我要一篇英语作文。关于加拿大作家爱丽丝 门罗。写一篇英语文章关于她的。要原创的。

作者&投稿:悟省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


范文:Alice in Wonderland is a 3D three-dimensional film of Disney. It is inspired by Alice in Wonderland and Alice in the mirror by British fairy tale master Lewis Carroll.
Directed by Tim Burton, Mia wahikovska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway co starred. The film was released in mainland China on March 26, 2010.

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立体电影,其灵感来自于英国童话大师刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽斯漫游仙境》和《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》。

Alice Monroe 爱丽丝·门罗 Alice Monroe
门罗出生在渥太华,大部分时间都在这个安静的城市度过。 Monroe was born in Ottawa, most of the time spent in this quiet city. 她的小说写的也都是这个城市郊区小镇中上演的平民中的爱情、家庭日常生活,而涉及的却都是和生老病死相关的严肃主题。 Her novels are also written in this suburban town of civilians staged in love, family life, and they are all involved and the seriousness of illness and death related topics. 这个女作家的笔触简单朴素,但却细腻地刻画出生活平淡真实的面貌,给人带来很真挚深沉的情感,简单的文字带来丰厚的情感,这恰好显示了文学最本质的能量。 The writer's brush strokes simple and plain, but delicate portrait of a real life look dull, brings a very sincere deep feelings, simple text brings huge emotional, it shows the nature of literature the most energy. 很多人把她和写美国南方生活的福克纳和奥康纳相比,而美国犹太作家辛西娅·奥齐克甚至将门罗称为“当代契诃夫”,而在很多欧美媒体的评论中,都毫不吝啬地给了她“当代最伟大小说家”的称号。 Many people write to her and the life of the southern United States compared to Faulkner and O'Connor, and even the American Jewish writer 辛西娅奥齐克 Monroe called "contemporary Chekhov", and in many European and American media commentary, are generous to give her "the greatest living novelist" in the title. 门罗一生创作了11部短篇小说集和1部类似故事集的长篇小说。 Door Luo Yisheng created 11 collections of short stories and a novel set of similar stories. 在短篇小说普遍地位低下的欧美文学界,这个终身成就奖颁给她让一些人惊讶,但更多的人对门罗获奖的感受却可以用一个词来形容:“值!” “每读爱丽丝·门罗的小说,便知生命中未曾想到之事。”这是由作家、学者、编剧等组成的评委对她的评价。 In the short story generally low status of European and American literature, she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to surprise some people, but more people-to-door Lo's award-winning experience it can use one word to describe: "Value!" "Every time Alice wire Monroe's novel, glance not think of things in life. "This is from the writers, scholars, writers and other components of the judges for her evaluation.
1968年她37岁,那一年,加拿大女权运动正在最高峰,她发表第一部短篇小说集《快乐影子舞》(Dance of the Happy Shades),一炮打红,并得了她的第一座加拿大总督文学奖。 In 1968 she was 37 years old that year, the Canadian feminist movement is the highest peak, her first published short story collection "Happy Shadow Dance" (Dance of the Happy Shades), a gun and red, and won her first Governor General of Canada Prize for Literature. 此时,她已是三个女儿的母亲。 At this point, she is the mother of three daughters.
她的许多早期创作,是陆陆续续地在孩子的呼噜声旁,或者等待烤炉的间歇中完成的。 Many of her early works, is the child after another grunt in the next, or waiting to complete the batch oven. 事实上,《快乐影子舞》前后花了20年才写完。 In fact, the "Happy Shadow Dance" took 20 years before and after the finish.
50岁之后,这个女人才真正开始拥有自己的生活,她爆发惊人的创作力。 50 years later, the female talent really began to have their own life, she broke out amazing creativity. 不过她写的都是她30岁到50岁期间历史背景中发生的故事。 But she wrote all her 30 years to 50 years of age occurred during the historical background of the story. 1978年,她的另一部小说集《你以为你是谁》再给她捧来了一座总督奖,在上世纪八九十年代,她每隔4年都要出一部短篇小说集,开始享有世界级的名誉。 In 1978, another collection of short stories to her, "you think you are" holding her to give up a Governor's Award, in the eighties and nineties, she should be out every four years, a collection of short stories, beginning enjoy world-class reputation.
“女人谈论生老病死” "Women talk about illness and death."
门罗写的大部分是女人的故事,她的早期创作中,是一些刚刚进入家庭生活的女孩子,为爱情、性、背叛、孩子等苦恼;到后期,则是在中年危机和琐碎生活中挣扎的女性,但她们都有着欲望和遗憾,有着强大和软弱之处。 Monroe wrote most of the story of a woman, her early works, some girls just entered the family life, for love, sex, betrayal, children and other distress; to the post, it is trivial in the mid-life crisis and life in the struggle of women, but they all have desire and regret, the Department has a strong and weak. 门罗的小说并不特别重视情节,更多是利用时空转换,将记忆和现实生活打碎重新组合,这也表现了她想表现的观点:看世界,或许有新的角度,文学就可以帮助人们重新认识世界。 Monroe's novel is not particularly great importance to the plot, more is the use of space-time conversion, the broken memories and real life re-mix, which she wanted to show the performance point of view: see the world, perhaps there is a new point of view, literature can help a new awareness of the world. 她曾经在一篇散文中介绍读小说的方式:“小说不像一条道路,它更像一座房子。你走进里面,待一小会儿,这边走走,那边转转,观察房间和走廊间的关联,然后再望向窗外,看看从这个角度看,外面的世界发生了什么变化。” She has been described in an essay read novels: the "fiction like a road, it is more like a house you enter inside, until a little while, here walk around there, observation room and the association between the corridor and then look out the window and see from this perspective, what the outside world has changed. "
讲述平凡女性的命运 About the fate of ordinary women
《逃离》(RUNAWAY)是爱丽丝·门罗2004年的作品,全书由8个短篇小说组成,其中的3篇互有关联。 "Escape" (RUNAWAY) is Alice Monroe's work in 2004, the book consists of eight short stories, of which the three inter-related. 该书将于近期由北京十月文艺出版社出版,著名翻译家李文俊翻译,本文为该书译后记。 The book will soon be published by the Beijing October Art Publishing House, the famous translator, Raymond Lee translation, translation of this postscript to the book.
近年来,在美国的重要文学刊物如《纽约客》、《大西洋月刊》、《巴黎评论》上,都可以经常读到爱丽丝·门罗的作品。 In recent years, an important literary publications such as the United States, "New Yorker", "Atlantic Monthly", "Paris Review", you can often read the works of Alice Monroe. 美国一年一度出版的《××××年最佳短篇小说集》中,也多会收入她的作品。 In the U.S. the annual publication of "×××× best short story collection ", but also more revenue will be her work. 她几乎每隔两三年便有新的小说集出版,曾三次获得加拿大最重要的总督奖,两次获得吉勒奖。 She will have two or three years almost every new collection of short stories published, three-time Governor of Canada's most important awards, won two awards Gilles. 2004年第二次获吉勒奖即是因为这本《逃离》,评委们对此书的赞语是“故事令人难忘,语言精确而有独到之处,朴实而优美,读后令人回味无穷。” 我国的《世界文学》等刊物也多次对她的作品有过翻译与评介。 The second time in 2004 by Gilles award that is because this "escape", the judges Compliments of this book is "an unforgettable story, the language precise and unique, simple and beautiful, evocative reading infinity. "our" world literature "and other publications are also many of her works have been translated and Review. 可以说,门罗在英语小说界的地位已经得到确立,在英语短篇小说创作方面可称得上“力拔头筹”,已经有人在称呼她是“我们的契诃夫”(美国女作家辛西娅·奥齐克语)。 Can be said that Monroe's position in the world of English fiction has been established, in short story writing in English can be regarded as "Nance", has someone call her "our Chekhov" (American writer Cynthia Aoqi Ke language). 英国女作家AS拜厄特亦赞誉她为“在世的最伟大的短篇小说作家”。 British writer AS Baie Te also praised her as "the greatest living short story writer."
门罗最早出版的一部短篇小说集叫《快乐影子舞》(1968),即得到加拿大重要的文学奖总督奖。 Monroe was first published in a collection of short stories called "Happy Shadow Dance" (1968), that is to be an important literary prize in Canada Governor's Award. 她的短篇小说集有《我青年时期的朋友》(1973)、《你以为你是谁? Her collection of short stories are "youth of my friends" (1973), "Do you think you are? 》(1978,亦得总督奖)、《爱的进程》(1986,第三次得总督奖)、《公开的秘密》(1994)、《一个善良女子的爱》(1996)、《憎恨、友谊、求爱、爱恋、婚姻》(2001)、《逃离》(2004)等,2006年出版《石城远望》是她最新的一部作品集。 "(1978, may also Governor's Award)," Love the Process "(1986, third of the Governor Award)," open secret "(1994)," a good woman's love "(1996)," hate, friendship, courtship, love, marriage "(2001)," escape "(2004), published in 2006," Stone City afar "is the set of her latest work of one. 她亦曾出版过一部叫《少女们和妇人们的生活》(1973)的长篇小说,似乎倒不大被提起。 She has also published one called "young girls and women's lives" (1973) novel, it seems quite big to be filed. 所反映的内容是小地方普通人特别是女性的隐含悲剧命运的平凡生活。 Content is reflected in a small place of ordinary people, especially women's tragic fate of ordinary hidden life. 她自己也说:“我想让读者感受到的惊人之处,不是'发生了什么',而是发生的方式。稍长的短篇小说对我最为合适。” 《世界文学》2007年第1期对《逃离》一书作了介绍,并发表了对门罗的一篇访谈录,此文对了解作家与《逃离》一书都很有帮助,值得参考。 She also said: "I want readers to feel surprises, not 'what happened', but the way place. Longish short story for me the most appropriate." "World Literature" (1) 2007 the "escape" a book was introduced, and made a door of an interview with Law, article writer, and understanding the "escape" from a book are very helpful, worth considering. 据悉,上世纪80年代,门罗曾访问过中国。 It is reported that in the 1980s, Monroe had visited China.

In 1968 she was 37 years old, that year, Canadian feminist movement are the peak, published her first collection of short stories" the happy Shadow Dance" ( Dance of the Happy Shades ), a dozen red, and won her first Canadian Governor General's literary award. At this time, she was the mother of three daughters. Many of her early works, is trickling in children 's snoring sound, or waiting for the oven batch completed. In fact," the happy Shadow Dance" took 20 years to finish. 50 years later, this woman really started to have your own life, she breaks out amazing creativity. But she writes all her 30 to 50 years old during the historical background of the story. In 1978, another of her stories" who do you think you are" give her up to a Governor General's award, in the last century eighty or ninety's, she once every 4 years to be out of a collection of short stories, begin to enjoy world-class reputation.Escape" ( RUNAWAY ) is Alice Monroe's 2004 novel, the book consists of 8 short stories, 3 of them are related. The book will be in the near future in October by the Beijing literature and Art Publishing House, the famous translator Li Wenjun translation, this is the book translation postscript.

★★★★★★欧大弟999 百度一下★★★★★★
快速增大阴茎 延长时间 治疗早泄 已经销售万套 不容错过哦!不是药物不必担心副作用


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