
作者&投稿:频果 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我会这样做来保持健康: I will do the following to keep fit and healthy.

Do enough excercises everyday.

Have reasonable amount of food.

Drink more water.

Do not smoke.

Drink very little.

Keep good state of mind.

When I am sick, I will do the following:

First observe

If I can deal with it, do it.

If I cannot deal with ,

I will see a doctor.

I will pay attention to my nutrition.

Comparing Chinese herbs and Western medicine,

Chinese herbs are better.

As western medicine has side effect,

which may cause other problems.

Chinese herbs are bitter in tatse,
But it is safe to use.

Acupuncture is a therapy that needles are inserted to points of human body.

In serious situations or at night, please do go to the emengency of the hospital.


1 The lack of love among our family members due to the television.we are so addicted to TV which makes us ignore the conmmunication with each other,and we don't have much time to spend together.There are always some arguments about watching TV,and we usually get upset about fighting over the remote.
2 According to the Sunday Times,in England,the number of children who are in hospital for mental illness has increased 50%,and 3% of the school children have been suffering from severe melancholia all over country.The experts claimed that the important cause of it should be the TV issue.
3 Some kids couldn't stop watching TV as soon as they get started,and they feel that every TV program is worth seeing,not knowing that it is half pass ten in the evening.Not only do they ignore their school work,but also their own health,and thus not to mention being smart,they even don't know what they should do.So in my opinion,it would do much harm than good to watch TV.
4 TV is so attractive to every kid,especially those cartoons and soap operas and so on,which makes kids so addict.Some kids are wondering what kind of TV program they are going to watch back home
even in class,and wondering what the soap opera's end would be like and who would win tomorrow's match,which certainly make their school study worse.
5 Watching TV could do harm to our health.Many people stay up late watching TV,and they don't have enough time to sleep everyday.This bad habit not only have negative effect on their work but also their health.Long time TV watching would do harm to our eyes,and many kids' sights drop sharply because of watching TV,and a lot of them have to wear glasses.
6 Researchers did follow-ups with 689 second and third grade pupils' parents.The result shows that these pupils spend 2.5 hours every day watching TV,and even spend much more time on TV in the weekends,and the more they watch TV,the easier they would be aggressive ,so most of the parents want their kids control themselves in this issue.
7 Watching TV can reduce our chances to attend social activities.We don't want to get outside of the house any more as long as we've got a TV,and we spend our time watching it peacefully.Because of not getting out of the house,we don't have any chance to socialize with others,even with our neighbors.
8 Because of watching TV,we don't have much time to study.People who used to read books spend little time reading now for they are so addicted to TV,Especially those kids,who fancy the make-up stories of the soap operas,lost their interests in study and got nothing.Kids commonly love watching TV rather than reading books nowadays.

1 The lack of love among our family members due to the television.we are so addicted to TV which makes us ignore the conmmunication with each other,and we don't have much time to spend together.There are always some arguments about watching TV,and we usually get upset about fighting over the remote.
2 According to the Sunday Times,in England,the number of children who are in hospital for mental illness has increased 50%,and 3% of the school children have been suffering from severe melancholia all over country.The experts claimed that the important cause of it should be the TV issue.
3 Some kids couldn't stop watching TV as soon as they get started,and they feel that every TV program is worth seeing,not knowing that it is half pass ten in the evening.Not only do they ignore their school work,but also their own health,and thus not to mention being smart,they even don't know what they should do.So in my opinion,it would do much harm than good to watch TV.
4 TV is so attractive to every kid,especially those cartoons and soap operas and so on,which makes kids so addict.Some kids are wondering what kind of TV program they are going to watch back home
even in class,and wondering what the soap opera's end would be like and who would win tomorrow's match,which certainly make their school study worse.
5 Watching TV could do harm to our health.Many people stay up late watching TV,and they don't have enough time to sleep everyday.This bad habit not only have negative effect on their work but also their health.Long time TV watching would do harm to our eyes,and many kids' sights drop sharply because of watching TV,and a lot of them have to wear glasses.
6 Researchers did follow-ups with 689 second and third grade pupils' parents.The result shows that these pupils spend 2.5 hours every day watching TV,and even spend much more time on TV in the weekends,and the more they watch TV,the easier they would be aggressive ,so most of the parents want their kids control themselves in this issue.
7 Watching TV can reduce our chances to attend social activities.We don't want to get outside of the house any more as long as we've got a TV,and we spend our time watching it peacefully.Because of not getting out of the house,we don't have any chance to socialize with others,even with our neighbors.
8 Because of watching TV,we don't have much time to study.People who used to read books spend little time reading now for they are so addicted to TV,Especially those kids,who fancy the make-up stories of the soap operas,lost their interests in study and got nothing.Kids commonly love watching TV rather than reading books nowadays.


1. Television so that our family is missing a family. At home we watch TV too much, ignoring the communication between family members, family fun chatting with the lack of time. Family to watch television also often divided, many people scramble for the remote control, and sometimes cause trouble broke up.

2. British "Sunday Times newspaper of soil," reported that in the UK, suffering from mental illness and hospitalization of children under the age of 14, the number jumped 50%, 3% of the national school-age children have been suffering from severe depression. Experts believe that, "Television Culture" is an important reason for this problem.

3. Some children watch TV will floodgates, that this good-looking, that the Ministry is also enjoyable to have the night 10:30, and can depend on television, not only to learn regardless of even their own bodies also ignored the long run, Do not say smart, do not even know themselves what to do, so we think that watching TV more harm than good.

4. TV deeply interest every child, especially those cartoons, dramas, etc., so that children really fascinated, some children are even thinking of their home school to see what the TV, thinking that the outcome of TV shows How and who will win tomorrow's match, resulting in performance decline.

5. TV will damage our bodies. Many people watch TV late at night, a serious shortage of sleep a day, not only affect the work, also affect health. A long time watching TV will also affect the eyes, many children watch television decreased vision, many people wore glasses.

6. 689 primary researcher on the second and third year students of the parents were followed up. The results show that, these students spend an average of 2.5 hours per day watching TV, weekend TV for longer hours on Sundays, and the students watching TV longer, the more likely to have aggressive behavior and other social problems, so most parents hope able to control their children watch TV.

7. Watching TV makes us to reduce the social opportunities. With television, we would not like to go out, by Lian An poised to be at home watching TV to pass the time. Has less opportunity to go out, thus missing the opportunity to interact with others, and even neighbors and few between.

8. TV so we spent more time reading to learn. Before people used to read, because the temptation of television and rarely spend time learning to read. Especially children, interested in a number of fabrications of the TV series, lost interest in learning, academic decline. Today's children generally like to watch TV instead of like reading.

这 是什么



...15x+20y+30z=450 请附详细解法,谢谢,悬赏多多,限时1小时...
15x+20y+30z=450,===>3x+4y+6z=90.===>3(x+y+z)+y+3z=90.===>y+3z=30 y=30-3z x=20-y-z=20-(30-3z)-z=2z-10 ∴x=2z-10 y=30-3z z=z.∴通解:x=2k-10 y=30-3k z=k

...15x+20y+30z=450 请附详细解法,谢谢,悬赏多多,限时1小时...
如果是正整数解,那么可以求得具体解。30z≤450,z≤15 15x≤450,x≤30,又x+y+z=20,∴x≤20 ∵20y、30z、450都是偶数,∴x必然是偶数。方程(2)减20倍的方程(1)得到,z=x\/2+5 取 x=2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 解得z=6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 考虑到x+y+...


深圳高一学生 想考复旦大学 悬赏100分在线等!
深圳高一学生 想考复旦大学 悬赏100分在线等! 我现在在外国语学校读高一确定读文数学中上,英语特好,语文中下(头疼~~),历史特好,政治中上我们学校在深圳排名很高,一二名左右,保送名额也多,但报送复旦的只有一两个,上海外... 我现在在外国语学校读高一 确定读文数学中上,英语特好,语文中下(头疼~~), 历史...

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楼主你好 ∠A'E'D'=125° E'D'=6cm BC=10 B'C'与C'D'相交 满意请点击屏幕下方“选为满意回答”,谢谢。

包河区15998455618: 猜灯谜/<一个小时内第一个答对者才有悬赏分>
蓍紫牛黄: 豆芽 西红柿

包河区15998455618: 6x+2y=44 2x+3y=46 x=? (请写出具体解决方式,我会提高悬赏,限1小时之内) -
蓍紫牛黄: 6x+2y=44 ...①2x+3y=46 ...② 由①*3,②*2 得; 18x+6y=132 4x+6y=92 以上两式相减得 18x+6y-4x-6y=132-92 14x=40 x=20/7 将x=20/7代入①得; 6* 20/7+2y=44 2y=188/7 y=94/7

包河区15998455618: 怎么样 才能 一问 就马上得到回答呢 -
蓍紫牛黄: 以下的问题回答数会多:1.高悬赏问题.2.有关键词,一搜就搜得到.比如问:CEO是什么?3.不用打很多字的,不用搞手写的.4.发表看法的,写几个字了事的.5.属于较早的,题目新颖的.6.归类分类正确的.7.零回答问题,有时有人专门看...

包河区15998455618: 1小时内求一篇英语作文,题目是“how to overcome the pressure of exams ” 悬赏20分!80词,高一水平! -
蓍紫牛黄: Everybody has to face many exams during his/her life. While the pressure of exams, it's believed that, is very troublesome to everyone of us. Now let me share some useful methods to overcome them.Make full preparations before the exams will be the...

包河区15998455618: 比8米多百分之20是( ),比8米多8份之5米是( )为什么?列出式子,答的好的给高悬赏,时间不仅,但不超过一小时 -
蓍紫牛黄:[答案] 比8米多百分之20是(9.6米 ), 8*(1+20%)=9.6米 比8米多8分之5米是( 8又5/8米) 8+5/8=8又5/8米

包河区15998455618: 100分高分悬赏一道数学题,1小时内先给答案的得分,好了追加50分 -
蓍紫牛黄: 连接A,C和B,D取交点J;连接M,N和S,J取交点Q;连接P,Q;取SC中点K,连接J,K. 因为:SM:MB=SN:ND=2:1 所以:MN平行BD,所以SQ:QJ=2:1 因为:SP:PC=1:2所以SP=1/3*SC 又因为SK=1/2*SC所以SP:PK=2:1 所以:PQ平行JK 因为:四边形ABCD为正方形所以:AJ=JC 所以在三角形SAC中,JK平行SA 所以SA平行PQ 因为平面外一条直线如果平行于平面内的一条直线那么这条直线平行于这个平面 所以SA平行于平面PMN

包河区15998455618: ∑π^2n/9^n,n从1到正无穷,一小时内高悬赏求解答 -
蓍紫牛黄: 即∑(π^2/9)^n 公比是(π^2/9)的等比数列求和 结果中n取正无穷求个极限

包河区15998455618: 昆虫学高手快来帮忙,解决我几个关于蝴蝶的问题~一小时之内跪求~高悬赏分,帮帮我吧~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
蓍紫牛黄: <p>1题:卵生 ? ? 小蜂类昆虫 寄生</p> <p>2题:习性吗?哪方面?食性:花蜜、树汁、烂掉的东西(包括腐肉)的汁液、水等等.</p> <p>运动方式:时飞行时栖息.</p> <p>便于觅食、躲避敌害.</p> <p>什么的伤害?!天啊!!!辨证...

包河区15998455618: 一个圆锥形玻璃容器底面周长是18.84厘米高10厘米,把它装满水后再倒入一个圆锥形容 -
蓍紫牛黄: 18.81÷3.14÷2=3厘米3*3*10÷(5*5)=3.6厘米......水高

包河区15998455618: 数学题麻烦大家进来帮下忙啊!希望在一小时内给我答案,给答案速度最快的人,为最佳回答而且追加30悬赏分
蓍紫牛黄: 朋友,你的题目只需要画出图形,不必有过程就可以了 由图像可知: (1)这些点都在经过(0,3)且与x轴平行的一条直线上. (2)这些点都在经过(3,0)且与y轴平行的一条直线上. (3)这些点组成线段的中点坐标的横坐标等于端点两横坐标的和的一半,且这些点组成线段的中点坐标的纵坐标等于端点两纵坐标的和的一半

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