六年级上册英语课堂作业本第11、12页第三题怎么做 急急急!

作者&投稿:犁泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

12页 2C 3F 4A 5D 6 E
13页 是讲故事 没有作业


Tom is in the (hospital).He wants to go to the (oinema).First,he turns (right) at the first turning.Then he goes(straight).When he sees the traffic lights,he turns(left).He sees the cinema (on)the (right).It‘s near the bookstore.

8plane(只要能到达北京的应该都可以- -)
应该不会错- -



哦 弄?

22页1 一连d 2连e 三连a 四连b 五连c 2.1 east 2 park car 3 father magazines 4 fat bus 3.I‘m going to the cinema 。 I’m going to the library in the evening。26页10 1.425136 2.3156247 11.对错错对对 12。1library 2hospital 3 chen jie turn...

Hello! I am Sally. They are my friends Jack and Don. Jack is very clever. Don is really hard-working. Apples are my favourite food. They are delicious.

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本课是《新标准英语》小学三年级起始用四年级上册Module 3Unit 1 What are they doing?本课的主要语言功能是谈论人们在公园中的活动,并描述正在发生的行为或动作。主要句型是“What are they doing? They’re v-ing”的学习与操练。本课的课文情境是Daming带着Amy坐公共汽车,路上看到很多有趣的场景,Amy也对其...

六年级上册英语课堂作业本第11、12页第三题怎么做 急急急!
是11页的第三题答案~1.North 2.east 3.rainy 4.sorth 5.sunny 6.west 7.snowy 8plane(只要能到达北京的应该都可以- -)应该不会错- -


以下是我为大家整理的六年级上册英语教学工作总结(通用5篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 六年级上册英语教学工作总结 篇1 本学期以来,本人遵守学校各项制度,按时出操、上课、组织学生早读及晚修,积极参加学校组织的各种教学活动,从各方面更加严格要求自己,结合本校的实际条件和学生的实际情况,认真备课、听课,虚心向...

sally is my good friend.what's she like?she has long hair and big blue eyes.she is quiet.she likes music.sam is sally's brother what's he like?he is strong.he likes sports i like sports,too.

小学五年级上册英语课堂 作业本答案
小学课堂作业本(五年级英语A)参考答案及听力材料 http:\/\/www.docin.com\/p-588289232.html 点进去就有了~望采纳~


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邳州市19849055493: 六年级上册英语课堂作业本第11、12页第三题怎么做 急急急! -
才旦斧一清: 是11页的第三题答案~ 1.North 2.east 3.rainy 4.sorth 5.sunny 6.west 7.snowy 8plane(只要能到达北京的应该都可以- -) 应该不会错- -

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邳州市19849055493: 小学英语课堂作业本六年级上册第22页26页答案
才旦斧一清: 22页1 一连d 2连e 三连a 四连b 五连c 2.1 east 2 park car 3 father magazines 4 fat bus 3.I'm going to the cinema . I'm going to the library in the evening. 26页10 1.425136 2.3156247 11.对错错对对 12.1library 2hospital 3 chen jie turns left at the hospait ,the book store is on her right. 哈哈赞下

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