
作者&投稿:林底 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






I am fond of reading and swimming.

I am entreprenant and honest.

Your company is well known and enables every employee to do his best.

My goal is to become a successful person in society.

I got the Bachelor's Degree.

This is my first time to look for a job.

My biggest weakness is lacking of self-creation capability, and I will take other people's advice every time.

They will say I am hard-working and self-motivated.

I want to change my personality, and I am a little bit introvert.

I can do my best here.

求大神翻译成英语,不要有道Google。。 近些年,随着经济的快速增长,中 ...
accumulate rich historical and cultural content, in the process of foreigners learning Chinese, they can also feel the subtle thoughts of the Chinese culture. Many Chinese has also concentrate Chinese people's life experiences.这些都是我自己翻译的,可能不会和你的句子意思全部都一样。

Your favorite categories are what you see when using the Surf Junky browser.你在使用Surf Junky 浏览器时看到的就是你的最爱。Please keep the categories relevant to your interests.请将此类归于你的兴趣爱好。(Please choose at least 3 categories.My favorite categories)请选择至少三种类别...

Boy1:嘿,夥伴们,这个星期二有大考。我须要帮助。能不能告诉我该怎麼准备?Vocies:"Sure"!Yes. "Sure" we will.没问题!当然可以,我们会帮你的。Boy1;You did really well on the last English test."didn't" you Mei?Mei你上次的英文考试考得很好对吗?Girl1;Yeah,I did OK.还好...

logistics and services with high added value and that of Macau as a global center of tourism and recreation.国家将支持广东、香港、澳门间服务行业的发展合作,巩固香港作为国际金融、贸易、海运、物流、高附加值服务中心的地位,巩固澳门作为国际旅游、娱乐中心的地位。您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不...

求人工翻译Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworth...
Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy.美丽总是被认为值得赞美的。Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable occupations.几乎所有认为有吸引力的人更快乐更健康,有更美好的婚姻和更值得尊敬的职业。Personal ...

求翻译,中译英 本人英语不咋地,但是写作需要,所以只能来跪求译文了...
开始测试吧。不要太认真了,就用这个吧。Let's start the test. Don't take it too seriously, just use this one~如果世界上,没有一个地方可以屏弃寒冷的话。那么请你一直跟着我吧,觉得冷的时候,我就可以拥抱。If there is not such place that is free of coldness, please be with me,...

别无所求彻底忘了我爱原来要舍得 Nothing so thoroughly forget I love to 我难过 我才懂 I'm sorry I didn't understand 参考资料:http:\/\/blog.myspace.cn\/e\/407307822.htm

求翻译,请翻译高手帮我准确翻译下,感激不尽~在线翻译的就不要来了_百 ...
Dear Sirs \/ Madams,尊敬的先生们、女士们:Thanks for your interest in signing up for the “Listing in Hong Kong Seminar in Suzhou” on 13 July 2011.感谢您有意报名参加于2011年7月13日举行的“关于在香港上市的杭州研讨会”。This is to confirm that your registration is successful. ...

求英语高手翻译!how was your vacation?did you do anything
翻译:1、How was your vacation?你的假期过得怎么样?2、Did you do anything interesting?你做了什么有趣的事吗?3、Did everyone in the family go with you?家里每个人都跟你一起去了吗?4、I went to a friends farm in the countryside with my family.Everything was great.我和我的...

looby loo 歌词翻译
1、Here we go looby loo(来来来,我们去洗手)Here we go looby light(来来来,我们去洗手)Here we go looby loo(来来来,我们去洗手)All on a Saturday night(在这周六的夜晚)You put your right hand in(放进你的右手)You put your right hand out(拿出你的右手)You give ...

磁县18830751902: 急求英语翻译~~~高手帮一下忙
木狄华法: Stars and Stripes is the American flag (the Star-Spangled anner), the upper left corner for the blue flag of stars, row 9 of the total 50 white five-pointed star, with a row of six, a row of five staggered. Star is outside the 13 red-and-white stripes. 50 ...

磁县18830751902: 急求~翻译高手帮帮忙!!!~ 拜托... -
木狄华法: 亲爱的Lanlan:听说你身体不舒服并且不开心,我感到非常抱歉.下面是我的关于如何保持健康和快乐的建议.你应该每天都均衡膳食来保持健康.健康的食物包括一些肉类,很多的蔬菜和...

磁县18830751902: 急!!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子 -
木狄华法: 个人觉得基本无误.The news that earthquake hit Sichuan shocked us.Though he cannot speak, he can make himself understood by means of gesture.Keep up your courage and you are certainly to be successful.

磁县18830751902: 急求英语句子翻译 高手来帮忙
木狄华法: 1. Palm cards Hainan is rich in natural coconut milk and coconut as raw material, the use of advanced processing technology and refined scientific formula. (Ad: world's first China a must, natural coconut juice.) 2. Put binary shoes, casual walk in the ...

磁县18830751902: 急求人工翻译 英语高手们 以下句子帮忙翻译成英文 -
木狄华法: The work is earnest, persistent, has the compassion, CARES about the collective, helpful, Treat the teacher made can work conscientiously, Attentively to do every thing, to actively participate in school and class all the useful activities, for collective ...

磁县18830751902: 求英语高手帮我翻译一下,急求 -
木狄华法: eBay, Craigslist及反兼并的明天特拉华(美国州名)大法官法院就eBay(易趣...

磁县18830751902: 急求高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了
木狄华法: Many students performed better than expected.

磁县18830751902: 紧急求英语高手帮忙翻译句子!回答满意追加悬赏!大概初三~高一生的?
木狄华法: Hello everyone, this is my class report: The January in this year is very important and ... 还望对你有帮助! 感谢您对我们的支持! 由古今中外团队翻译!Translated by "古今...

磁县18830751902: 求翻译高手帮忙 谢谢!!急急急!!! -
木狄华法: 根据财富500强的公司名称和其他信息,我发现这500强企业名称共包括536...

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