外贸英语中“即时装运”用英语怎么说?商务英语口语900句中的是promote shipment,我感觉不对啊!

作者&投稿:宥山 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Immediate shipment" in foreign trade English


Unit One 希望与要求
1 We'd like to express our desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.
2 In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.
3 Our hope is to establish mutual beneficial trading relations between us.
4 We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relation.
5 It's our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you
6 We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon,
7 I hope you'll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.
8 We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.
9 We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes.
10 We look forward to your early reply and trust that though our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near future.
11 I hope we can do business together, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
12 I hope that we can cooperate happily.
13 I hope that we can continue our cooperation.
14 We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties.
15 We hope that this market trend will continue.
16 It is hoped that you would seriously take this matter into consideration and let us have your reply soon.
17 We hope that you will deal with our request earnestly.
18 We hope to receive your immediate answer.
19 We are looking forward to having your early reply to this matter.
20 We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without its being submitted for arbitration.
21 We look forward to your settlement at an early date.
22 Your early settlement of this case will be appreciated.
23 We hope that you can settle the claim as quickly as possible.
24 We hope that there will be no repetition of this kind of trouble in the future.
25 We expect that you will offer us a lower price as soon as possible.
26 We hope that the matter can be brought to a satisfactory solution.
27 I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business.
28 We hope this matter will not affect our good relations in our future dealings.
29 I wish that this business would bring benefit to both of us.
30 We hope this incident will not bring any harm to our pleasant relations.

Unit 2 产品介绍
Part One
31. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable, economical and practical for middle school students.
32. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact-sized, energy saving and it’ also easy-to-learn and easy-to-operate.
33.They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects.
34. You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one people to perform the task of three people.
35. This product will pay its own way in a year.
36.This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.
37.The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.
38.This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.
39.The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H.
40.These machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.
41.Compared with other brands, this kind of tyre cost less per mile and wear much longer due to its topnotch rubber.
42. This kind of tyre is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.
43.This material has a durable and easy-to-clean surface.
44.This kind of air-conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your company.
45.Our products are as superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up.
Part two
46.Our silk garments are made of super pure silk material and by traditional skills.
47. The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have long enjoyed great fame both at home and aboard.
48.As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable.
49.The handbags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.
50.As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that Japanese made, I strongly recommended to you.
51.Vacuum cleaners of this brand are competitive in the international market and are the best- selling products of their kind.
52. “Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market.
53. Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price our silk has met with warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.
54.We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price.
55. Our goods are greatly appreciated in other markets similar to your own.
56.By virtue of its super quality, this product is often sold out in many areas.
57.Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.
58.These items are most sellable in our market.
59.There has been a steady demand in our market for this kind of toy.
60.We have the pleasure in recommending you the goods similar to the sample you send.

Unite four 承诺
91.We assure you that such things will not happen again in our future deliveries.
92.We’d like to avail ourselves this opportunity to assure you of our bond attention in handling your future order.
93.Our products are always good as the samples we send; I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.
94.I guarantee that there is not difference in quality between the products we send you next month and what are samples you saw just now.
95.I can promise you that the product we send you will be of A-one quality.
96.Our products are surely of standard quality.
97.I give you my word that the payment will be made not later than the end of June.
98.I promise I will check into these problems and find out if they were our fault.
99.We can make sure that goods avoid been damaged during the transit.
100.We will provide a fresh guarantee for the protection of the equipments repaired.

Unite Five 询盘

101.Please quote us for the goods listed I enclosed inquiry sheet giving your prices CIF Jakarta.
102.Please quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for ten MT of walnut meat.
103.Please quote us FOB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.
104.Please quote us your most competitive prices in order to consummate business.
105.Please quote us your lowest price for fertilizers.
106.Please quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.
107.Please make us an offer on CIF Hong Kong bases for hand made leather gloves.
108.Please make us an offer giving your price FOB New York.
109.We have already made an enquire for your articles please make an offer before the end of this month.
110.I would like to make an enquiry about this type of leather bag.
111.We shall be pleased if you finished us with your quotation for this product.
112.Many of customers are interested in your “Seagull” brand household scissors and we wish to have your CNF Shanghai quotations.
113. We want to know the price CIF Tokyo for your printed shirting.
114.We are anxious to get an offer for your products.
115. We shall be very glad to receive an offer from you on this brand of radios.
Part Two.
116.We shall like to know the offer for the rice of this kind.
117.We ‘d like to know the minimum order quality per color and per design.
118.What price could you quote us on two dozens sets?
119.Would you please quote us a price one your 71 * 81 reversible wool blankets 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin?
120.How much you asking for this brand of ties?
121.If we order 10,000 units what would be your offer?
122.What’s the price for 1000 Kg of white sugar?
123. Can you supply this quality at approximately 50% cents per meter?
124.If our order is a substantial one how much will you bring your price down?
125.How much discount could you offer on an order of this size?
126.Please inform us what special offer you can make us?
127.Here is a list of my requirements I ‘ld to have your lowest quotations CIF New York.
128.Please inform us of your lowest price CIF London.
129.We’d appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grant us if we give you a large order of your products.
130.Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with the appropriate time of shipment.



Immediate shipment

prompt shipment

二、出口方给进口方的装运邮件的写作步骤及常见表达方式如下:1.开头语 We are pleased to notify you that the cargo has been shippped by ...我们高兴地通知贵方,货物已装。。。We fell apologetic...

学习英语方法还是非常之关键的!我就是通过在线来学习的,每天学习的时间不用太多 只要每天坚持20分钟能和老外互动就可以了 回想差不多快到三个月的时间,刚开始只会说早上好到现在基本上对话都不是问题了 lz若是还未确定,到是可以先去这里试下然后再做决定也不迟的!

一次装运 one shipping 分批装运 batch shipping,如果知道几批出,比如三批,可以说3 shippings

分批装运又称分期装运(Shipment by InstalLment),是指一个合同项下的货物分若干期或若干次装运。凡数量较大,或受运输、市场销售、资金等条件的限制,都可在买卖合同中规定分批装运条款。根据国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,“运输单据表面上已注明是使用同上运输工具装运并经同一路线运输,即使运...


非高手勿回答。外贸中装运期(time of shipment)与交货期(time of d...

交货时间等于装运时间的术语有:FOB、CIF、CFR以及FCA、CIP、CPT等贸易术语。在使用FOB、CIF、CFR以及FCA、CIP、CPT等贸易术语签订的买卖合同中,卖方在装运港或装运地将货物装上船只或交付给承运人监管就算完成交货义务,因此在这些术语项下,装运时间等于交货时间。在国际贸易中,交货时间(Time of ...

EXW到底是到货合同还是装运合同? 简单的说是装运合同 PSI是什么意思在合同的贸易术语中? 从字面上看有两种解释: 1.全称certificate for pre-shipment inspection--装船前的检验证书[海运]; 简称为PSI.由中国检验检疫总局出具 ; 2.pounds per square inch 磅\/平方英寸,压强单位;

cargo mark (shipping mark) 货物装运标志 cargo receipt 货运收据 time charter 定期租船 time charter trip 航次期租 single voyage charter 单程租船 return voyage charter 回航次租船 voyage charter 定程租船 a full set of 一整套 non-negotiabel 未议付的 immediately 立即地,迅速地 master 船长...

FCA术语适用于各种运输方式,交货地点视不同运输方式而定,其风险划分是卖方将货物交至承运人时转移;外贸专业术语FOB仅用于海运和内河运输,交货地点为装运港,风险划分以装运港船舷为界。 2.关于运输合同 《2000年通则》中的外贸英语术语FCA,应由买方自付费用订立从指定地点承运 货物的运输合同,并指定承运人,卖方并无...

勐海县14732366650: 外贸英语中“即时装运”用英语怎么说?商务英语口语900句中的是promote shipment,我感觉不对啊! -
翟甘雪庆:[答案] Immediate shipment

勐海县14732366650: “我们要求立即装运”用英语怎么说? -
翟甘雪庆: We require for (their) shipment immediately.

勐海县14732366650: 在外贸英语中," under separate cover 请问在外贸英语中,有句话 -
翟甘雪庆: under separate cover 英[ˈʌndə ˈsepəreit ˈkʌvə] 美[ˈʌndɚ ˈsɛpəˌret ˈkʌvɚ] adv. 在另函中;

勐海县14732366650: 外贸英语翻译 -
翟甘雪庆: 物料必须一次性装运,且装运量必须是17万吨,偏差不能超过10%.

勐海县14732366650: 外贸中常用的专业术语及常用英语
翟甘雪庆:外贸中常用的专业术语及常用英语 如果你想学习外贸英语,外贸行业英语,外贸专业术语,外贸贸易术语等等, 我推荐:深圳外贸论坛szfob--外贸英语版块 深圳外贸论坛的外贸英语版块包括了,外贸术语,商务函电,外贸口语,行业英语,物...

勐海县14732366650: 外贸英语FOB -
翟甘雪庆: FOB是指FREE ON BOARD的缩写,一般后面带的是发货方的出口港.需要指定货代,你可以写:Our cargo is ready for ship, would you please provide the contact information of your appointed forwarder? 意思是说我们的货已经可以装运了,烦请提供贵方指定货代的联系方式.

勐海县14732366650: 外贸术语有哪些? -
翟甘雪庆: 《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》共有11种贸易术语,按照所适用的运输方式划分为两大类:第一组:适用于任何运输方式的术语七种:EXW、FCA、CPT、CIP、DAT、DAP、DDP. EXW(ex works) ...

勐海县14732366650: 在服装外贸中,最经常会使用到的服装英语,以及交流时也最容易碰到的问题
翟甘雪庆: 在服装公司是一个很好的锻炼场所,你可以从网络上搜索到服装行业的外贸英语词汇,先进行自我背诵,当你记住了这些行业术语,一定要在服装公司进行锻炼,多看资料.这样日久则熟练了.学习没有一日而成的,更多的是日渐积累的.另外可以多上MSN找外国朋友聊服装方面的事情.

勐海县14732366650: 外贸中的13种运输方式用英语怎么说我对外 -
翟甘雪庆: 外贸中的13种运输方式 英文翻译_13 kinds of transportation modes in foreign trade

勐海县14732366650: 外贸英语中“B/L”是什么意思呀?谢谢! -
翟甘雪庆: B/L是bill of lading的简称,意思是提单. 提单:是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证.(《海商法》第71条)简称B/L,在对外贸易中,运输部门承运货物时签发给发货人(可...

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