
作者&投稿:营关 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In twentieth Century changed the world, particularly in the United States and other industrial countries. Cars do in great use to us, but they have brought some hazards as well, such as noise pollution, air pollution and highway fatalities. According to the report of car accidents are classified as death or injury throughout the world is one of the main reasons. Fortunately modern innovators are again, the invention of the automobile. New propulsion system ( propulsion system ), fuel, design and means of manufacturing cars in the past ten years has been the rapid development of.

Bent desire to stimulate the British engineer Richard Hannay returned to London from the poor in Africa, but in a few months later on the same heart tired of city life. Just at this time, Americans ska Dettori paid him a huge secret: German spies attempted to assassinate leaders of friendly countries, once things are, the world will be at stake.
Subsequently, Scudder killed, Hannay stepped hunt, flee, modification, Disguise, police and spy pronged forged shrouded large network, the eyes of fire Kim Han Qing, a time to see through the trap, clever escape magic hands .
Day of imminent assassination, while the Scudder notes leaving only clue - Thirty-nine Steps.
Thirty-nine Steps Where children? Thirty-nine stairs where they lead?
Peril in a series, Hannay whether we can find thirty-nine steps to destroy the enemy's plot?

在科技快速进步、经济蓬勃腾飞的今天,科学技术似乎已经与人文艺术成了南辕北辙(at cross purposes)的两个词。学生们都期望毕业后能找一份理想的高新工作,于是文科日益受到冷落。

译文:With the rapid development of modern technology and modern economy ,the words technology and humanity arts seem to become the two ones whose meaning are understood at cross purposes . Students all look forward to high-paying jobs after their graduations. so the literary arts / the humanities are increasingly shown as desolate .

【译者:科技英语强人团:宋ocean .】

Nowadays, with the accelerated advancement of science and technology, as well as the explosive lift-off of the economy, it appears that ‘science and technology’ has been at cross purposes with the phrase ‘humanities and arts’. Students are all hoping to find an ideal job with high remuneration after they have completed their studies, and so the Arts disciplines are being gradually ignored by them.


Rapid progress in science and technology, economic vigorous take-off of today, science and technology and the humanities, arts, seems to have become "(at cross purposes) of the two words. Students are expected after graduation can seek a good high and new work, so liberal art is being left out in the cold.

At present day, the technology and the economy are both growing rapidly, science and art are at cross purposes. Students are all expecting to get a job with high payment after graduation, therefore, the subjects of liberal arts are being more and more deserted


Rapid progress in science and technology, economic vigorous take-off of today, science and technology and the humanities, arts, seems to have become "(at cross purposes) of the two words. Students are expected after graduation can seek a good high and new work, so liberal art is being left out in the cold.


"翻译成 "这个词 翻译成英文是什么
用translate表示翻译,一般用被动,be translated into,比如说:His writings had been translated into various languages.他的著作已被翻译成几种文字。祝你天天开心!如有不明白,请及时追问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

1.在周末我打算去看望外祖母 I am going to visit my grandmather this weekend.I am looking forward to visit my grandmather this weekend.打算有很多种表示方式,楼上用intend也可以 I am intend to visit ...2.放学后你打算干什么?What are you going to do after school?3.他们打算乘地...

I am a candle, lighten by you.我是一支被你点燃的蜡烛 Try my best to shine, light up our future!努力制造灿烂,照亮我们的前程 Please don't tilt me, for I may drop tears!请不要将我倾斜,我将流下泪水!

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How to Translate Chinese into English?汉语翻译成英语,简单来说,就是将中文的词汇、句子或段落转化为英文的表达方式。这一过程涉及对两种语言的理解与运用,既要把握汉语的原意,又要确保英语表达的地道与准确。在翻译过程中,首先要做的是理解。我们需要深入理解汉语的含义,包括词汇的字面意思和语境中...


into work or opportunity.我猜它有时候可以翻译为工作或者机会。Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world.许多家长看到,这些课堂上学习到的知识转化为现实世界所发生的'事情。Translate the Chinese sentence in the fourth paragraph into English.把第四段的中文句子翻译成英文。


Honey,it's all my fault.My fault to hurt you,but please forgive me.亲爱的,都是我的错。我不该伤害你,不该让你难过。不过请你原谅我好吗?You will never know how I love you.你不会了解我是多么的爱你 You are my goddess,I will never find another one who likes you.你就像我...


梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英文 -
舌卿统克: Thanks to his efforts, the wife was satisfied with him now.If he was asked to analyse what he did in the past few years, he would say," I will accompany with my family if possible."

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英语.
舌卿统克: 你好,可翻译为:My name's Lilly.My grades are very poor,and I am very worried about the grade was zero point in the last exam.My best friend Little Li's grades are well,so she aids me coach every day without stopping.And I got the prize in the final ...

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英语
舌卿统克: 产销五金制品(Production hardware products) 塑料制品(Plastic products) 国内贸易(Domestic trade) 货物进出口(The goods Import and export ) 技术进出口(Technology import and export) 法律、行政法规禁止的项目除外(Prohibited...

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英文
舌卿统克: I have a dream,I'll become rich in the future.I'll be satisfied when I drive my favourite car、have my own company and have my own house. 望采纳

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英语?
舌卿统克: I called a lot of friends to ate cake when I had a brithday party.what was a special brithday!I caught the cake,but I fell down,after my body is cream.Then,my friend caught the cake towarded me.I was happy in this brithday!

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英文
舌卿统克: 1 passengers please note, to take the 27 passengers of the bus, please prepare for the ticket to the wicket wicket, in turn.2 in the train to drive, and for a period of time for me to have a rest.3 I will on platform ninth farewell my friend, excuse me, ...

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英文
舌卿统克: If you want to join I think I and she will agree But you really want to join? Or for... Take material? (do spy?) I like you the man. But you can't let me rest assured (I too suspicious?) I hope you will become a good friend of mine But really ...

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英文
舌卿统克: To dream, also be realistic

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英语. -
舌卿统克: The boy is tired, he's a lot of pressure, he should have learned a lot, beyond his capacity, and I think children should have their own happiness, should not only heavy pressure to sp...

梅州市15769422851: 求翻译成英文.
舌卿统克: 1. In the work caution will greatly. (pay) 2. I had only enough money in the U.S. with a year. (see through) 3. The results showed that he had never been in that company. (turn out) 4. Stare eye to see is not polite. (manners) 5. Outside is too noisy and I ...

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