵江区15898466176: 请将下列句子翻译成英语 -
禤树济诺: 1.He was so angry that he can't say a word. 2.You speak so fast that we can't follow you. 3.He has so many story-books that he can't finished them in a week. 4.Although he lives near the school,he go to school by bike every day. 5.Although he has a little money, he still feel very happy.

涵江区15898466176: 请把以下句子译成英语 -
禤树济诺: Earth always moves in its own orbit.You'll see I will let it moves in my way someday.

涵江区15898466176: 请将下列句子翻译成英语
禤树济诺: 呵呵 我全回答 1. I do not fear lonely, but I feared that loses the friend.2. that young people have not paid money take away the jacket.3. she pledged that must wear elephant these pear same pearl

涵江区15898466176: 请将下列句子译成英文
禤树济诺: 1 pay attention to the quality 2 pay attenion to the date of manufacture 3 Have counted the amount of money 4 Take care of your things.

涵江区15898466176: 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙把以下句子翻译成英文,谢啦:1.\x05或许我会失败,但我不会放弃2.\x05我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔3.\x05我会一直为我的理想... -
禤树济诺:[答案] 1.\x09或许我会失败,但我不会放弃 1.Maybe I will fail,but I will never give up 2.\x09我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔 2.I will insist on my dream,never regret 3.\x09我会一直为我的理想努力,因为我相信,总有一天我会成功 3.I will work hard for my dream,...

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