请英语高手们帮帮忙帮我把下文翻译成中文 十万火急啊 希望大家帮帮我~~我的悬赏值只剩这点了

作者&投稿:德强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

* CompStat(电脑统计或
* NYPD(纽约市警察局)



  一些调查对象声称分局或助理派遣指挥官在犯罪现场有时试图说服受害者不投诉或敦促他们改变自己的帐户所发生的事情在一定程度上可能对小雅降级犯罪罪行。研究成果CompStat ^遇到一个不愿意透露他们由NYPD申报数据的方法。


1.remember how to 搭配:remember doing sth 记得做过(已做过)remember to do sth 记得去做 (未做过)2.D 搭配:how+adj.+n.what+a(n)+n.技巧:遇到这种题,要把谓语动词之类的去掉,单独来看句子 举例:beautiful day it is 不看【it is】 只剩下【beautiful day 】,整个词是...


英语高手们快来帮帮忙 英语句式问题
你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案:反意疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯,如 He is doing his homework now, isn't he?感叹句:What a\/an + adj. + n. + 主谓, 或 What + adj. + 不可数名词+主谓 How + adj. + 主谓 祈使句:肯定:动词原形打头的句子,如 Open the door, pl...

1、A 翻译:我不知道史密斯先生下周是否会回来。如果他回来了,我会告诉你的。if 引导宾语从句,通常翻译成:是否。从句的时态根据具体语境判断,如果引导条件状语从句,通常翻译成:如果。使用一般现在时代替将来时。第一个空是宾语从句,第二个空是条件状语从句,参考翻译。2、B 翻译:他们以1万元的价...

I am entreprenant and honest.你的公司知名度很高,能够让每个雇员发挥出全部实力。Your company is well known and enables every employee to do his best.我的目标是作一个成功的社会人士。My goal is to become a successful person in society.我的文化程度是本科。I got the Bachelor's Degree...

D 邮递员没时间去给它锁上 所以我觉得这题应该选A 2. Does he do his homework at school?3. Let's give a computer game to him.4. What time did\/do you get up in the morning?用did是问以前什么时候起的床, 用do是问一般平常的时候什么时候起床 what time did you get up in ...

2 In my opinion ,both technical support and financial one are the same important for helping the devoloping countries!With the mightful support of advanced science and technology,and solid finance,the developing countries can build and optimize their own infrastructures。Besides,it ...

1.lift 此处为名词,顺便搭载[C];give sb. a lift 顺便载某人一程。2.此题考查短语make a difference 有影响,有区别;否定式don't\/doesn't\/didn't make any difference 没有影响,没有区别。3.now that 既然;even if\/though 即使,虽然;根据句意可以选出;句型there is no point in ...

1. If I ever do anything wrong, please point it out to me. I'll surely correct it.2. Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come.3. If there are any mistakes in my spoken English, please help me correct and improve.给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必...

1选A,in the beginning可以单独使用,而at the beginning后面需加of,不能单独使用 2选D,look for意思是寻找,而find out是找出,查明的意思,根据语境,选D 3选A,因为cost是动词,worth是形容词,有“值…的;价值…的”意思,按照语境就是选worth.而valued和valuable虽然是形容词,但用法不对...

安西县13268013892: 请英语高手帮我把下面一段文子翻译成英文
颛路盐酸: In february 14,is my birthday and a wonderful day,i'm 15years old,i want to say happy birthday to maself and thank a lot to you are blessing me with love,love you all.

安西县13268013892: 求英语高手帮我把下面这篇文章翻译成英文,谢谢!我最感激的老师 我最感激的老师是我的小学班主任--吴老师.他是我数学的第一个启蒙老师.我至今都还记... -
颛路盐酸:[答案] I appreciate most of the teachersI am most grateful that I'm the most grateful is my primary school teacher-the teacher-teacher Wu. He was my first teacher of enlightenment of mathematics.I still reme...

安西县13268013892: 急急急~!!!各位英语高手~请帮帮忙,帮我翻译下面的句子~ -
颛路盐酸: 1、我向他许诺说我一到北京就给他写信.I promised that I would wrote to him once I arrived in Beijing.2、他经常问我这个问题,那就是这个工作是否值得做. He often asks me the question "Is the job worth doing?".3、他什么也不说,这一事实...

安西县13268013892: 请英文高手帮忙翻译一下以下句子:因为我姐姐开了一家贸易公司,人手很紧,我必须辞职过去帮忙!一直得到你的关照,希望我们能继续做朋友,保持联络... -
颛路盐酸:[答案] My sister has just started a commercial company,because she is so understaffed that i have to resign to give her a hand.I am very grateful for your constant favour.Hope that we can always be friends.P...

安西县13268013892: 英语高手帮帮忙!紧急~~
颛路盐酸: Free sky The ladies, the Sirs: Very happy I can stand here, I want today that the topic for make a speech is, the sky of the freedom. Do you envy the in the sky footloose bird?You know that still have now how many animals are free? Selfish people for ...

安西县13268013892: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面一段文字 谢谢你们 -
颛路盐酸: Sees both of us to walk in the same place was asking in my heart why in own always each dream has you only then you to let me not be able to provide lodging oneself hoped you see my regard all these are because you because you because faces...

安西县13268013892: 请英语高手来帮一下忙,把下面的短文翻译一下 -
颛路盐酸: Dear students:May in Wenchuan County on the 12th at 14:28, Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province in a rare magnitude 8.0 earthquake, to Wenchuan as the center of the surrounding area has also been seriously affected. Wenchuan County's ...

安西县13268013892: 各位高手帮帮忙把下面的句子翻译成英语:
颛路盐酸: I thank you with I spent a very happy day, that is the best I've ever had a happy day, my mood now words can't describe it, so I want to say thank you. You're a good guy, I wish you a happy life.

安西县13268013892: 英语高手帮帮忙 翻译下
颛路盐酸: 1: breakfast time really interesting 2: after breakfast, and then go to play guitar. 3:4: his PALS at seven o 'clock he home five: thank you for your letter 6: he wants to know about my morning time? 7: please write and tell me you in the morning

安西县13268013892: 英语高手们帮我把这段文字翻译成英文吧谢谢了
颛路盐酸: Sincere to others , being able to hard-working and able to endure hard work , handle affairs is rigorous the ability being responsible carefully , being innovative is outstanding , there is stronger organization managing an ability, have team spirit and ...

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