
作者&投稿:謇扶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语口语水平,培养学生的语言交际能力都有很大的作用。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!
  Clerk: Do you want to check in sir?


  Guest: Yes I have booked a double room three days before I am Mr. Dean.


  Clerk: Let me check. Yes, sir. The porter there will show your room.


  Porter: Hello, sir, is that all you luggage?


  Guest: Yes.


  Porter: This way please.


  Guest: Thank you, it's very kind of you.

  Clerk: Good morning, sir. Have you reserved?


  Guest: Yes, my name is Bill.


  Clerk: Let me see. Oh, yes. Your room number is 603. The porter will lead you to your room.

  柜台服务员:让我查一下。是的,你的房间号是 603,那位迎宾员会带您去的。

  Guest: OK, thank you.

  Clerk: Hello, sir. How many in your party?


  Guest: Just myself. What is the rate?


  Clerk: OK, a single fare is $50 per right.


  Guest: Fine. Do I have to show my passport?


  Clerk: No, it's not necessary. But you have to fill out this form.

  柜台服务员:不必了。 但您得填这张表格。

  Guest: Sure.



Joe : Hai Tom how are you ? i heard you just went to Beijing last week.Tom: Yes, i visited Beijing last week end.Joe: What sightseeing places you had been ?Tom: I visited Great Wall,Forbident city,Summer Palace,Temple of Heaven.Joe: So which one did you like most ?

1、The flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles. The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane. 由于机械故障,航班已延误,机械师们正在对飞机进行仔细检查。 2、Owing to the air traffic control, we’ll wait until a take-off clearance is given. 由于空中...

A: It's wonderful that I have ten days holiday. I want to start a trip, but I don't koow where to go.B:That's a long holiday,you can relax yourself happily.Well,last month my friend Li came to Harbin for a trip.When he came back,he told me many interesting things ...

Conversation 1 对话 1 Jay just returned_from his trip of diving in Australia. He is now talking with his good friend Ellen about the diving experience.杰伊刚从澳大利亚旅游回来,他正在跟好朋友埃伦讲述他的潜水之旅。Jay:I just got back from Australia. I had the most amazing days ...

急需300字的一组旅游英语情景对话, 各位能人贤士赶紧出手帮忙
A:I'm so glad we decided to go on a cruise for our vacation.我很高兴我们决定坐船去度假。B:Are you even glad that we get to buy new clothes too?如果我们买新衣服,你也会高兴吗?A:Ah, that's all part of the fun. What do you think of these shorts?啊,那正是有趣的...

如果想要出国旅游,那就有必要学习一些常用旅游情景对话。下面我为大家带来旅游英语情景对话:行李安置,欢迎大家学习!行李安置情景对话一:A:Your trunks are here. Do you want them both in the room?A:您的皮箱到了,要不要都送到您的房间去?B:Where are they? I want to see them.B:在哪儿...

游客参加旅行社云南五日游,下面的英语对话是询问导游接下来五天的景点旅游行程安排。游客:Where shall we go at first? 我们首先要去哪?导游:In general, many people go to Yunnan Nationalities Villages at first while they come to Yunnan in the first time. 一般大多数人第一次来云南的时候会...

A:Hello,what can I do for you?B:We want to have a Hangzhou and Suzhou Tourism,so could you give us some information abount it?A:Well,Suzhou and Hangzhou are very beautiful cities,they are all famous for their nice scenery,there are a lot of interesting places,we have a ...

E: It's wonderful that I have ten days holiday. I want to start a trip, but I don't koow where to go.F:That's a long holiday,you can relax yourself happily.Well,last month my friend Li came to Harbin for a trip.When he came back,he told me many interesting things ...

如果想要出国旅游,那就有必要学习一些常用旅游情景对话。下面我为大家带来旅游英语情景对话:客房服务,欢迎大家学习!客房服务情景对话一:A:Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Black,please?A:早上好,请布莱克先生听电话好吗?B:Speaking.B:我就是。A:This is the Front Desk. I'm afraid that ...

云城区18561765300: 求一段关于旅游的英语情景两人对话,三分钟以上的, -
典阁强力:[答案] 沈:我们还有20分钟就到宾馆了,那我先简单地跟大家说一下明天的行程吧.上午去东南第一寺灵隐寺,领略中国的佛教文化.中餐在楼外楼解决.下午带大家去梅家坞喝龙井茶,中国最好的绿茶之一.晚餐和今天一样,大家自己解决,...

云城区18561765300: 紧急:求一个5分钟的旅游英语对话,两个人的. -
典阁强力:[答案] 手打的,不采纳就没人性了,楼主看着办吧 A:I am going on a trip next week. B:That is nice.where are you going to A:I would like to go to the historical city ,XI'AN. B:That will definitely be a wonderful trip .Do you know anything about XI'AN? A:Not much....

云城区18561765300: 求旅游英语的两人对话.正常语速5分钟左右的. -
典阁强力:[答案] Bob: Do you have any plan this weekend?你这个周末有什么计划. Tom: We're planning to go camping this weekend.我们这个周末计划去野营. Bob: Where do you plan to go?你们打算去哪里野营? Tom: There is a lake lying in the east of the city.It...

云城区18561765300: 旅游常用英语对话培训
典阁强力: 旅游分为长期旅游和短期旅游,而我们若是到美国,相对的英语对话还是要学会如何进行下去.下面是我给大家整理的3分钟英语旅游情景对话,供大家参阅!3分钟英语旅...

云城区18561765300: 关于旅游的英语情景对话情景:A打算去旅行,B向A推荐去哈尔滨,A则让B介绍下,那里有什么好的,为什么会推荐?祛除打招呼以及分别语,来回不得少... -
典阁强力:[答案] A: It's wonderful that I have ten days holiday. I want to start a trip, but I don't koow where to go.B:That's a long holiday,you can relax yourself happily.Well,last month my friend Li came to Harbin ...

云城区18561765300: 编一段我和朋友之间讨论旅游的英语对话 -
典阁强力:[答案] A:Hi!Long time no see!B:Yes,how are you?A:Fine,thanks.What did you do on vacation?B:I went to Chengdu with my parents.It's so beautiful!A:What did you do?B:I ate somethings delicions and buy something...

云城区18561765300: 旅游英语对话培训中学
典阁强力: 下面我为大家带来有关旅游实用英语对话,欢迎大家阅读!实用英语对话:旅游度假 What's your plan for the weekend?你对周末有何计划?A:what's your plan for the ...

云城区18561765300: 求关于旅游的英文对话,Do you like travelling?Do you need travel companions or prefer to travel alone?Discuss these with your partner.一定要是两个人的对话... -
典阁强力:[答案] yes,i do. I like to travel with a companion I prefer to travel alone because I can spend my time for myself.When you travel alone... You have a time to read books and review your life deeply. I meet other tourists or local people at every trip. When I went to ...

云城区18561765300: 帮忙编个3人旅游英语对话情景:1:You are a tour guide from china ,tour sarvice.Today you auyht to pick up a group from Canada .in the airport.2:you greet the ... -
典阁强力:[答案] (G:tour guide L:tour leader S:staff)G:welcome to China,I'm your tour guide XXXfrom CYTS,this our driver.we will try our best to make your stay in XXX an enjoyable one.If you have any question ,please...

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