
作者&投稿:市浅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Japan is a very beautiful and modern country.
Its image is a small island country with popular natural site such as FUJI mountain and so on, fashionable persons and buildings,advanced science and technology as well as interesting animation and comic. People in japan just work very hard so that they make their country become one of the strongest developed countries which is poor in natural resource.And this spirit is that we need to learn most about this wonderful country .

Japan is an island country located on the Pacific Ocean, east of China and Korea, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. It is composed of over 3,000 islands, the largest of which are Hokkaidō, Honshū, Shikoku, and Kyūshū. Most of Japan's islands are mountainous, and many are volcanic; the highest peak is Mount Fuji.

Japan is the world's second-largest economy and one of the world's leading industrialized countries. It is a unitary constitutional monarchy with an emperor and an elected parliament, one of the oldest legislatures in Asia. Despite its rugged terrain, it is one of the most populous—and one of the most densely populated—countries in the world. Its capital Tokyo, with over thirty million residents, is the largest metropolitan area in the world.

Historically, Japan adopted many Chinese customs and institutions beginning in the 7th and 8th centuries. From the 12th century to the mid-1800s, Japan was a feudal country led by clans of warriors. After the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan adopted many European and American customs and institutions. Its culture today is a mixture of these influences along with traditional Japanese culture.

Japan's name in the kanji writing system is often translated as "Land of the Rising Sun", and comes from the country's location on the east coast of Asia.

Japan Profiles:
Name: Japan (Japan)
State Comment: Sunrise country.
Area: 377,748 square kilometers.
Capital: Tokyo
Flag: sun flag was rectangular, long and the width ratio of 3:2. The flag of white, with a red center. White symbolizes purity and integrity, sincerity and dedication red symbol.
The Japanese word meaning "sunrise of the country" Japan is the Apollo legends created by the emperor is the son of Helios, the sun from the flag.
Emblem: Circular, 16 painted yellow chrysanthemum petals pictorial. Royal chrysanthemum pattern is the Royal coat patterns.
The national anthem: "Kimigayo substituting"
Exponents: cherry, Fitch said - cherry country (there are more than 300 cherry varieties).
State bird: Green Pheasant
The stone: small grain
Currency: yen, 1 yen = 100 money.
District: East Region 9, Greenwich than nine hours earlier.
Population: About 100 million 27.45 million (as at February 2003), the world's largest population density in the world. Japan MHLW in September 2003 announced figures show that the
As of September 1, more than 100 of the Japanese archipelago, has reached 20,561 elderly people.
National: The main group of Japan, Hokkaido region about 24,000 Ainu people. GM Japanese, in a minority of Hokkaido Ainu language will be.
Religion: predominantly Buddhist and Taoist god, the population profess religious population accounted for 49.6% and 44.8%.

Japanese politics:
Japan is a constitutional monarchy, the Japanese Constitution, the emperor is the symbol of national unity. The government legislative, executive and judicial system of separation of powers, and a bicameral parliament. The Council is responsible for the administrative bodies, including one by the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers formed. The Prime Minister must be members of parliament, elected by the other members. The majority of cabinet members must also be members of Parliament. The legislature elected by the people, including the 480-seat House of Representatives. House members a four-year term, the Prime Minister to dissolve the House of Representatives. The Senate has 252 seats, a six-year term, half elected every three years, not the middle of the dissolution.
State symbols: Emperor Akihito, enthroned in January 1989, the years "Heisei."
Constitutional and political: the "Constitution of Japan" in the May 3, 1947 implementation. The Constitution, the state legislative, judicial and administrative basis for the separation of the parliamentary cabinet system; The Emperor of Japan and Japan's overall national symbol of the right to participate in the governance; "Forever renounce the use of state power to wage war, the threat of force or exercise of force as means of settling international disputes to this end, Japan will not maintain land, sea and air forces and other war, does not recognize the right of belligerency of the state "(No. 9). Pan said the Congress Parliament by the Representatives and the House of composition, the highest authority and the only legislature. House Capacity 480 for a term of four years. Congress through the Cabinet no-confidence vote, the right to the Prime Minister early dissolution of the House of Representatives re-election. Power in the House than the Senate. Each year in January to the Congress are usually held in June, duration of 150 days, the other time under the Provisional Congress and the need to convene parliament. The Cabinet is the highest executive responsible for the Congress, by the Prime Minister of the Cabinet (Prime Minister) and in charge of ministries (ministries) ministers. Prime Minister nominated by the Congress, appointed emperor, other Cabinet members appointed by the Prime Minister, the emperor certification. The Japanese government to implement administrative reforms, the government agency for the agencies to 12. Japan judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court and subordinate courts at all levels. The "three-four system." Supreme Court to the Court of Final Appeal hearing "unconstitutional" and other cat-flutter. Love Life Center for instance, a total of four nationwide. All are, Road House, are located in District 1 (Hokkaido for four) for the first trial. There is also throughout the Summary Court and Family Court for civil fines and penalties of not more than criminal proceedings. Supreme Court Chief Executive (President) nominated by the Cabinet, appointed emperor, 14-matter (judges) appointed by the Cabinet, subject to review national vote. Other levels of the judges of the Court of the Supreme Court nomination, the cabinet appointed for a term of 10 years, renewable. Judges at all levels of non-formal impeachment shall not be removed from office. Four prosecutors and the courts should be relative, divided into the maximum Prosecutor's Office, Higher Prosecutor's Office, the local prosecutor's office, district (town) Office. Prosecutors divided into chief procurator (Attorney General), long the seizure, the seizure of things (Higher Attorney director), seized things (local prosecutors seized thing is that director), the seizure of such things. The Minister of the chief procurator has the right to command.
Japan's political parties: Japan's postwar implementation of "political parties", representatives of different classes and strata of various political parties have been restored or established. Congress currently participating in the activities of main political parties are the Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party, the Komeito Party, the Japanese Communist Party and Social Democratic Party, the New Party and conservative.
The current national leaders: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, in April 2001 representation; Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi, in February 2002 represented. Senate Speaker of the LDP wide, in April 2002 representation. House Speaker Mian Fu Guan China, in July 2000 serving.

The Japanese news media:
Kyodo News Service is Japan's largest news agency, Kyodo short. Jiji News Agency, Japan's second-largest agency, or social events. Integrated, a newspaper 121. The influential newspapers, commonly known as Six newspaper: "Asahi Shimbun", "Yomiuri Shimbun", "Daily News", "Japan's Sankei Shimbun," "Tokyo", "Japan Economic News." The three major national issue for the local newspaper: "Day News," "Hokkaido", "West Japan Press." More influential magazine: "central importance", "Japanese Economy", "The Economist", "Bungei Shunju." Radio, television nearly 200. National television and radio company: Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), established in 1952, is a semi-official nature; Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), set up in 1951; Japanese television networks (NTV), established in 1953. Japan Broadcasting Association, other television companies are private.

Japan Administrative divisions:
The 47 one of the SAR: one is, one, two House, 43 counties. The Japanese have, Road House, the county is a parallel to the SAR, directly under the central government, but all are, Road House, counties have autonomy. His office called "Office", which means "all Office," "Road Office," "House Chamber," "County Office", the Chief Executive called "governor." Each are, Road House, the county under several cities, towns (equivalent to the town), the village. His office said "the service" or "municipal office", "Machimura by the easement," "Village by the easements", the Chief Executive called the "mayor", "Machimura long", "village chief."

Japan's political map after the remark.
Hokkaido Island (1) - Hokkaido
The Island (34)
Northeast (6) - Aomori - Iwate - Miyagi - Akita - Yamagata County - County Fukushima
Kanto (8) - Tokyo - Kanagawa Prefecture - Saitama County - Chiba Prefecture - Ibaraki Prefecture - Tochigi Wood County - County-MA - Yamanashi prefecture
Letter land that is the central North Vietnam (5) - Niigata prefecture - Nagano Prefecture - Fu Shan County - Ishikawa Prefecture - Fukui prefecture
East (4) - Aichi - Gifu County - Shizuoka Prefecture - Mie Prefecture
Kinki (6) - Kyoto House - Osaka - Hyogo - Shiga - Nara County - and Wakayama
China (5) - Tottori County - Shimane Prefecture - Okayama Prefecture - Hiroshima Prefecture - Yamaguchi Prefecture
Shikoku Island (4) - Germany Island County - County-chuan - Ehime - Kochi
Kyushu (7) - Fukuoka - Saga County - Nagasaki Prefecture - Kumamoto Prefecture - Oita Prefecture - Miyazaki Prefecture - Kagoshima Prefecture
Okinawa Islands (1) - Okinawa Prefecture

Japan's geographical:
In the Pacific West Bank, is an extension of the northeast to southwest island arc. West at the East China Sea, Yellow Sea, the Korea Strait, the Sea of Japan and China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia sea. The land area of 377,748 square kilometers, including Hokkaido, Honshu (area of 227,414 square kilometers), Shikoku, Kyushu four major islands and more than 6,800 other small islands. Waters area of 310,000 square kilometers. Sea area of 1.06 million square kilometers, Seto area of 9,500 square kilometers Utsumi households. The long tortuous coastline, multi Harbor, in the rugged mountains, valleys staggered. Mountains and hills of the total area of 80%. Block the country's more than 160 volcanoes, of which more than 50 are active volcanoes, volcanic earthquake described as a state. Mount Fuji is the country's highest peak, elevation 3,776 meters. Spa across all parts of the country. In many short rivers, abundant water. The longest Shinano River about 367 km. Tonegawa watershed area 16,840 square kilometers. Many small and concentrated fire and deep lagoon, the largest Lake Biwa area of 672.8 square kilometers. As located surrounded by the sea, an ocean of moderate humid monsoon climate, outlast mild and humid, with cold winter, the intense heat of summer. Summer and fall (August through October) and more typhoons, the rainy season in June and more. The average temperature in January in northern -6 ° C, 16 ° C south; July 17 ° C in northern, southern 28 ℃. Annual precipitation 700-3500 mm, a maximum of 4,000 mm and above. Of the total forest area of 66%. Geothermal and rich fishery resources. With the Russian presence "islands" (Russia, "the South Kurile Islands") territorial dispute with South Korea existence of Bamboo Island (South Korea called "Dokdo") territorial dispute.

Japan's economy:
Japan is the world's economic powers. Lack of mineral resources, mineral resources, small reserves. Apart from coal, zinc reserves, to a certain extent, the majority rely on imports. Major resources relied on imports to the extent that: coal 95.2%, 99.7% of oil and natural gas 96.4%, iron ore 100%, 99.8% copper, bauxite 100%, 94.9% of lead ore, nickel ore 100% phosphate rock 100%, 85.2% zinc ores.
Industrial highly developed, is the main pillar of the national economy. Industrial system integrity, the industrial structure to a knowledge and technology-intensive. Industrial output accounts for around 40% of GDP, mainly concentrated in the Pacific region, Beijing creek, Kobe, Beijing and Kitakyushu four major traditional industrial areas in the north after the Kanto, Chiba, Seto households and Chun River Utsumi emerging industrial zone. Maritime transport, aviation, railways, highways are very developed, the chief of 47,000 km railway, highway chief of 1.17 million kilometers (1995).
Forest area of 25.26 million hectares, accounting for 66% of the total land area, but 55.1% dependent on imported timber, is the world's largest import timber country. Rich in waterpower resources, the total hydropower generating capacity of about 12%. Offshore rich fishery resources, fisheries developed, the highest in the world of fishing. A mechanized agricultural commodity production, product mainly of rice, wheat.
Japan from the 1950s began to establish a trading nation, approach to development. "WTO", the Japanese started to other Parties and the same equal status. In accordance with the basic principles of the GATT MFN, with the majority of countries and areas of free trade, the Japanese scale of the continuing expansion of foreign trade to create a favorable international market conditions. Since then, the rapid growth of Japan's foreign trade, major trade partners for the United States, Asian countries and the EU countries. Japan's fiscal year from April 1 to March 31 the following year. 2002 gross domestic product of about 4. 2 trillion US dollars and per capita GDP of about 32,900 US dollars.

Japan's major cities:
Tokyo: The Japanese capital. Honshu Island in the southern tip of the Kanto Plain, the Northwest Gulf of Tonkin. The political, economic and cultural center and transportation hub. Suburban population includes about 12.29 million (February 2003). Tokyo is one of the world's largest cities, world-renowned modern metropolis. Industries steel, shipbuilding, machinery, electrical equipment, chemicals, textiles, food processing, publishing and printing, precision instruments, electronics, electrical, rubber, leather most developed. Including the University of Tokyo, by more than 100 institutions of higher learning and many scientific research institutions. Tokyo is the country's largest industrial and commercial city, and the Japanese Bridge Ginza area is the most bustling commercial district. Tourism is the famous palace, the Meiji Jingu, Akasaka palace, Ueno Park, Hibiya Park, and Disneyland. Jichibu Tama, the Meiji high-end Fuji Hakone Izu and Ogasawara for the outskirts of the four small natural park. Tsukuba Science City, 60 km from Tokyo. (Tsukuba: Japan's Science City. Located in the northeast of Tokyo, Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the North Hill Tsukuba, are Xiapu Lake. One is about 18 km north-south strip, an area of about 2,700 hectares. Here on the 45 research institutes, two universities and eight private research institutions. " wisdom City "and its). Tokyo, the annual average temperature in January 3 ℃, August average temperature of 25 ° C. Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) and the New Tokyo International Airport (Narita Airport) is the world's major airports.
Remarks of the Tokyo metropolitan area behind.

Yokohama: Located in the southeastern island of Honshu. Population 2.841 million. The famous industrial city, the country's second largest city and the harbor is one of the world's leading port.
Osaka: Located in the southwest of Honshu Island. Population 2.65 million. The country's third largest city, an important commercial and industrial center and transport hub, the western cultural center, Kobe core industrial area. Osaka International Airport is the world's major airports.
Nagoya: Located in the south-central island of Honshu. Population 2.092 million. Trade is an important center of the wool textile industry and advanced ceramics. World famous harbor.
Kyoto: in the central and western Honshu Island. Population 1.48 million. Formerly States, Japan's ancient capital and the famous cultural, tourist and industrial city. The textile production, art ceramics and other handicrafts goods famous.
Kobe: Located in the southwest of Honshu Island. Population 1.375 million. It is important industrial and commercial city and one of the nation's largest harbor, the world's major container ports.
Chiba: Gulf of Tonkin in the West Bank. Population 900,000. World famous harbor.
Kitakyushu: Located in the northern part of Kyushu. Population 1.07 million. Former Moji, eight streamers and small stores, if loose, households and fields, five of merger of two Machimura, the largest port city and northern Kyushu industrial and transport center. Recapped Shimonoseki Strait,
Elevated Railway and Harbor Tieqiao Shimonoseki same with the other side. World famous harbor.

Famous Japanese tunnel:
Letter 53.85-km tunnel built in 1984
The 22.28 km water tunnel built in 1979
New closed 18.70 km tunnel built in 1975
Liujia 16.25 km tunnel built in 1972
Haruna 15.35 km tunnel built in 1982
Zhongshan 14.90 km tunnel built in 1982

Japanese culture:
Japan's unique geographical conditions and a long history, and carries a unique Japanese culture. Cherry, kimono (traditional national costumes), and samurai Haiku, Sake, a Taoist god of the traditional aspects of Japan's two - Chrysanthemum and the Sword. In Japan the famous "three" is the Japanese Tea Ceremony civil, classes, books Road.
Tea Ceremony: also called tea (tea), has since ancient times as an aesthetic ceremony by the upper class sectors of the immense love. Now, the tea ceremony was used for training on the spirit of ritual behavior or for the general public widely accepted. Japan has many schools teach the techniques of tea ceremony schools, many hotels also have a teahouse, can easily appreciate the tea ceremony and performance.
The display of the rules and methods of different classes can be divided into more than 20 schools in Japan, many of the schools teach classes techniques schools. In addition, hotels, department stores, public facilities such as the hall premises, can appreciate the beautiful decorative floral art.
Sumo: from the Japanese Shinto religious ceremony. People in the harvest god of the Parthenon held game, and I look forward to bring good harvests. In the Nara period and safe, sumo is a court spectator sports, and the Kamakura to the Warring States Period, sumo warrior training to become a part of. The 18th century rise of the professional sumo campaign, and now it's very similar to sumo competition. Shinto ceremony that sumo campaign, the stamp ceremony before the game (around) the purpose of the site is to take more Goblins, also play a role in muscle relaxation. The site also spreading salt to achieve the purpose of purifying, because Shinto teachings of salt that can disperse stone. Sumo Competition on the table. The entire table for the square, a central circle, its diameter is 4.55 meters. Competition, as two Guinness beam comb, a pocket of the lower body belt, almost naked power game. Competition in the Guinness except the soles of his feet may not touch any part of the table surface, but also from beyond the circle. Competition in January 2 minutes or even a few seconds can decide the winner and loser. Sumo magistrates composed of a total of six. Referee fans by holding "OK Secretary" of the stage, the remaining five were positive in the east, west and at the magistrate. Hercules is the highest level, "Wang Gang." Below are the barrier, threatening clearance, Summary, the former neck, the four grades called "screen", belonging to the top of the soil.

Japanese Education:
The primary system for six years, three years junior high school three years, four years of college two years to three years. A nine-year compulsory education. University National University, public and private universities. Japan is a country attached great importance to education, the status of teachers is very high, the famous University of Tokyo National University there, Kyoto University, Waseda University and Keio University,.

Japan's major festivals:
The emperor's birthday: the National Day, December 23 (Emperor Akihito was born on December 23, 1933).
Statehood Day: Festival era (the start of Japan's era) on February 11.
Royal Cherry Blossoms Festival:-April.

Japanese history:
Traditional Japanese legend tells us that the first generation of Japanese Emperor smart emperor in 660 BC in Japan and the establishment of the imperial throne. In Year 5 and 6 of the century, (sent to Tang) and the China Buddhism began writing text spread to Japan, Japan in a very long time have been deeper impact on Chinese culture. In the meantime, although Japan is the emperor of Japan's rulers, the real power often lies in the strength of nobility or warlords ( "General") hands.
By the 16th century, Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain and Spain, businessmen and missionaries arrived in Japan. The early 17th century

Introduction of Japan

Japan is in the continent of Asia. Its country is made up of many islands. Since the sun rises in the east, Japan is often called "The Land of The Rising Sun." The Japanese refer to their country as "Nippon" or Nihon" which means "source of the sun". The Japanese flag represents a red sun on a white background.

The capital of Japan is Tokyo. In fact it is one of the largest cities in the world. It is modern, very busy, and extremely crowded. In fact, today, Japan is a modernized country. They have factories, televisions, radios, cameras, and other familiar objects.

A Japanese home is a wooden building that is raised slightly above the ground. Most Japanese homes are small, and the rooms are usually separated by moveable paper partitions called fusama that can be rearranged to change the size or shape of the room. When the outside screens are open, the gardens can be seen from every room in the house. Customs and traditions are very important in Japan. Upon entering a house or apartment it is customary to take off your shoes. At dinner families often kneel on cushions surrounding a low table. Most Japanese food is cooked on a small grill called a hibachi. The food is usually broiled, steamed, or fried. The basic Japanese menu consists of soup and three dishes, each cooked by a different method. Dessert is usually artistically cut fresh fruit. Chopsticks are used for picking up all food.

A kimono (Japanese robe) is worn by many Japanese people on special holidays. It is colorful and very pretty.

On March 3, we celebrate the Girl's Doll Festival which called Hinamatsuri. On this day graceful dolls dressed in ancient costumes are displayed on a doll-stand and we pray for the sound growth of girls.

Moon-Viewing...The September full moon is called the mid-autumn moon. In Japan,there is an old tradition of praying to the moon with offerings of pampas grass and rice dumplings.

Sports Day, celebrated on October 10th, was established in commemoration of the Tokyo Olympic Games. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was also held on October 10th. On days before and after the Sports Day, many schools hold an athletic meet.

Tinted Autumnal Leaves...In mid-October ,the colors of leaves of the forest trees change into red, brown and yellow. It is customary in Japan to enjoy and view the coloring of the leaves during the fall season.
Festival of Seven,Five and Three...Festival Day for Children of Three, Five and Seven Years of Age is on November 15th. Literally, it is called the Festival of "Shichi Go San". The children visit the shrines dressed up in colorful kimonos.

Origami, an old Japanese art form, is taught to children in Japan.

A country of Asia on an archipelago off the northeast coast of the mainland. Traditionally settled c. 660 B.C., Japan's written history began in the 5th century A.D. During the feudal period (12th–19th century) real power was held by the shoguns, whose dominance was finally ended by the restoration of the emperor Mutsuhito in 1868. Feudalism was abolished, and the country was opened to Western trade and industrial technology. Expansionist policies led to Japan's participation in World War II, which ended after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945). Today the country is highly industrialized and noted for its advanced technology. Tokyo is the capital and the largest city. Population: 127,000,000.

WORD HISTORY Stamp collectors know that Nihon and Nippon on Japanese stamps mean “Japan”; what they probably don't know is that Nihon, Nippon, and Japan are all ultimately the same word. In the early part of the Chinese Tang dynasty—in A.D. 670, to be precise—Japanese scholars who had studied Chinese created a new name for their country using the Chinese phrase for “origin of the sun, sunrise,” because Japan is located east of China. In the Chinese of the time (called Middle Chinese), the phrase was nzyet-pwun. To this the scholars added the Chinese suffix –kwuk, “country,” yielding a compound nzyet-pwun-kwuk, “sun-origin-country, land of the rising sun.” The consonant clusters in the word were not pronounceable in Old Japanese, so the form was simplified to Nip-pon-gu or *Ni-pon-gu, the latter developing by regular sound change to Ni-hon-gu. The forms Nippon and Nihon of today are the same as these, minus the “country” suffix. Interestingly, the Chinese themselves took to calling Japan by the name that the Japanese had invented, and it is from the Chinese version of the name that English Japan is ultimately derived. In Mandarin Chinese, one of the forms of Chinese to develop from Middle Chinese, the phrase evolved to Rìběnguó, an early form of which was recorded by Marco Polo as Chipangu, which he would have pronounced as (chĭ-pän-gū) or (shĭ-pän-gū). The early Mandarin word was borrowed into Malay as Japang, which was encountered by Portuguese traders in Moluccas in the 16th century. These traders may have been the ones to bring the word to Europe; it is first recorded in English in 1577, spelled Giapan.

General Information on Japan
Visiting Japan Links
A Guide to Japanese Visas
TV, Videos, Books & Magazines on Japan
Web Japan
Japan National Tourist Organization Website (JNTO)

回答者:驭兽~依天 - 魔法师 四级


pan翻译成中文的意思是:平底锅,读音是[pæn],更多常见释义如下:1、平底锅;盘状的器皿;淘盘子,金盘,秤盘;[计]平移。2、淘金;在浅锅中烹调(食物);[非正式用语]严厉的批评。3、淘金;在淘洗中收获金子。例句如下:My trunk is full of pots and pans.我的后备箱装满了锅碗瓢盆。

apan-翻译 释义:[地名] [墨西哥] 阿潘

apan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东边。 4、 常性的动作,常与always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, once a week, every day等时间状语连用。 They often play football. 他们常常踢足球。 She usually has breakfast at seven in the morning. 他通常早上7点吃早餐。 5、 用于时间、条...

and are also the important economies in Asia as well as in the world.In Sino-Japanese relations,economic factors play a increasingly important role,which are the biggest meeting point of Sino-Japanese strategic interests. Further development of Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation...

9.The fluctuation of the monetary market ___several days and finally stopped at this point.10.It can (facilitate) the meeting of the increasing demand for materials and enterainments,to the greatest degree.没有 apan 这个词,第9题请查明后自行补上吧,其他都是很确定的了。

中西饮食文化差异论文 要英文版的,,请你帮帮忙啦!

而又多义的,在英语里并不算得很多。因此,大可不必一开始就复杂化。先会用每个单词的第一个意义。像你提到的glass这个词。作玻璃来说是不可数的,故直接不能用a修饰。a pane of glass一块玻璃。作 可数名词 是 玻璃器皿 解,一般可翻译为 玻璃杯 (没有把的)。a glass 一个玻璃杯,a glass...

古英语语法:(1)弱名词:Weak Masculine Noun cnapa cnapa Singular Plural Nominative (se) cnapa (þá) cnapan Accusative (þone) cnapan (þá) cnapan Genitive (þæs) cnapan (þára) cnapena Dative (þæm) cnapan (þ&a...

姜用英文说法是[\/ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)\/],音译是金这,单词是ginger。 一、发音 英:[\/ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)\/];美:[\/ˈdʒɪndʒər\/] 二、中文翻译 n.姜;生姜;姜黄色 adj.姜黄色的 v.使更有生气;鼓舞;刺激(UP);用姜调味 三、形式 复数:gingers 四、短语搭配 ginger hair 姜...

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郟钢七味:[答案] Japan is/locates east of China,outside of Asian continent,along the east coast of Piacific.日本位于我国东部,在亚洲大陆之外,太平洋的东海岸沿线.It is an island country.The capital city of japan is Tokyo...

闽清县18641427504: 我要介绍的国家是日本,英文翻译 -
郟钢七味:[答案] I want to introduce the country is Japan

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