
作者&投稿:郟怖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3、要想达到这个 (这里this的意思不明确),只有当保险的费用是由多个面临同样风险的人分担时才行。

1、Our future occupations/professions demand us to acquire adequate knowledge in English.
2、Now that you know the teacher's phone number, you should give him/her a call in advance.
3、Many cities in China rely on the Yangtze River as their source of water.

1. He didn't realize the importance of freedom until the war was over. 2. You had better make a list of things that you want to buy before you go out. 3. Our school makes it a rule for us to get up at six every morning.4. I have interest in everything that does with nature.5. When I called her, she happened not to be at home.6. Our pay is decided according to the work that we will finish.7. How does your son getting along with his French?

71. Scientists have successfully isolated individual apparent genes with single known function.
72. The advance of communication technology is the setback of intimacy of human relationships.
73. This has benefited me, keeping me away from melancholy.
74. These students falsely perceive that, if they do not speak like Americans, they do not speak well, accordingly, they become fearful of speaking itself.
75. To my surprise, Mrs Thomas' advice is really helpful.
76. Does the improvement of living standard necessarily mean that we can look forward to happier life in the future?
77. It takes time for our soul to digest, absorb, and understand emotions and experience.
78. More difficult to determine than how to apply for patent for gene group is whether we have the legitimacy to own human DNA at all.
79. The cellphone, because of its far too mobile features, adds a fresh array of colours to our already comedic life.
80. To his excitement, his family is going to move north to Cleveland(克利夫兰) soon.

操作软件:浏览器 1、 打开百度搜索框,如下图所示:2、输入“百度翻译”关键词,如下图所示:3、在文字框里输入要翻译的文字,如下图所示:4、 选择要翻译成的语言,如下图所示:5 、点击“百度翻译”功能键,如下图所示:6 、查看翻译结果,如下图所示:...

汉英互译的英文是Translation between English and Chinese.Translation between English and Chinese中的重点词汇是Translation翻译,translation的读法是英\/trænzˈleɪʃn\/,美\/trænzˈleɪʃn\/,复数是translations。汉英互译的双语例句 1、论英汉互译的时空因...

hello again my dear 亲爱的,再一次向你问好.this is a hard email to write.写下这封email很难.there can be problems when an American marries a Chinese women.当一个美国人要娶一个中国女人会有很多问题.there are some things that you will have to agree to.有一些事情需要你认同.direct...

76. Living out in the country, she felt very cut off from her city friends.住在乡下,她觉得很切断从她的城市的朋友。77. That child is the apple of his father’s eye.那个孩子是他父亲的掌上明珠的眼睛。78. He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his imme...

中英互译翻译,即指中文和英文两种语言进行互相翻译,使得两个国家的人可以进行正常的沟通和交流,从而去了解另一个国家的风土人情以及文化信仰等方面。常见的互译软件 1、中译英: deepL 专业翻译都会用的翻译工具,尤其很多专业性强的文章也能准确翻译,除中英互译外,小语种和英文的互译也做得很好。2...


二、输入要翻译的中文文本 在汉译英在线翻译网站的首页中,我们可以看到一个文本框。在这个文本框中,我们需要输入要翻译的中文文本。三、点击“翻译”按钮 在输入完中文文本后,我们需要点击页面下方的“翻译”按钮。这样,汉译英在线翻译就会开始对我们输入的中文文本进行翻译。四、查看英文翻译结果 在汉...


英文:That the latch links up measurement in the job, is very important , it produces construction and safety being concerning the entire shaft. And link up error a bit , concern entire project mass and usage, the main body of a book pass the error that China Shanxi Province ...

请翻译几句英文 汉译英
1.蔬菜是我们日常饮食中必不可少的食物之一 Vegetables are an indispensable part of our daily food.2.蔬菜可以提供我们身体所需的维生素和矿物质Vegetables give us the vitamins and minerals that our body needs 3.水果是多汁有甜味的植物果实,它很有营养而且帮助消化Fruits are juicy plant-...

营口市14783658526: 汉译英、用到括号里的词1.春天他的花园里有种类繁多的花.(a variety of)2.他没有看她,转身上了楼.(without)3.政府为孩子们提供了良好的为教育.(... -
许侨康赞:[答案] in spring he plants a variety of flowers in the garden. he turn arond and go to the upstairs without seeing her the government provides good education for the children these blankets can protect the children from cold all the things you do wii contribute to ...

营口市14783658526: 汉译英 用上括号中提供的短语或单词1她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了.(much less)2他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话.(whereas)... -
许侨康赞:[答案] 急你所急:1. She won't even have a sip of water, much less staying for dinner. 2. Whereas he believes I am lying, in fact I am telling the truth. 3.How do you account for your lateness全文已发给你邮箱

营口市14783658526: 英语翻译中译英.句中用到括号里的单词 1.更具专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖.(prediction,award,rooster)2.很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸.... -
许侨康赞:[答案] 1.According to the experts predict,he will won the Golden Rooster award for the best actor this year.2.Obviously,he was trying to hold his breath.3.If you don't have overnight parking permission,you c...

营口市14783658526: 英语翻译汉译英,用括号的词翻译1.他说汤姆肯定意识到了他正在做的事情是非法的.(be aware that)2.这会议虽然不长,但的确产生了很多好想法.(throw ... -
许侨康赞:[答案] 1 he says tom must be aware that what he is doing is illegal. 2 the conference didn't last long,but lots of good ideas were thrown up. 3 do you believe that science can bring our ideals to reality 4 the oil is in hot demand with the increase of the cars' ...

营口市14783658526: 帮忙中译英!括号里是要用的词汇!1 我伸手到桌子的另一端拿果酱.(reach for) 2 要把所有的门窗关好再出门.(secure) 3 小偷趁人没注意溜了出去.(... -
许侨康赞:[答案] 1 我伸手到桌子的另一端拿果酱. 1.I reached for the jam on the other side of the desk. 2 要把所有的门窗关好再出门. 2.Please secure all the windows and doors before go out. 3 小偷趁人没注意溜了出去. 3.The stealer slided out without being noticed. 4 ...

营口市14783658526: 把中文翻译成英文,要用括号里的词
许侨康赞: 1.What he does has influence on us 2. we were on the point going out when he came 3Her English has advantage over mine 4.we think it impossible to finish the work within one day

营口市14783658526: 求帮中译英,要运用到括号里的单词,谢谢!
许侨康赞: 1. The city is blessed with beautiful scenery and rich natural resources. 2. A traditional Chinese birthday party usually includes noodles in chicken soup.3. Their love for the country is expressed in the sweet melody “My Motherland”.

营口市14783658526: 英语翻译将下列句子翻译成中文,要用到括号内的词组1.我盼望着你来参加我的生日聚会.(look forward to)2.它会使一切都变得大不一样.(make the ... -
许侨康赞:[答案] 1.我盼望着你来参加我的生日聚会.(look forward to) I am looking forward to your join my birthday party. 2.它会使一切都变得大不一样.(make the difference) It will make the great difference of everything. 3.如果这台计算机出了毛病,请给经理打电话....

营口市14783658526: 中译英 (用后面括号内的单词翻译) -
许侨康赞: 1.The plants died for lack of water. (这些植物因缺水而枯死了.) 2.Please give me either a pen or a pencil. (请给我一支钢笔或一支铅笔.) 3.I'd like to have a cold drink rather than coffee.( 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡. ) 4.I bought the same ...

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