
作者&投稿:斋连 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

STUART: I'm glad I brought my jacket on this trip.史都尔:还好这趟行程我有带夹克来。
SHARON: Yes, I didn't know Washington, DC got so cold in winter.雪伦:是啊,我不知道华盛顿特区的冬天这么冷。
STUART: What would you like to do today?史都尔:今天想做什么?
SHARON: I really think we should take a tour of the White House.雪伦:我真的觉得应该去参观白宫。
STUART: I thought we could go to some of the museums.史都尔:我觉得可以去参观博物馆。
Don't you want to see the museums?你不想去吗?
SHARON: Of course. But today I feel like seeing the White House.雪伦:当然想啊,但是今天我想去白宫。
We should see it first, because it's the most famous historical building here.我们应该先去那里,因为它是这里最有名的历史建筑。
STUART: I don't agree. I think the Capitol building is the most famous.史都尔:我不这么认为,美国国会大厦才是最有名的。
But okay. If you want to see the White House, we'll go see it.不过没关系,如果你想去白宫,那就去吧。
I'm just afraid it will be boring.我只是怕会很无聊。
SHARON: Boring? How can it be boring? It sounds very interesting to me.雪伦:无聊?怎么会呢?我觉得很有趣啊。
STUART: But it's the White House. The president and his family live there.史都尔:白宫是总统和他的家人住的地方。
They won't let us see most of it. Probably we can only see a couple of rooms.他们很多地方不会让人参观的,或许只能参观几间展览室而已。
SHARON: No, that's not true.雪伦:不是这样。
The White House is very big. And there are a lot of historical exhibits there.白宫很大,有很多历史文物。
The tour will take us through many different rooms. I read about it in the guide.导游人员会带我们参观各个展览室,旅游指南上有说到。
STUART: Hmm. If that's true, then the security there must be very good.史都尔:如果是这样,那么保安工作要做得非常好才行。
Because it's strange to think they will let people walk around in the White House.因为随便让人在白宫走动是很奇怪的。
SHARON: I'm sure the security is very tight.雪伦:我相信保安工作一定很严谨,
Probably they will make us walk through metal detectors like at the airport.可能像机场那样必须通过侦测器。
STUART: So I can't take my gun then.史都尔:那么我就不能带枪啰!
SHARON: Don't always joke like that! You don't have a gun.雪伦:别老是开这种玩笑,你根本没有枪。
STUART: Yes, it's true I don't.史都尔:我的确没有。
SHARON: You shouldn't say things like that. You could get arrested!雪伦:你不应该说这种话,会被抓去的。
STUART: What? Do you think someone will arrest me for making a joke?史都尔:什么?会有人因为我开玩笑就逮捕我?
Someone will arrest me here at the breakfast table?会有人在这餐桌上就将我逮捕吗?
SHARON: No. But if you say something like that in the White House,雪伦:不是,不过如果你在白宫说那样的话,
they may take it seriously. Sometimes I think you joke too much.他们就会当真。有时候你玩笑开得太过火了。
TUART: I'll be careful. Don't worry. I don't want to get arrested by the FBI.史都尔:我会小心的,别担心,我并不想被联邦调查局的人逮捕。
But how long does the White House tour last?不过参观白宫要多久?
SHARON: I'm not sure. I think it lasts about one hour. 雪伦:我不确定,我想大概一小时。
STUART: Alright. We should take a taxi over there right after breakfast.史都尔:好的,我们吃完早餐就搭出租车去。
SHARON: First I want to look in the travel guide.雪伦:我先看看旅游指南。
Maybe they don't have tours in the morning.很可能早上不开放参观。
STUART: That's a good idea. Do you want some more coffee?史都尔:那倒是。你还要咖啡吗?
SHARON: No, I'm fine.


1、The flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles. The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane. 由于机械故障,航班已延误,机械师们正在对飞机进行仔细检查。 2、Owing to the air traffic control, we’ll wait until a take-off clearance is given. 由于空中航路拥挤,我们要等待通行许可(才能起飞)。 3、Due to the loading of cargo/luggage, we will wait 15 minutes to take off. 由于飞机/货物还未装载完毕,我们还需等待15分钟由本站起飞。 4、We are waiting for 3 passengers to aboard. Please remain seated and we will keep you informed. 由于有三位旅客已经办理完登机手续,但仍未登机。请您在座位上稍等片刻。 5、Because we are adding meals for some additional passengers, we have to wait a few minutes to take off. 由于临时增加餐食品,我们需要等待一段时间。 6、We have to wait until the ice on the run way has been cleared. 我们需等待跑道上的冰被破除。 7、The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination. 由于目的地机场正下着倾盆大雨,我们的航班将延误。 8、The flight has been delayed because of bad weather. 由于天气恶劣,航班已延误。 9、The plane will take off as soon as the weather gets better. 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞。 10、We can’t take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility. 由于低能见度,机场关闭,我们不能起飞了。 11、We have just been informed that this flight has been cancelled due to a mechanical problem. We’ll have to stay here overnight. Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark. 我们已接到通知,由于机械故障本次航班已取消,我们将在这里过夜,请拿好随身物品准备下飞机。 12、We’ll provide free accommodation for every passenger. 我们将为每位旅客提供免费食宿。 很不错哦,你可以试下
zidjnxooob33658116252011-10-21 9:46:34


英语对话介绍一个旅游景点 介绍景点对话英文
而且随着经济的快速发展,成都已经成为一个国际大都市。Why don't you come to this magical city to have a rest and have a look at the beautiful scenery?为什么不到这座神奇的城市来休息一下,看看这些美丽的景色呢? 有关介绍景点的英语句子 为了能更好的享受出国旅游的乐趣,旅游常用英语口语学习是必要的。

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