
作者&投稿:浦秋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A large number of people find the film exciting.
If you don't wear more clothes,you will get a cold.
Kathy is said to be a person that has achieved something in her field.
To answer the question is easy.
It's a good idea.I'll keep it in mind.

1. Sandy is one of the top students in our school.
sandy is very smart in our school.
2.I would like to assist other students after school.
I want to help others after the classes is over.
3.I never fail an exam.
I succeed in any exam.
4.My sister seldom has breakfast at home.
My sister eat the breakfast at home only a few times.
5.Mary doesn't attend the meeting.
Mary doesn't go to the meeting.
6.Paul loses his temper easily.
Paul can't control his temper well.
7.Never stay up too lats.
Don't sleep too late.
8.I must study hard to achieve my dream.
I must study hard to let my dream come true

1.Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?
2.我们应该将东西重复利用而不是使用过一次就扔掉它。We should use things more one times.
3.We all like Tom because he is a good boy.汤姆是个好男孩,所以我们都喜欢他。

1.Can I help you?
3.Tom is a good boy.We like him.

3 汤姆是多好的一个男孩,我们都喜欢他


1.i think you might in touble and i think maybe i can do something to help,and i can offer
3.Tom is popular

1、Can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗?
2、We should make full use of things. 我们应该充分利用各种东西,不能只用一次就扔掉了。
3、Tom is so good that we all like him.汤姆是个人人都喜爱的好孩子。

我反复读了几遍,力图最简单化地去理解本书的内容,因此采用问问题的方式,借由几个问题把《爱的艺术》的核心理论提取出来,并加入自己的理解。文中的粗斜体段落是原书中的摘录。 一、人类为什么需要爱? 任何爱的理论,都必须从某种人的理论和人类的生存理论开始。 人是什么?经过亿年以上的时间,进化成为高级动物,...

要让别人更快地理解自己,可以尝试以下方法:1. 清晰表达:用简明扼要的语言表达自己的意思,避免冗长或模糊的叙述。2. 举例说明:通过具体的例子或实际情况来解释自己的观点或想法,让别人更容易理解。3. 倾听对方:积极倾听对方的意见和反馈,理解他们的观点和困惑,以便更好地调整自己的表达方式。4. ...





...抄写文章中的两个好词佳句,并简要写一写自己的理解或体会 急求...




勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的理解,用简单的英语解释下列句子1:Can I give you a hand?2:We should reuse things instead of using things once and throwing them away.3:Tom ... -
钞砖派吉:[答案] 1.Can I help you?我可以帮你吗? 2.我们应该将东西重复利用而不是使用过一次就扔掉它.We should use things more one times. 3.We all like Tom because he is a good boy.汤姆是个好男孩,所以我们都喜欢他.

勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的理解,用简单的英语解释下列句子. (1)Would you like to see a film with me? . -
钞砖派吉: (1)你愿意和我一起看电影么? (2)我很热衷于下棋. (3)他最喜欢物理了. (4)他身高168厘米. (5)我昨天收到我父母的来信了.

勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的理解,用简单的英语解释下列句子1.I often ask her to assist me with my Engkusg study 2.Linda and lily are still at school.3.I was so sad that I failed ... -
钞砖派吉:[答案] 1.I often ask her for helping my English study. 2.Both Linda and lily are students. 3.The another fail of the mathematics exam makes me so sad. 4.Wendy's family always discuss business at breakfast. 5.My father never stop to take me to school. 6.My ...

勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的理解,用简单的英语解释下列句子.1.I saw Betty just now and she was dancing in the classroom.2.Why were the men with handcuffs on their hands?... -
钞砖派吉:[答案] 1.Betty was not here.she wad in the classroom 2.It was strange for the men with handcuffs on their hands 3.I am praising you 4.my football was lost 5.We have little time left

勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的理解,用简单的英语解释下列句子.A large number of people find the film exciting.If you don't wear more clothes,you will get a cold.Kathy is said to ... -
钞砖派吉:[答案] A large number of people find the film exciting. 许多人发觉这部电影激动人心. If you don't wear more clothes,you will get a ... 听说凯西是一个小有成就的人. To answer the question is easy. 回答这个问题很简单. It's a good idea.I'll keep it in mind. 这是个好...

勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的意思,用简单的英语解释下列句子.1.Alice works as a nurse.____________________2.Simon likes playing baseball very much._______________... -
钞砖派吉:[答案] 1.Alice is a nurse. 2.Simon is much interested in playing baseball . 3.I heard from my penfriend last week. 4.I want to know the reason Why you didn't pass the exam yesterday? 5.I lost my sunglasses..

勐海县13961095217: 初一下册英语题.
钞砖派吉: Alice likes drawing 2,The forest damaged badly by fire .3,these cars are my uncle's 4,Ten english books in the case .5,will you join the music club .

勐海县13961095217: 根据自己的理解,用已学过的英语解释下列句子 -
钞砖派吉: I haven't seen youP for a long time. On April 1st people play jokes on each other. This book is not as interesting as that one. What do you think of the song? The meeting ended at 7 o'clock.

勐海县13961095217: 一道初一下册英语题.
钞砖派吉: 1.I didn'd speak in class in the past ,but now I do. 2.You'd better come to our school. 3.You can buy all kinds of food in this shop. 4.EuroDisney is the same as the one in the USA. 5.The rubbish smells terrible.

勐海县13961095217: 初二英语 解释句子 -
钞砖派吉: 1.He managed to write music by his own, but he failed.2.In the listening test there are many question which come along in the form of dialogues.3.Have they decided to cancel the mee...

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