
作者&投稿:稻轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
麻烦有哪位英语高手的人帮我把以下的中文句子翻译下!! 注意:要用到括号里面的单词!! 谢谢! 给分~

1 Ever since the mobile phone, he never written a letter to a friend。
2Professor Lee at the graduation ceremony made a short speech, his words deeply etched in my memory。
3He found that there is strong interest in their oral
4. He suspected a strong interest in foreign cultures, often read books to find useful information
5 On whether to start a new community issues, our views are inconsistent
6 Go tall island, in addition to other boat, no other
7 This is the first time freshmen to listen to American professor's lecture, the first 20 minutes they did not quite understand what he is saying
8 Ten minutes left, since you've done the exam, you can now carry out an assignment
9 In order not to hurt the feelings of any person, who spent nearly three months before a final decision
10The audience missed the point is to see their musical performances, otherwise they will give a high evaluation
11Although he is far in the country, I wonder if he always felt deep concern for the mother
12She finally came to the booth, put a coin call to Paris after


1、被烧毁的圆明园该不该重建一事在媒体引发了激烈的讨论。(burn down,media)
Whether or not the burn down Yuanming Yuan should be rebuilt has sparked off an intense discussion in the media.

2、我伯伯本来打算退休后回乡下住,可他改变了主意,决定在城里开家书店,为退休老人提供一个娱乐休闲的场所。(chang one's mind,retire)
My uncle originally planned to retire to the village,however he changed his mind and decided to open a book shop in the town, in order to provide those old retired people a place for entertainment and rest.

3、老百姓都很关心粮油价格上涨的事。(go up,concern)
Common people are concerned about the going up of the price of grain and oil.

4、我知道被人忽视的感觉不好受,但你也不能靠这种怪异的发型引起别人的注意啊!(ignore,draw attention to)
I do understand the feeling of being ignored is not easy to tolerate, but one could not rely on this strange hair style to draw attention from others.

5、她把这件事和其它一些事情联系在一起,意识到有人在她的办公室故意捣乱。(relate to,realise)
She relates this matter to other issues and realises that there are people deliberately causing trouble in her office.
6、他是个很有经验的人,总是受到年轻人的尊敬。(look up to)
Young people always look up to him, as he is a very experienced man

This building has been designed like a bird's nest. Lots of people who have seen the design, reckon it is very meaningful.
This cup of tea tastes very special. Oh! I know why, it seems to have the added taste of honey.

The boat leaving Dalian for Shanghai is departing in ten minutes, the sailors are raising the sail.

10、春节快到了。妈妈想叫人把门油漆一下,于是爸爸买来了最好的漆。(paint)Spring Festival is coming soon. Mother (Mum) to get someone to paint the door(s), so father (Dad) has bought the best quality paint.

I have no intention to have a family before I have established a business ( embarked on a career).

Just quietly get out through the back door, and nobody would notice your absence.

Someone saw the driver fled from the scene of accident after the incident has happened.

She buries her head with the pillow, for not wanting family members to see her crying.

My uncle was working at the foot of the mountain when the volcano erupted.

The postman always walking every day for a few miles to deliver letters
Pigeons have to know the way home instinct, they are used to transfer information
Everyone should conscientiously perform their duties
The trained horse runs much faster than before
although the animals were not smart, they can do a lot of useful work, such as security property, catch criminals, giving the entertainment
if everything goes well, his political career is sustainable for many
Unfortunately, at this time he was seriously wounded in the traffic accident
If you tell your father, he will be very angry
We have to drive through the oldest part of the city, where there are many famous buildings
If the drive to it, we can save a lot of time
Tom is full of hope and joy
If he was too tired, they take turns driving the
The majority of longevity is to eat the homely fare
Although he is not rich, they funded a number of remote and a mountainous area school children
Studies show that regular exercise can promote people's physical and mental health
The water in this region is not contaminated
The experts especially emphasized the importance of protect environment
Drinking a lot of people are more prone to heart disease
She is a famous painter is a talented musician
He aimed at the bottle shooting, but hit the window
I can't understand why she took advantage of my generosity
If you want to sell the old car, I advise you to advertise
She studies hard so as to be able to get a good grade in this exam
Thanks to their help, the problems in the experiment have been solved
Most of the students are not satisfied with the test result
Our school has more than 50 class
Hurry, or you will miss the train
as you know, he is a close friend of mine
I'm sorry. I didn 't mean to hurt you
This book consists of ten chapters
He found it difficult to adapt to the life in the South
We plan to extend the research in this field
According to the forecast, the storm will arrive in north area of our country
They luckily survived the accident
The villagers still follow the women and children sit in the side, and the man to sit on the other side of the old tradition
With the development of modern industry, big family enterprises will be much fewer

The postman always walking every day for a few miles to deliver letters Pigeons have to know the way home instinct, they are used to transfer information Everyone should conscientiously perform their duties The trained horse runs much faster than before although the animals were not ...

Thanks for your letter on Mar. 18th asking us for the offer of the man-shirts.We are pleased to tell you that the goods you need is available now. We have mailed you the letter enclosed the 3 copies of the No.7645 quotation.If the qualities and prices are suitable for ...

这是埃里克・Lander, 当工作为Colins 在草龟踱步的人的染色体项目, 看见他的队是丢失的并且做它他的事务摔打Venter's harelike 私有事业在它自己的游戏With $34 milltortoise 踱步了人的染色体项目, 看见他的队是丢失和做它他的事务摔打Venter's harelike 私有事业在它自己的游戏With $34 百万...

A the same as B as much as 答:B 译:他将它看作是公德的一种缺失,并说成人和儿童蒙受的损失是一样的多。析:suffer 在这里是及物动词。可以说:suffer a lot from it. 这里的as much as children 的功能与a lot相同,只不过后置了而已。如选A则用the same way as..., 则...

Determination: Determination 的意思是某学术机构学院或其合理授权代表依法拥有最终的立规或行使权,而其他技术性批准或批复都是形式上的(选则权?)Joint Action: Joint action 的意思是在做确凿的行为和决策时需要征得该机构学院或其他一些附属部门的正式同意。消极错误的行动可以被学院、董事会、行驶部门...

"Score" 是与“share”有关, 来源于古挪威语“skor”意为符木或者割符,即在一根木棒上刻数字或字符号,用于计数。通常人们数20为一个单位,每数到第20个的符木就会比其他的大些,所以“score”也就表示20。另外,dozen是代表12,不是13。

Good morning. It is a great pleasure(pleasure不可数,可当形容词用,改为It is pleasure 或者honour) for me to introduce myself to you here. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly . My name is Xiao...

开始时候先走一步,直到你能很自然的走.Remember it's a walk, not a run. 记住,是走,不是跑.It should be very relaxed. 应该很自然。Don't worry about gaining height or distance yet. 先别管距离和高度.I'm doing both sides but the wall-on-right-side is my preferred side.我来...

Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard & Visa 钞票不是万能的, 有时还需要信用卡 One should love animals. They are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物, 因为它们很好吃 Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.要节约用水, 尽量和女友一起洗澡 Love the neighbor. But don't get ...

各位老师,大家下午好!能够参加此次面试,我感到非常的荣幸。现在我的心情十分激动,也有一点紧张。如果表达得不好,还请各位老师多多包涵!Good afternoon, dear teachers. It’s my great honor to have so good an opportunity to attend the interview. I’m a little excited and nervous as ...

蒲江县17146761985: 哪位英语高手可以帮我翻译下列句子,顺便举几个定语从句里用whose的句子. Thank you!1 请将那本在被装满书的书包里的书递给我2.我经常模仿写字漂亮的... -
始定暖胃:[答案] 猜你应该都要用定语从句翻译吧.1.please hand me the book in the bag which is filled with books.2.I often imitate homeworks of my classmates whose handwriting is good.3.第三句中文好难理解啊,没用定语从句...

蒲江县17146761985: 英语翻译哪位高手帮我翻译以下中文,我明天就要用,A:为期五天的学农终于结束了.B:是呀,我有点不舍得.A:你觉得怎么样?B:一开始我觉得很辛苦... -
始定暖胃:[答案] A:为期五天的学农终于结束了.The five-day farming-learning has finally come to an end.B:是呀,我有点不舍得.Yeah,but I really feel it hard to say goodbye.A:你觉得怎么样?Well,what do you think of it?B:...

蒲江县17146761985: 英语翻译哪位高手能帮我翻译一些下面的句子呢?(中译英) 采纳的话会重赏的哦(100),--------------------------------------------------------------------先生,不好意思... -
始定暖胃:[答案] cardholder's signature model and positive and negative copies of credit card can be.

蒲江县17146761985: 以下英文怎么翻译成中文?哪位英语高手能帮帮忙.谢谢了!急.MAIN PLINTS IN OFFICE 5S ACTIVITIESThere are a number of guidelines which can ... -
始定暖胃:[答案] 你的词有的打错了主PLINTS在Office五常法活动有一些指导方针,可以促进五常法活动的办公环境.这些都是. 1减少低频账簿,形式,工具等,以消除所有unncessary杂波. 2拔出所有文件,档案,工具等,并找到更好的方法...

蒲江县17146761985: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译下面一句话老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼! -
始定暖胃:[答案] Care your own parents and others' Care your own children and others'

蒲江县17146761985: 英语翻译 请高手帮帮忙麻烦哪位英语高手帮忙翻译以下的内容,谢谢拉
始定暖胃: Abstract]TwentySincethe1990s,astheinformationtechnologyofrapiddevelopment,NetworkBankshowingathrivingdevelopmenttrend....

蒲江县17146761985: 哪位英语高手来帮我翻译下下 -
始定暖胃: 你好,很高兴能看到您的问题! 我只是告诉你几个不好发音的噢! automobile:爱头某必要 contemporary:抗探m破儿锐 indispensable:印第s喷色报 example:一客赞m泡 Volkswagen:沃克s外跟 Chrysler:克瑞斯了 Peugeot:屁咒t Fiat:飞亚特 Toyota:特游他 Honda:宏大 Nissan:尼三 我只能帮你这些了,剩下不会的,你可以查一查金山词霸,里面有发音,也可以问一问英语老师 希望能帮到你!

蒲江县17146761985: 请各位英语高手来帮个忙.(翻译以下中文) -
始定暖胃: In the wrong time, meets to the person, So this lifetime is destined to be a permanent tragedy. However this tragedy, and only the one person could end. I alway...

蒲江县17146761985: 请问哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下一篇演讲稿?请问哪位英语高手能帮我
始定暖胃: Which is a master of English can help me translate them a speech, only eight of the best, now, want to leave your contact way

蒲江县17146761985: 有哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下以下英语语句 -
始定暖胃: 第一句是个地址来的:台湾高雄市路竹镇诱惑一路9号(路牌门牌是根据英语读音翻译出来的,所以写法不知道是不是全对) 第二句是bnouing那单词,你应该打错了.

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