
作者&投稿:逄凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.he who would like to have something he never had,will; have to do something will,that he hasen't done yet.
2.perhapa god would want you to become acquainted with many different people in the courst of your life,so that when you meet the right ones,you can appreciate and be grateful
3.air to breath
fire to warm you
water to drink and
the earth to live in

If you love him, then just shout loudly, because you will never know if emergency comes earlier than tomorrow.


2. 这个最好货真价实(意译的,had better 最好 worth 值)
5.为了摩格 莫萨尔(人名)

Kazmodon 3.
4. Asdingo,伙计! asdingo
5。为Masaar Mog !
7. ~ ~ ~ Haa符合性










2. 这个最好货真价实(意译的,had better 最好 worth 值)3.你确定是英文?是人名吧,音译“卡兹莫顿”4.像鬣狗一样,哥们!像鬣狗一样。5.为了摩格 莫萨尔(人名)6.指引我的利刃 7拟声词?没玩过魔兽。。。

1.一个人想要得到自己从拥有过的东西,就必须做自己从未做过的事。2.perhapa god would want you to become acquainted with many different people in the courst of your life,so that when you meet the right ones,you can appreciate and be grateful 2.上帝或许想让你在一生中结识很多人,...

嘿,大哥,我很想帮你,但是今天我刚帮别人翻译一篇论文,现在时在不行了,如果你可以等到明天的话,我就帮你翻译了。。OK 及时帮你搞完了,请检阅 哈哈。字幕翻译的特征主要是由于它的“视听”特征所造 成的。Subtitle translation feature is mainly due to its “visual and audio” characteristic...

我叫Barr James Clark,在法律企业顾问的一个初级律师.我是Mr David John的法定代理人,(Mr David John是SHELL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 在尼日利亚的总工程师).他现在是我的当事人.在2005年4月21日,我的当事人在沿着Sagbama快速驶过马路时被牵扯进一起交通事故中.不幸的是,汽车的实际占有人在这次事故中...

I called WanLing,I'm 20-year-old,I was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Wuxi in the Electrical and Mechanical higher vocational technical school students five years, the past five years has learned many things, the study of several programming languages such as: JAVA, C + +, J2SE, VB,...

好老师与坏老师 麻烦好心人帮帮忙翻译下面一段文字 谢谢
Good teacher and bad teacher The teacher is human soul engineer, may also be the ordinary person, has the good and bad points respectively.If divides into two kinds: One kind is good teacher, one kind is bad teacher.You definitely said this kind of law not not properly.Teacher...

好心人帮我翻译 汉译英
as well as written language into spoken language. Subtitling after two implications of it is different from other types of translation. Deletion of the original translation in the other types, although yes, but it will not be achieved in this subtitling the breadth and intensity. Text...

chord, gentle Shuya, melancholy. Between the lines and drum up an overwhelming shock wave, arouse readers a kind of strong tremor and resonance. Plot text with concentration and breadth, deduced a worldly and according to order of love.文写的挺好的呢,希望可以帮到你~祝你愉快 ...

急。。英语好的进来帮我翻译下 不要在线翻译 在线翻译拜托别进来乱回...
the writer wants to address the four ways to deal with the problems of the specialized English occupation further.First of all is to practice the basic training well.Second,make professional trainings.Third,change your traditional opinions of getting jobs.Fourth is to make the peform ...


周村区13270066693: 英语好的人帮我把这几句中文翻译成英文1 该不会是传说中的UFO吧?2 一定是.电视上的UFO就是这样的.3 他们追着UFO飞行的方向跑,UFO落在一片草坪上... -
朱备异山:[答案] 1 it's not the legendary UFO? 2 must be. On television UFO is such. 3 they chased the UFO flying in the direction of the run, UFO landed in a lawn. A seemingly human things from the UFO came out and c...

周村区13270066693: 请英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下这几句话 -
朱备异山: Never give up your dream! As long as you keep it, you will make it.Don't forget to live for yourself and people you love.It will be bound to clear after the thunder and the rain. To be proud with politeness instead of madness.Do what you want bravely, and live in the moment.

周村区13270066693: 请英语好的同志们帮我翻译几句话: -
朱备异山: 1. My speech, "to debut scenic." 2. Campus both boys and girls is in the debut scenic, they love their youth, they love life. Campus as a result of them brill...

周村区13270066693: 英文好的人进.帮我翻译个句子. -
朱备异山: If you love him, then just shout loudly, because you will never know if emergency comes earlier than tomorrow.绝对真确!设为最佳吧~~

周村区13270066693: 请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了· -
朱备异山: 1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者. The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations. 2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁. The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship . (介词...

周村区13270066693: 英语翻译希望英语高手能帮我翻译下这几句话,不需要在线翻译器啦,I dose my eyes slowly,Going somewhere deep inside my mind.And I know someone is ... -
朱备异山:[答案] 我慢慢闭上双眼 走向我灵魂的最深处 我知道有一个人 在遥远的地方 指引着我前行

周村区13270066693: 谁能帮我翻译一下这几句英语,RT,不要百度翻译,略坑……顺便看看有没有什么错误……1.She have no room to live in.2.I need a chair to sit on.3.She ... -
朱备异山:[答案] 1 have应改成has,第三人称单数形式,意思是她没有房间住. 2 我需要一个椅子坐. 3 她要一直笔来写. 4 hear改成here,拼写错误.这里有张纸用来写. 5 狗狗很容易照料. 6 她很难交流. 7 她很容易相处. 8 找到一个可信的人去喜欢. 手打不易,

周村区13270066693: 英语好的帮我翻译这几句英语句子吧 -
朱备异山: 1你认为将来在人们家里有机器人吗?2孩子们将不用去学校.他们将在家通过电脑学习3一切都将是免费的.4人们会活到200岁5一百年之后人们还会用钱吗?第五句一楼翻译错了,In在此处表示的是将来时态,如果按照一楼的翻译,楼主你自己感觉都会怪怪的.

周村区13270066693: ..帮我用英文翻译一下吧..以下这几句.... -
朱备异山: Definitely there is a road that leads to your heart, just I haven't discovered, seem to be definitely to have a road that leads to heaven, is just that I have...

周村区13270066693: 求文采好的,英文好的人.帮忙把中文翻译成英文,谢谢了!
朱备异山: In the rain, the heart began to panic, see your face, I tender side until the opening day, or is so miss. The heart, one day it will let us. Bye.How long, even as shortness of breath are gradually calm, always not forget you, because of the white too bright. ...

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