中西饮食文化差异论文 要英文版的,,请你帮帮忙啦!

作者&投稿:洪购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Diet idea the Europeans said that in the world has three big good food, in each edition has China and France, only then actually had different explanations about third, has said that was Italy, also had said that was countries' and so on Turkey, Tunisia or Morocco. Although reaches a stalemate, but everybody has a mutual recognition, the diet often can reflect the different nationality aspect and so on habits and customs and cultural thought differences. one time hosts the banquet in the Chinese restaurant, on the hotel vegetable very slowly, unconscious has passed for nearly two hours, but the vegetable has as if only then gotten up half. Is first time attends the Chinese meal banquet near a place woman, cannot bear asks me, your Chinese treats on these many vegetables? I said that must be many in China, usually is above 10. She is very surprised, including said that China's banquet too has been really rich, China's good food is very no wonder famous. But after a while, she also asks me, has a phenomenon to be very strange: The Chinese eats meal each time on that many vegetables, can be why long so thinly. But France enters the vegetable to be very each time few, but is why fatter than the Chinese? I am at a loss for words for a while, but thought that she asks how many truth a little, because that day shares a table several Chinese appear quite emaciated, but several French are all tall and sturdy. Thinks that spoke an own idea with her: China is a hospitable nationality, only then on a table vegetable had only then thought that has not neglected the visitor. Sometimes moreover the Chinese pays great attention the form, therefore in China's cooking, the vegetable style is ever changing, makes concrete is fastidious about the color fragrance to each vegetable matching. But European as if some, are inferior to China obviously actually in the vegetable variety change high and low free time, what but is fastidious is its nutrition matching and the protection. This is, the French diet idea important difference, how many also reflected the French chemical property standard difference. each people have the color which to color understanding oneself like, a country and the nationality are also same, likes to the different color being possible to reflect a national or the national esthetic appeal and the likes and dislikes tendency overall. has one time bumps into an EU commission's pair of professor husbands and wives, mentions China national dress which in the Shanghai APEC conference various countries' leader puts on, they said are attractive, but has a point to be not too clear, why do the Asian leaders mostly put on red, but the Western leader has chosen the blue color. I said that the color is leader designates. The Asian country has the same cultural context probably, red in the Chinese culture, is also possibly representing lucky, the wealth in the entire Asian culture and propitious pleasant, therefore the Asian leaders as if by prior agreement have chosen red. I ask in reply them, what does the blue color represent in the Western culture? They said the westerner to believe that the blue color represents is calm and is calm. thinks that I also said the East and West cultural difference was really too big, for example the dragon in China was nationality's symbol, but had one in Belgium's Mongolian Si Shize to hit the dragon festival, the dragon is regarded as the devil, has been massacred by fable in protection sacred · Michelle, therefore did specially hits the dragon festival to congratulate that eliminated the disaster shortcoming to thank Michelle. Professor husbands and wives also approves the East and West cultural difference hugeness, and approves the culture to need to exchange. in thinking mode West's cultural difference also displays in many aspects, but simple summarizes is not actually complex: Reflected that to the thinking mode in is abstract and the embodiment difference, reflected that to the life manner in as if may understand is more practical for the westerner, but Chinese how many stresses some mental feeling. For instance compares French word and Chinese writing, this point is very obvious. The Chinese writing makes the word to pay great attention the image much, what but in the French more pays great attention to consider is the use value. Looks like in Chinese the name card, in the French translates literally is the card which the visit uses, but the aircraft carrier calls in the French to carry airplane's warship and so on, is embarks from the actual uses makes the word. But presses the glass plate which likely the picture uses, we are also the words which makes from its use value angle, but the French has been more direct-viewing, the literal translation is “places above the picture”. reflects to the drawing in is so. Everybody knew that the traditional Chinese painting greatly opens big he, splashes ink enjoyably the human body proportion which and optics principle is fastidious with the European oil painting and so on completely belongs to the technical category which two have nothing to do with one another, is as if very difficult to have the common language. Sometimes the European not too can understand that sometimes we too abstract art expression means that we also will think European's artistic skill too practical duty, deficient divine and wonderful spirit. Looked that sometimes in many European drawing history has been presented for the classics religious theme painting, the Chinese while sighs its technique practical exquisite, also will sigh with emotion European master the imagination the deficiency: In order to explain that the angel is flying, must give these lovable young and clevers to add on a pair of wing. But our ancestor has not also drawn several thousand years, how many white clouds adds on nearby these beautiful female celestial, they have not flown? Has the ideal condition, has the imagination space. this is the cultural difference. But, the difference brings not always the difference, it gave culture masters of art to leave behind the broad creation space exactly, if could find an accurate combining site, not only that will give two nationalities, will also give the entire world to bring one kind to have forgives the significance the harmony and beautiful, for instance Zhao Wuji's painting manifested the inexhaustible charm which the culture blended


文化差异(Culture Difference):种族 National race

The whole question of the changing role of Blacks in American society as been the subject of newspaper articles around the world so frequently that visitors to the United States do not know what to expect when they arrive. They may be surprised when they see that Blacks and Whites work side by side in offices , factories , and schools across the country . The majority of Blacks in the United States, however, live in and around only a small number of American cities.

Many dark-skinned visitors arrive in the United States fearing personal attack or expecting various degrees of racial prejudice. Some forms of discrimination [1] still exist ,unfortunately, especially in the areas of the housing , schools , and jobs . The school equality is still more a dream than a reality. There are still too many areas of the country where Black Americans do not enjoy the same full opportunities as White Americans . However, the vast majority of American s are working , studying , and sharing public places together. This was not true even a few years ago in some parts of the country , but progress is steadily being made . You will be able to observe the improvement in race relations as soon as your plane lands . You will see it in the airport, in public buses and trains , in theaters , restaurants , rest room, in sops and libraries , in offices and factories . Close personal friendships between Blacks and Whites , full trust and social relationships are still not common , except in certain areas, However, even in this - the slowest area of progress-there has been change , especially among young people.

[1] discrimination n. 辨别, 区别, 识别力, 辨别力, 歧视

Excerpted from " A Guide to U.S.A. ", edited by Li Yang, Li Yi, published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Culture Difference
发表日期:2005-04-22 10:58:52 作者:洪恩在线

It is not a novel knowledge that culture difference exists between eastern and w
estern countries. But not until I heard the lecture given by a Chinese scholar,
who has been lived in Australia for several years, did I came to understand that
how different it is.

The scholar summarized that we, as Chinese, prefer to think in a spiral, casual
way, while western people, more often than not, are fond of a linear, business-i
s-business way. Supporting the idea, he named out examples he himself experience
d while staying in Australia. Here are some excerpts.

Firstly, line up matter. If you are in China, it is not rare to see that a crowd
of people throng in the supermarket, trying to get service first. People in Ch
ina do line up, the scholar said in a humorous tone, but they prefer to line up
at a horizontal way.

In contrast, in western countries, say, in Australia, people always line up, no
matter in a big bank or a small grocery store. And they take it for granted. Lin
ing up has long since become part of their life that they scarcely doubt it or g
row impatient while doing it.

Secondly, first come, first served. Though in words it is a normal principle her
e in China, it’s mostly not the case in reality. Take an example of what usuall
y happens in a bank. Here when we are in a middle-sized bank, and suppose we are
talking with the cashier, it always tends to have someone butt in, claiming tha
t his or her request takes only one second.

And it seems that we have already been accustomed to it. So has the cashier. But
in western countries, it never applies. It is always rude that you butt in whil
e the cashier is serving his customer. No matter how little time your request co
sts, the cashier, more often than not, is likely to turn you down. Only one cust
omer at a time is his principle.

Thirdly, change stuff. Suppose I am in a shopping mall and the stuff I purchase
cost me 142 RMB. While lining up at the casher’s and happening to check my wall
et, I find I have 200 RMB and two one-yuan coins. What will I do? To give the ca
shier 200 RMB, or give him 200 RMB and the two one-yuan coins so that he could r
eturn me 60 RMB, which is more convenient for both of us.

I think when the Chinese were in this situation, they would mostly choose the la
tter one. But the scholar said, in Australia, they won’t do so. He then told th
at he himself did try it once, and he thought it was self-evident to do so. But
the cashier did not understand.

So the scholar latter on summarized that western people are prone to lack of fle
xibility while doing their work. Then how about us in their eyes? They think we
Chinese have a tendency to make things complicate. What an interesting contrast!

Here I don’t intend to tell which is better and which is worse. What I try to s
ay is just that we might well be in conformity with the customs and be aware of
the culture differences while being abroad. Like the saying goes—while you are
in Rome, do as Romans do. If you don’t want to put yourself in the public, bear
ing all this in mind is perhaps the best policy.


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Replied Articles
Title Author Size Post Time Grade
Re:Culture Difference tdeanxx(Tim) 1K 05.04.20 01:19

Dear Caroline,

I think your scholar friend spent several years in Australia and completely miss
ed the most important value represented in his examples. That value is egalitar
ianism. The principle that people should be treated equally.

When the bank teller insists on attending one customer at a time the principle i
s not "only one customer at a time" it is "this customer waited in line and so w
ill you, no matter how tall, how well dressed or how loud your voice." And you
can be sure if the customer is a poor working man and the impatient man is a wel
l dressed business man, the customer will very bruskly insist on his rights not
to be interrupted. A well run bank will have a customer service person who can
answer questions, but people doing transactions must wait their turn. My impres
sion of a business or a nation where people are not treated equally in the marke
tplace and a bully can obtain service without waiting is a place where there is
a class oriented culture and/or where one can bribe one …………[文章太长,没有全部显示,点击本文标题阅读全文]

Re:Culture Difference caroline.(caroline) 2K 05.04.20 12:25

Dear Tim,

The lecture given by the scholar is mainly on English learning. That's for he na
med such examples. He just aimed to tell the audience how important to understan
d a culture is, which is different from our motherland.

What you said is indeed right. And I am with you on this. The corruption in Chi
na is rampant these years, you relate it with class. Well, I haven't thought abo
ut it. But I do agree that the idea of class roots in many people's mind.

Like the example you took in the article, I almost could be sure that here the c
ashier would definitely turn to the well dressed business man. You say that the
poor working man will insist on his rigts not to be interrupted. But here I gues
s he would just pretend not to mind it and let it be.

I myself experienced this once, in fact. Once I was in a post office to have a p
ackage posted. You know, it was crowded inside and the people lined up in a wayw
ard way. So when it was my turn, and when I was just about to tell the man my re
quest, one guy …………[文章太长,没有全部显示,点击本文标题阅读全文]

Re:Culture Difference panpanpan 210 05.04.20 08:32

You've got a sharp eye for the human conditions, Tim.

Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.

Learning is like sailing a boat against the current; it either advances or retre

Re:Culture Difference tdeanxx(Tim) 351 05.04.20 12:47

Dear Panpanpan,

I wouldn't have written in such a non-diplomatic fashion except that I wanted to
see what people thought, and that sort of behavior is particularly irritating t
o me. I will try not to lose my temper when I am in China. I don't want to get
"kung fu'd". Great to hear from you, friend. I want to hear more of your thou


Re:Culture Difference smdyfc(Dont happy) 263 05.04.20 18:05

English is so good!Do you announce some articles more again?Did you graduate?Wor
ker, should have of, all of you have.And have brains!Can come to our company to

Power is everything!!Falling behind would be beaten!!
I'm never,never,never,never give up!!!

Re:Culture Difference spoilme(maple) 804 05.04.22 06:02

"Thirdly, change stuff. Suppose I am in a shopping mall and the stuff I purchase
cost me 142 RMB. While lining up at the casher’s and happening to check my wal
let, I find I have 200 RMB and two one-yuan coins. What will I do? To give the c
ashier 200 RMB, or give him 200 RMB and the two one-yuan coins so that he could
return me 60 RMB, which is more convenient for both of us.

I think when the Chinese were in this situation, they would mostly choose the la
tter one. But the scholar said, in Australia, they won’t do so. He then told th
at he himself did try it once, and he thought it was self-evident to do so. But
the cashier did not understand. "

It won't happen in New York. Maybe the cashers in NY are smarter. :)

Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.
Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇也可以参考一下

The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. Among friends, they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests (e.g. four people, five dishes). If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish.

A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic. These are followed by the main courses, hot meat and vegetable dishes. Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the starchy "staple" food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes dumplings. Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last, but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes, you should say so early on

摘要] 由于自然环境和物产不同,形成了东西方不同的文化,中西饮食便沿着各自的道路发展起来.传统的西方文化是一种畜牧文化和海洋文化,中国文化则是一种农耕文化和陆地文化,两种不同的文化反映出人们生产生活空间和方式的差异,其中饮食是具有代表性的一个方面,从菜单命名使用的词汇即可略见一斑.一、由于自然环境和物产不同,形成了东西方不同的文化,中西饮食便沿着各自的道路发展起来.传统的西方文化是一种畜牧文化和海洋文化,中国文化则是一种农耕文化和陆地文化,两种不同的文化反映出人们生产生活空间和方式的差异,其中饮食是具有代表性的一个方面,从文化命名使用的词汇即可略见一斑.两种饮食文化的差别主要表现在原料种类、烹饪方法、进餐方式、菜式命名等四个方面.(一)原料种类.西餐原料主要是动物类和海洋鱼类,辅以植物类,中餐原料主要是植物类和淡水鱼类,辅以动物类.随着社会发展和中西方交流的增加,两种饮食体系所使用的原料有趋同的趋势,但差别仍然比较明显.中国人视为珍馐美味的猫、狗、鸽子西方人是不会尝试的,而西方人习以为常的海洋鱼类、贝壳类可能为多数内地中国人见所未见,中国人的"食谱"范围比西方人的丰富得多.(二)烹饪方式.这是中西餐饮的一大差别,也是饮食文化差异的隐性因素.烹饪方法的差异又表现在三个方面:首先是原料的粗加工,所谓"食不厌精、脍不厌细",基础就是原料的粗加工,中餐对此十分讲究,加工后的原料形状多种多样,有整体(Whole)、块(Cubes)、片(Slices)、卷(Rolls)、条(Strips)、段(Segments)、丝(Shreds)、丁(Dice)、粒(Grains)、末(Mince)、蓉(泥)(Mash)、浆(Thickliq 2uid)、汁(Juice)等,西餐原料的处理则较为简单,一般有整体、块、片、丁、泥等几种形状;其次是火候,中式烹调讲究用火,三十多种加工方法许多是西餐中没有的,西餐烹调加工时间较短、火温适中;三是调味,中餐的复合味型多,要求原料入味,西餐则强调原料本味及调料的独立使用.(三)进餐方式.这是中西饮食文化差异的显性因素,也是中西方文化中的社会心理、价值观、民族习俗方面的差异在饮食上的表现.刀叉与筷子、圆桌与条桌等各不相同,在菜式和道数上双方虽然都有程式,但一分一合,互相对立,由此产生的宴请礼仪、饮酒方式、席间气氛也大不相同.(四)菜式命名.中餐讲究"作",西餐注重"吃",中菜命名讲究文雅、含蓄和吉利,注重表情、联想功能,寓情、寓意,便使用了多种修辞手法,除少量大众化菜肴以原料直接命名外,相当一部分菜是以创始人、景物、典故和传闻来命名的,这种命名方法的缺点是菜名与原料无明显关联,往往不知所云,如"八仙过海""、佛跳墙"等.西菜命名则直截了当,突出原料,极少使用类似中菜命名的修辞手段,虽少了艺术性,但多了实用性.当然,西菜命名也讲究高雅,但表现方法则是以法文命名."WhenwetalkofmeatonourtableweuseFrenchwords,whenwespeakoftheanimalsfromwhichthemeatcomesweuseAnglo-Saxonwords.Itisapiginitssty,itispork(porc)onthetable.Therearecattleinthefields,butwesitdowntobeef(boeuf).Chickensbecomepoultry(poulet),andacalfbecomesveal(veau).EvenifourmenuswerenotwritteninFrenchoutofsnobbery,theEnglishweusedinthemwouldstillbeNormanEnglish."《(高级英语》P28)这是由于罗曼人曾经征服英国,英国农民在牧养牲畜时,讲的是盎格鲁-撒克逊英语,而这些牲畜被端到餐桌上给法国统治者享用时,就有了法语名称,相沿成习,它变成了一种高雅.另外,由于菜单源于法国以及法国饮食文化对西方饮食文化的深远影响,许多西餐菜肴自然用了法语名称,如:胡萝卜蓉汤(Pureealacrecy)、罗宋汤(Bor2schalaRusse)、芝士左口鱼(Fletanalamornay)等.二、中餐菜单英译的基本原则中餐曾有"食单"而无菜单,它和"番茄"、"洋芋"一样来自于西方,并很快融入中国饮食文化,形成了自己的特色,成为餐饮业不可或缺的一项"硬件".随着东西方文化交流的更加深入和广泛,来到中国的外宾越来越多,一张好的菜单就是一份高明的宣传单,一份本土化的菜单将使他们的中国之行更加完满.菜单最初只是厨师备忘的单子,但今非昔比,当今菜单有了更多功能:11向客人说明食品饮料的种类和价格,便于顾客挑选;21反映餐厅的经营方针,标志着餐厅商品的特色和标准;31是客人和接待者之间的沟通渠道;41是菜品研究的资料;51加强宣传,促进销售.小小菜单,作用多多.由于东西方文化和食物原料、制作方法存在诸多差异,菜单的翻译远不象想象的那么简单.影响菜单翻译的最重要因素是烹饪方法和菜式命名,翻译时应把握好二者的特点,既要符合西餐菜肴命名习惯,又要体现中餐特色,切忌望文生义或按字面含义直译.翻译过程中必须把握以下六个原则:第一,注重菜单的信息功能,保证菜名提供准确、足够的信息,而不能简单地按照中菜名称的修饰词而直译,以便外宾选择.如"麻婆豆腐"译成"Pockmarkedwoman'sbeancurd"、"八仙过海"译为"EightImmortalscrossingthesea"",鱼香肉丝"译为"Fish-flavorshreddedpork"就会使外宾茫然或误解.第二,要发挥菜单的促销作用.应借鉴中菜命名的艺术手法,尽量反映中餐烹饪特色,尤其对一些历史悠久、流传广泛的菜肴在翻译后还可以附加说明.这样既保留菜名信息,又引人兴趣,以达到吸引食客的目的.第三,把握中餐烹调方法的类别.为反映中餐对火候的讲究和其艺术性,可进行适当修饰.中餐烹调方法分类如下:烧、烧、烩、 、焖Braise炖、煨Stew煎、炸、酥Deep-fry爆、炒、熘、滑Stir-fry、Quick-fry干炒、干煸、焙Sauté煮、汆、涮、白灼Boil烧、烤、烘、 Roast、Barbecue、Broil、Bake蒸、腌、卤、酱、熏、酿、扒、烫、糟等有对等词,可一对一翻译,较特殊的做法如"油淋"可归入"煎炸"类,西餐没有拔丝方法,类似方法有Candy、Toffee.第四,尽量译出原料加工后的形状.原料形状在西餐中并不重要,但在中餐中却能反映出烹调的技艺水平,译文应予保留,确实累赘的,则可省略.第五,把握原料这一核心,无论中菜如何命名,均须翻译出原料,再加上烹调方法和味型等辅助因素.第六,避免文化冲突.中菜命名为了吉祥,借用了一些不能食用的物品或西方人忌讳食用的动物名,翻译时应按原料名直译,如果原料本身是西方人忌食的,这道菜可省略不译.如"翡翠鱼翅"、"红烧狮子头",真正的翡翠当然不能食用的,其实它就是蔬菜,而狮子西方人更不会食用,我们也是以其威武来形容"肉圆"罢了,直译会引起"血腥"的感觉.又如"脆皮乳鸽",将象征着和平的鸽子烹而食之,也是西方人不能接受的,所以最好把它略过.三、中餐菜名英译的具体探讨上面提出了中餐菜单英译的六原则,下面就一些中餐菜名英译进行具体探讨.11以原料命名的菜不加修辞,直译最为简便,烹饪方法不必译出.中菜汤类命名一般按此方法,翻译的处理就是"原料加汤".如:双冬牛肉-Beefwithmushroomandbambooshouts口蘑菜心-Mushroomswithcabbageheart青椒肉丝-Shreddedporkandgreenchili豆腐汤-Beancurdwithmushroomsoup21以烹调方法加原料命名.因为烹调方法是饮食文化的核心组成部分,翻译时必须译出烹调方法.中菜的一些烹调方法是西餐所没有的,有些则相近,翻译时用近义词亦可.如"干煸"在西餐中没有,其操作过程是:先用油炸原料,然后以少许油翻炒,迅速将油炒干后起锅,并不是加油直接炒.英语中有两个字与之意义相近,一是sauté--friedquicklyinapanwithalittlehotbutterorotherfat.意识是"快炸、煎";一是torrefy--todryuporparchwithheat(esp.drugsandores,sothattheymaybepowered.)意识是"烘干、烤干、焙干",从制作过程看,sauté更合适些.如:炸蛋卷-Deep-friedeggrolls回锅肉-Slicedporkdoublysautéedinsoysauce干煸牛肉丝-Sautéedbeefshreds31烹调方式加原料和作料命名.作料是决定味型的最重要因素,翻译时也不能省略.如豉汁蒸带子,省略作料就成了清蒸,味道完全不同.酱爆肉去掉"soypaste",成了无任何特点的"煎肉",二者有天渊之别.其它如:豉汁蒸带子-Steamedscallopswithcuredsoybean酱爆肉-Quick-friedporkwithsoypaste茄汁石斑鱼-Deepfriedgaroupawithtomatosauce41风味菜肴.风味菜主要因其味型特点而得以广泛流传,所以除原料外,应译出风味,一些有确切起源地的菜,还应该加上地名.鱼香肉丝的确切译名应为"Stir-friedporkshredsSichuanstyle"或"Stir-friedporkshredsingarlicsauce",不能译为"Fish-flavorshreddedpork",是因为"鱼香"作为川菜的一种风味,使用了固定搭配的作料,与真正的鱼没有任何关系,译为"Fish-flavor",菜中并无"Fish",给人以误导之嫌.其他风味菜还有:湘味牛肉丝-SlicedbeefHunanstyle糖醋排骨-Friedporkchopinsweet-soursauce荷叶粉蒸肉-Steamedporkcoatedgroundriceonlotusleaf51以人名、地名命名的菜肴,一般全部译出,人名前最好加上头衔或职业,对那些知之甚少或译出后外宾不能理解的,则去人名加味型.东坡肉-PoetDongpo'sbraisedpork毛氏红烧肉-ChairmanMao'sstewedporkwithsoysauce北京烤鸭-Beijingroastedduck东江酿豆腐-BeancurdstuffedwithporkminceDongjiangstyle61用象形手法或借用典故、传说命名.这是中菜命名的一个特点,它集中反映了中国饮食文化的特色,具有很深的社会内涵,也是翻译的难点,处理方法是还其本原,译出主料、作料或做法,能兼顾修辞含义时则兼顾,切不可拘泥于原名而直译.翡翠鱼翅-Double-boiledshark'sfinwithve 2getable翡翠不能食用,仅是一个代称,指绿色的蔬菜,翻译时不能按字面译为"Jadeshark'sfin",否则外宾会莫名其妙.蚂蚁上树-Sautéedbeanvermicelliwithspicymeatsauce蚂蚁在中餐中虽可以入菜,但此蚂蚁非彼蚂蚁,而是用酱油和淀粉和过的肉末.直译可能引起外宾的惊诧.桔瓣鱼汆-Quick-boiledfishballsorangepet 2alshaped这道菜是指鱼汆外形似桔瓣,其实菜中无桔瓣,也无桔味,翻译时不可将之作为原料,译名中加"orangepetalshaped",是为了增加美感,增强促销功能.叫化鸡-Bakedchickenvagabondstyle或Bakedchickenwrappedwithmud此菜相传为乞丐创制,取名时以"叫化"代"乞丐",是一种美化,翻译时,以"vagabond"代"beg2gar",也是一种美化.后一译名比较实在,但少了前者的浪漫味道.麻婆豆腐-Beancurdwithmincedporkinhotsauce这道菜在我国广为流传",麻婆"成了一个特殊的称谓,外宾没有它的文化背景,翻译时只能取味型.如将之译为"Pockmarkswoman'sbeancurd",即使外宾理解,也失去了美感.霸王别姬-Steamedturtleandchickeninwhitesauce寿比南山-Steamedchickeninpumpkin连生贵子-Lotusnutsinsyrup这些纯为吉利的象征名称,不仅不能直译,也无法直译,所以只能还原处理.如为了促销,可对这些菜附加说明.71菜名含器具的可译出器具,也可直译原料,作为一种特殊的做法,以译出器具为佳.有加工作用的器具在西餐中是不会搬上桌子的,这也是中餐的一个特点,它表现了中餐的艺术性.器具一般有火锅、锅仔、铁板、沙锅、煲等.八珍火锅-Eightdelicacieshotpot锅仔甲鱼-Braisedturtleinminipot铁板牛柳-Vealslicesfriedonironplate汆圆粉丝煲-Stewedmeatballsandbeanver 2micelliincasserole以上探讨了中菜英译的一些基本方法.由于中国菜种系繁多,原料区别大,烹饪方法各具特色,菜名千差万别,翻译时还需具体研究,否则不能把握其特点,准确翻译也就无从谈起.四、菜单的编排除命名方面的差异外,在菜的分类和编排方式上二者也不相同,这是由于用餐方式和上菜顺序不同所引起的.中餐菜单按原料分类,呈纵向序列,西餐菜单按一次食用菜的道数编排,呈平行并列.中餐菜单菜肴的排列一般是按冷菜凉碟类、肉类、鱼类、海鲜类、禽类、蔬菜类、汤类、点心水果类、主食类的顺序进行,饮料酒类单列.西餐菜单菜肴的排列则按进食顺序安排,分为开胃菜类(APPETIZERS)、汤类(SOUPS)、色拉类(SAL2ADS)、主菜类(ENTREES)(包括肉类、鱼类、海鲜

一、中西方饮食观念的差异 中国,作为拥有五千年历史的古老国家,孕育了丰富的饮食文化。在这样的文化背景下,中国的饮食艺术变得博大精深。随着历史的发展和地域的广阔,四大菜系逐渐成型,各自带有独特的特点,但都共同体现出食材选择之精细和烹饪方法之复杂。相比之下,西方饮食文化更注重科学性。西方人追求...

五、饮食口味的差异 中西方的饮食口味也各具特色。西方人喜欢口感清淡、味道纯正的食物,注重食材的原味;而中国人则喜欢口感丰富、味道多变的食物,喜欢在菜肴中加入各种调料和配料,使味道更加鲜美。总之,中西方饮食文化的差异源于各自独特的哲学思想、历史背景和文化传统。这些差异使得中西方的饮食文化各...


中西方饮食文化差异:1、观念差异 中国的饮食观念是五味调和,西方的饮食观念是个性突出。首先,从哲学思想看,中国哲学思想的一个重要核心是讲究气与有无相生。 西方是一种理性饮食观念,不论食物的色、香、味、形如何,力求口味清淡和膳食的均衡。对于烹饪食物,营养性就是他们的出发点和目的地。2、...

略谈中西方饮食文化差异 餐饮产品由于地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人...


正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。 中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。 中国人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。 这里简要从下面三个方面谈谈中西方饮食文化的差异。 一、两种不同的饮食观念 对比注重“味”的中国饮食,西方是一种...

Eating Custom and Practice American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.饮食的风俗和习惯 美国人的饮食习惯很有趣。 他们吃所有东西...

略谈中西方饮食文化差异 餐饮产品由于地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人...

中西餐饮文化差别分析 中国和西方(以美国为代表)社会文化、历史发展的不同造就了中西餐饮文化的差别。有人形象地说:如果说中餐大餐文化像是一首混声大合唱,那西餐(大餐)就像是一支浪漫的小夜曲;如果说中餐馆充满了一股阳刚之气,那西餐厅则富有一种阴柔之美;中餐馆营造的是一种公众交友的场所,而...

芝山区13992137127: 求"中西饮食文化差异"的英文论文 -
郴光抗感:[答案] 你可以从以下几点着手: 一.餐桌礼仪概述 1. 餐桌礼仪在中西方文化发展中的地位与作用. 二. 各国间不同的饮食文化 1. 我国饮食文化的发展及餐桌礼仪的形成. 2. 英、法、美、意等国家的饮食文化发展及餐桌礼仪的形成. 3. 用我国的典型食品北京烤鸭...

芝山区13992137127: 求一篇中英饮食文化差异的英文论文! -
郴光抗感: 中文 中西方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响.在中国,任何一个宴席,不管是什么目的,都只会有一种形式,就是大家团团围坐,共享一席.筵席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌、共趣的气氛.美味佳肴放...

芝山区13992137127: 求"中西饮食文化差异"的英文论文 -
郴光抗感: 你可以从以下几点着手:一.餐桌礼仪概述 1. 餐桌礼仪在中西方文化发展中的地位与作用. 二. 各国间不同的饮食文化 1. 我国饮食文化的发展及餐桌礼仪的形成. 2. 英、法、美、意等国家的饮食文化发展及餐桌礼仪的形成. 3. 用我国的典型食品...

芝山区13992137127: 中西方饮食文化英文的论文 -
郴光抗感: only found one. hope that works~ American table manners [edit] Table Layout * Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. * Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course ...

芝山区13992137127: 请问谁有中美饮食文化差异的英语文章? -
郴光抗感:[答案] Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇可以参考: The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike,where everyone has their own plate of food,in China the dishes are placed on ...

芝山区13992137127: 讨论中国传统饮食文化与西方的不同,并简略说明各自的优点和缺点的英语作文. -
郴光抗感:[答案] With the differences of areas,circumstances and customs,Chinese food embodies a lot of differences with western food in a ... After showing the different concept of Chinese and westerners,here I would like to show you another difference about the ...

芝山区13992137127: 哪为朋友能帮我找一份中西文化差异的英语论文字数1500左右讨论的是一个方面的内容 比如 饮食 翻译不要很多内容在一起的 -
郴光抗感:[答案] Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇可以参考: The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike,where everyone has their own plate of food,in China the dishes are placed on ...

芝山区13992137127: 求有关中西方饮食文化差异的英文论文 -
郴光抗感: Diet idea the Europeans said that in the world has three big good food, in each edition has China and France, only then actually had different explanations about third, has said that was Italy, also had said that was countries' and so on Turkey, ...

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