
作者&投稿:才旦肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,第一次与你通信心里很高兴,因为我想要个美国笔友(be happy, write to, for the first time, would like to, have a pen pal)
I'm happy to write to you for the first time, because I would like to have a pen pal from the U.S.A.

2,我的英语老师Mr Bruce 把你介绍给我。(introduce)
My English teacher Mr Bruce introduced you to me

3,我希望从现在起我们会成为好朋友。(become good friends,form now on)
I hope we can become good friends form now on

4,我叫王华,十七岁,浙江湖州人(a,boy of, live in)
I am Wang Hua, I'm a boy of seventeen, I live in Huzhou, Zhejiang

5,目前就读于某某某高中高二年级(at present,a student of)
I'm studying in XXX high school at present and I'm a student of Grade 2

6,作为一个青少年,我喜欢交友(teenager,enjoy,make friends)
As a teenager, I enjoy making friends

7,我将进一步介绍我自己,家人和这所城市的情况(tell you more about,in future letters)
I will tell you more about myself, my families and situation of the city in the future letters

8,我很想了解你的国家,你的故乡和你的生活(be eager, learn about)
I am eager to learn about your country, hometown and life

9,你若有问题要问,请给我写信。我会回复你的。(have questions to ask,answer you)
If you have questions to ask, please write to me. I will answer you

10,我期盼你的回信(look forward to,hear from)
I'm looking forward to hear from you.


I am going to visit my grandmather this weekend.
I am looking forward to visit my grandmather this weekend.
I am intend to visit ......

What are you going to do after school?

They are going to the bookstore by subway

We are going to play chess this afternoon.

Where are you going tomorrow?

I went fishing yesterday.

He bought a bicycle last week

Were you doing homework last night?
肯定的表达为I was doing homewor last night.

Where did you go on holiday

They went mountain climbing on Wednesday

1. I want to visit grandmother in the weekend
2.What are you doing after school?
3.They want to take the subway to bookstore
4.This afternoon we intend to play chess
5.Where are you going tomorrow?
6. I went fishing yesterday.
7.He bought a bikelast week.
8.Did you do homework last night?
9.Where did you go in the holidays?
10. they went mountain climbing in Wednesday?

1. In the weekend I intend to visit grandmother
2. After school are you going to do?
3. They intend to take the subway to the bookstore.
Four. This afternoon we intend to play chess.
5. Where are you going tomorrow?
6. I went fishing yesterday.
7. Last week, he bought a bicycle.
8. Last night you do homework?
9. Holiday where have you been up?
10. Wednesday, they went mountain climbing.

1.On weekends I intend to visit grandma
2.re you going to do after school?
3.They are going to take the subway bookstore.
4.This afternoon we're going to play chess.
5.Tomorrow. Where are you going?
6.Yesterday I went fishing.
7.Last week he bought a bicycle.
8.In your homework yesterday evening?
9Where did you go on holiday?
10.On Wednesday, they went to the mountains.

1.This weekend I want to see my grandmother
2.What do you want to do after class?
3.They want to go to the bookshop by subway .
4.This afternoon we're going to play chess.
5.Where do you want to go this afternoon?
6.Yesterday I went fishing.
7.He bought a bike last week.
8.Did you do your homework last night?
9.Where did you go on holiday?
10.On Wednesday, they went to the mountains.


1. 首先,在电脑桌面上找到搜狗浏览器并点击打开。2. 接着,在搜索框中输入“中英文翻译”。3. 然后,选择“英文至中文 简体”选项。4. 之后,输入你想要翻译的英文内容,并点击搜狗翻译按钮。5. 通过以上步骤,英文内容就会自动翻译成中文。现在你已经学会了如何快速翻译英文成中文,不妨动手试一试...




GOOGLE的语言工具可以在线翻译;金山快译 ;东方快车;

If I teach people English, I will first taught him that I am sorry. I am sorry one, perhaps people will think you are very frank; one I am sorry, perhaps you will resolve the contradictions. Excuse me a little, a little recognition, is the need to say how much courage!



四.正译法和反译法 正译法和反译法:这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按照 与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英 语的思维方式和表达习惯。因此...

房山区13750395270: 哪个软件能把中文翻译成英文 -
夫成布地: 您好 很高兴为您解答!目前网上翻译比较好的几款软件分别是金山词霸、有道翻译、谷歌翻译以及百度翻译 .如果比较严谨的翻译可以选择下载金山词霸,如果只是用于学习,建议使用后三种,因为比较方便.

房山区13750395270: 在线汉语翻译成英语 -
夫成布地: The second time to Hong Kong, and I feel even more excited!

房山区13750395270: 有没有中文翻译成英文的什么网站或软件?
夫成布地: 你可以用在线翻译: 关于翻译网站: 有2个比较好的多语言在线翻译网:http://www.123cha.com/tran/http://www.sowang.com/fanyi.htm(中文搜索引擎指南——多语言在线翻译系统) 一个特棒的英汉翻译网站:http://www.iselong.com/online/...

房山区13750395270: 我想问一下有没有能够将中文翻成英文的
夫成布地: 东方快车和金山快译

房山区13750395270: 翻译汉字成英文 -
夫成布地: There are some grasses and colorful flowers in the beautiful lawn of school . Many students are listening carefully to the teacher in the class.Moreover,there are a lots of schoolmates who do exercises in the playgound.This is a part of school. 数学怎...

房山区13750395270: 帮忙翻译一个句子把中文翻译成英文“永远闪耀着属于自己的光芒”就这句拜托了 -
夫成布地:[答案] Always shining with my own light!

房山区13750395270: TXT文本中的中文如何翻译成英文? -
夫成布地: TXT文本中的中文如何翻译成英文:1. 复制TXT文本中的中文2. 将复制的中文黏贴到翻译软件或者翻译网站上(百 度翻译或者谷 歌翻译等).3. 选择要翻译成的语言:英语4. 将翻译好的英文复制粘贴到文档中保存.

房山区13750395270: 英语翻译帮我翻译一下.中文翻成英文的.不要用翻译器.1.作为报答,我希望我能够为您做点什么.(in return)2.警察设计使那个罪犯说出了真相.(trap...into) -
夫成布地:[答案] 1.作为报答,我希望我能够为您做点什么.(in return)In return,I wish I can do something for you. 2.警察设计使那个罪犯说出了真相.(trap...into)2.Policemen traped the criminal into a state of telling the trut...

房山区13750395270: 中文翻成译英语 -
夫成布地: 如果这世界有一百个人爱你,那里面一定有我;如果有十个人爱你,那里面也有我;如果有一个人爱你,那个人就是我!If there is a hundred people who loves you in this world, I must be one of them; if there are ten people who love you, I must be one of them; if there is only one person who loves you, I must be the one.

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