
作者&投稿:居莺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 他可以唱许多英文歌。 sogs改为songs
2 这个老人通常是强健的。
3 人类生存不能离开水和空气。
4 他的声音经常听不清楚。(被动语态)
5 地球三分之二被水所覆盖。 被动语态

You can't park your car on the pavement or on the grass.
Kelly spends only five minutes walking to school.
They enjoyed themselves in Botanical Gardens last week.
What's the number of the lorries in the street?
This is a big house. There is a big balcony and a beautiful garden in it.

1.we are going to see a film this afternoon我们下午要去看电影。
We will go watch a movie this afternoon.
2.the boy believed that he could get to the park on time这男孩相信他能准时到达公园。
The boy thought he would not be late going to the park.
3.lucy put on nice clothes for the party露西为了派对穿上了漂亮衣服。
Lucy dressed nice to go to the party.
4.you'd better bring an umbrella with you你最好带把伞。
You need to take an umbrella along.
5.they did a survey about students' favourite activities他们普查了下学生最喜欢的活动。
They questioned the students on what activities they like the most.
6.my brother is able to cut the grass now我哥哥(弟弟)现在能割草了。
My brother can mow now.
7.we"ll take a boat to shanghai我们坐船去上海。
We will go to Shanghai in a boat.
8what will life on the moon be like在月球上生活会是什么样子。
Wonder what it feels like living on the moon.

1.She told a lie. 她说了个谎。2.Let's discuss it now. 现在让我们讨论一下吧。3.ton goes to school on a bus."ton"?→Tom Tom坐公交车上学。4.You can phone me later. 你可以晚点打电话给我。5.The worker failed to catch the train. 工人错失了一班火车。6.Shall we have ...

1、My favourite sport is badminton.I like badminton best. (我最喜欢羽毛球。)2、I hear from my friend every week.I received a letter from my friend every week. (我每周都收到朋友的来信。)3、How old is your brother?What is the age of your brother? (你兄弟的年龄是多大?

1.Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?2.我们应该将东西重复利用而不是使用过一次就扔掉它。We should use things more one times.3.We all like Tom because he is a good boy.汤姆是个好男孩,所以我们都喜欢他。

25.I don't know how I can improve my English.我不知道怎么样才能提高我的英语。26.He is busy writing a job application.他在忙于写工作申请。27.You mustn't tease the blind boy.不准你戏弄那个瞎的男孩儿。(或:你不准戏弄那个眼镜看不见的男孩儿。)...

1.we are going to see a film this afternoon我们下午要去看电影。We will go watch a movie this afternoon.2.the boy believed that he could get to the park on time这男孩相信他能准时到达公园。The boy thought he would not be late going to the park.3.lucy put on nice clothes ...


you will get a cold.如果你不多穿点衣服,你会感冒的。Kathy is said to be a person that has achieved something in her field.听说凯西是一个小有成就的人。To answer the question is easy.回答这个问题很简单。It's a good idea.I'll keep it in mind.这是个好主意。我会记住的。

用简单英语解释下列句子 1,make people think highly of you 2,I lo...
第一句应该是:make people respect you.第二句应该是:I want to see you very much.分析:第一句:让人们尊重你(让人们看得起你)tnink highly of 是英语中的固定搭配,意为“尊重,对 ...第二句:我非常期待见到你 look forword to doing sth,同样是固定搭配,表示“期待做某事.”所以您的句...

1.why not go to the book center this afternoon.为什么今天下午不去图书中心呢?2.my father used to climb the hill in the morning.我爸惯于早晨登山。3.the children enjoyed themselves at the party.孩子们在聚会中玩得很开心。4.the children enjoyed themseves at the party.同上 5.he ...

1 how did the accident come about?what caused the accident?what brought about the accdent 2 we spent two hours going through the park 3 please be quiet.please keep silent\/silence 4 this club is made up of 40 members 5.Everyone can answer the question.the question is so easy...

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子.1.How did the accident happen?2.It took us two hours to go through the park.3.Please don't make any noise.4.This club consits of ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1 how did the accident come about? what caused the accident? what brought about the accdent 2 we spent two hours going through the park 3 please be quiet. please keep silent/silence 4 this club is made up of 40 members 5.Everyone can answer the ...

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子1、Ms.liu (takes charge of) the group.2、readers(don't need to pay for)the paper3、i think you should (consider)it carefully4、(i ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 看了一下所有楼上的答案,好像没有全对的,在此按照我的理解纠正一下:1.刘女士(掌管)这个小组2.读者们(不必为)纸张(付款)3.我认为你应该认真(考虑)这件事4.这本书(花了我)20元5.老师们开始(讨论)这个问题they...

禹州市18691373384: 用简单英语解释下列句子! 快,高手请进! 郑重声明:是同义句转换,并不是翻译成中文.转换好的加分!用简单英语解释下列句子 1.He works as an ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1.He is an architect. 2.I want to make you my penfriend. 3.A Chinese restaurant is opened by my parents in Newcastle.

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子``?1,Their room is bigger than ours.2,Finally,he got a job drawing cartoons for films.是要你用简单的英语解释``?不是翻译成中文``! -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1 他们的房间比我们的房间还要大. 2最后,他找到一份为电影绘卡通画的工作

禹州市18691373384: 用简单英语解释下列句子(同义句转换)1、the tree is planted by the twins.2、Linda's brother sometimes goes swimming in the lake behind their house.3、I ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1 The twins planted the tree.2 Linda's brother not always swins in the lake behind their house.3 I like sports,such as,football and basketball.4 A red car is taken from the road.

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子(回答者要用英文)1.To learn French well is not easy______is not easy_____ - ______French well2.Tom lived in the countryside ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1.It,to learn 2.used to 3.Why don't you 4.buy,for 5.look after

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子1.Were you able to play volleyball?2.They entered the building.3.What is the weather like?4.He is a foolish men ,(partly)5.we won the ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1. were you free to play volleyball? / can you play volleyball?2. they went into the building3.how is the weather?4.he is stupid.5.we were the winner in that football match at last.6..The boy often pl...

禹州市18691373384: 用简单英语解释下列句子1,You are kind to say so.2,It is impolite to laugh at others.3,It took me 15 minutes to go shopping.4,How much did it take you to buy this ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1.你说这话,真友好. 2.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的. 3.购物花了我15分钟. 4.你买这个MP4播放器花了多少钱/

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子1.The boy was too young to understand this sentence.2.The fisherman succeeded in catching that big fish.3.My grandpa is leaving ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1.The boy was so young that he couldn't understand this sentence. 2.The fisherman caught a big fish. 3.My grandpa is going to the West Lake. 4.Do you like singing songs? 5.The trip to Greek is unforgetable for me.

禹州市18691373384: 用简单的英语解释下列句子:(带括号的)1.How did the thief (go into) the house?2.He says that he (isn't) young (any longer)3.Please (take) your bag (away ... -
古罗芙格:[答案] 1 how did the thief step into the house2 he says that he is young no longer3 please get your bag far from the seat 5 the boy was too excited to fall asleep

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