
作者&投稿:佼蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






English Title: Comparing Life Now and Then

Nowadays, we live in a world that is vastly different from the past. Technology has made our lives easier and more convenient. We have smartphones, laptops, and other electronic devices that allow us to communicate with people all over the world instantly. In the past, people had to rely on snail mail or telegrams to communicate.

Entertainment has also evolved significantly. We have access to countless movies, TV shows, and music at our fingertips. We can stream them online or download them onto our devices. In the past, people had to go to movie theaters or buy physical copies of records and CDs.

Socializing has also changed. With social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, we can connect with friends and family no matter where they are. We can share our thoughts, photos, and videos with them instantly. In the past, people had to rely on face-to-face interactions or letters to keep in touch.

Overall, life now is much more fast-paced and interconnected than it was in the past. While some may argue that we have lost some of the personal touch that came with face-to-face interactions, there is no denying that technology has made our lives more efficient and convenient.


  1. Vastly (副词) - 极大地或程度上;非常

  2. Countless (形容词) - 数量过多无法计数的;无数的

  3. Interconnected (形容词) - 相互连接或相关的;不同部分或方面之间有联系的











Now and Then: A Comparison of Life

In the past, people used to communicate through letters or face-to-face conversations. Nowadays, with the development of technology, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have become popular ways of communication. People can easily connect with their friends and family members, even if they are miles away.

Technology has also changed the way we entertain ourselves. In the past, people would watch television or listen to the radio for entertainment. Now, streaming services like Netflix and Spotify have taken over. We can watch our favorite shows or listen to our favorite music anytime and anywhere.

However, with all the convenience that technology brings, it also has its downsides. People tend to spend more time on their phones and computers, which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and health problems.

In conclusion, while there are both advantages and disadvantages to the changes in our lives brought about by technology, it is undeniable that our lives have been greatly impacted by these changes.


  1. communication - 名词。交换信息或思想的行为。

  2. development - 名词。成长或改进某物的过程。

  3. sedentary - 形容词。涉及较少的身体活动。











Title: Life Now and Then

Life now is vastly different from life in the past. With the rapid development of technology, our lives have become more convenient and efficient. We can communicate with people around the world instantly through social media platforms, and we can access information at lightning speed. However, this convenience has also made us more isolated and reliant on technology.

In terms of social interaction, people used to gather together more often for meals or events, whereas now it's common for people to spend time alone on their devices. The pace of life has also increased significantly, with people often working longer hours and having less leisure time.

Despite these changes, there are still some things that remain constant. For example, human emotions and relationships are still just as important as they were in the past.


1. Vastly (adv) - 在很大程度上;极其地

2. Efficient (adj) - 以最小的努力或费用实现最大生产力的

3. Isolated (adj) - 感到孤立和与他人分离的

4. Reliant (adj) - 依赖于某事或某人的

5. Constant (adj) - 持续一段时间的连续发生的






Comparison of Present Life and Past Life
Life today is vastly different from life in the past. With the advancements in technology, changes in lifestyle, and the influence of globalization, our way of living has undergone significant transformations. Let's explore the key differences between present life and the past.
Firstly, technology has revolutionized our daily routines. In the past, people relied on manual labor and traditional tools to perform tasks. Now, we have access to advanced machinery and gadgets that simplify our work and make it more efficient. From smartphones to smart homes, technology has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us to the world in ways we could never have imagined.
Secondly, communication has evolved dramatically. In the past, communication was limited to face-to-face conversations, letters, and landline telephones. Now, we can instantly connect with anyone around the globe through various means such as video calls, social media, and instant messaging applications. The world has become smaller, and we can stay connected with friends, family, and even strangers at any time.
Furthermore, globalization has influenced our lifestyles and cultures. With the ease of travel and the exchange of ideas, cultures have blended, and diversity is more prevalent than ever. People today have access to a wide range of cuisines, fashion styles, and entertainment options from different parts of the world. This has broadened our perspectives and enriched our experiences.
However, amidst all the progress, some aspects of the past are cherished and missed. In the past, life was simpler and slower-paced. People had more time for leisure activities, socializing with neighbors, and enjoying nature. The sense of community and the importance of human connection were stronger.
In conclusion, the differences between present life and past life are evident. Technology has transformed our daily routines and communication methods, making the world more interconnected. Globalization has brought cultural diversity and new experiences. While we appreciate the conveniences and opportunities of modern life, it is important to remember the simplicity and sense of community that characterized the past. Balancing the benefits of progress with the values of the past can help us lead fulfilling lives in the present.

In 50 years,our life has undergone earth-shaking changes.In the past my elder sister and my parents live in a small house,we are very poor,but we're happy.Now,our lives have changed dramatically,we live in a high-rise building.In the past only without TV,listen to the radio.Now we have to MP3,television and computer entertainment equipment.In the past,we travel can ride a bicycle.Now,train,plane,ship,everything.Anyhow,the life we are living now is very rich,I love my family.

总的来说,现在的生活比过去更快节奏和互联。尽管有些人可能会认为我们失去了一些与面对面互动相关的个人触感,但毫无疑问,技术使我们的生活更有效率和便利。 第二篇英语作文 写作思路: 本文将对比现在和过去的生活,从社交、科技、娱乐等方面进行对比。 正文: Now and Then: A Comparison of Life In the past, ...

时光悠悠,青春见老。也许哪个时候的你已经成为了真正的怪叔叔了,也许你的脸上在也找不到年轻时那玩世不恭的表情。不过我相信:以后的你一定也和现在的我一样,享受着生活,开心,快乐并且满足着!曾经的自己 。望采纳

现在的生活环境与以前的环境相比较 有哪些变化
5、对爱人的忽略 同样是智能设备和社交网络给我们的生活所带来的变化。在那个缺乏智能设备的年代,人们的生活方式似乎更为丰富,特别是恋人之间,往往有更多的社交接触。而智能设备的诱惑,则让现代的年轻人花在虚拟世界的时间甚至大过于对于爱人的陪伴。

衣:自宋朝开始人们的服饰就开始有了较大明显的变化,人们从开始的简洁奢侈之风盛行。随着时代的发展人们的服装更是发生的翻天覆地的变化,各种款式,各种花色 。食:在改革开放前人们的生活还不太富裕,只求吃饱;后来人们讲究味道鲜美。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对于美食的追求也不仅仅只停留在讲究...

喜欢现在的生活状态的文案 关于生活状态的好听的说说
1. 我热爱生活,偏爱宁静,更愿意在阳台上书本为伴,懒散地度过午后时光,而非沉迷于电脑世界,与全球连结。2. 拥有仪式感,是每个热爱生活之人应有的生活态度。3. 在寒冷的日子里,“围炉烹茶”对于那些热爱生活的人来说,是一种难以抗拒的美好画面。4. 剁椒鱼头,鲜美辣味,是道极为下饭的家常菜...

1. 现代生活的一个显著好处是,大多数人能够获得更高的收入,而所需的努力相对较少。与过去相比,人们的工资水平有所提升,同时他们也能享受到更完善的社会保障体系,例如对下岗工人和残疾人的社会福利。得益于医疗技术的不断进步,人们能够获得更好的医疗服务和治疗,这直接促进了人类寿命的延长。2. ...


此外,大多数人现在可以买得起的高营养食品,享受休闲,如收音机,电视机,互联网,各种车辆和家庭节省劳力现代设施,都大大促进人类的通讯,运输和家务也。 不过,在21世纪生活也有其缺点。最严重的是污染环境的日益。其中大部分来自人民群众日益增长的市场与机器接触的结果和数字人体个性化。不过多一个...

关于生活的一封信篇一 亲爱的susan、jane and 叶子: 想象和真实不一样。我身处的这个城市,不管多么布尔乔亚或充斥小资情调的咖啡馆,街边那不经意就被震撼的市政建设,或是豆瓣同城里永远能搜索到的各色聚会。只要你有心情,你都能寻找到你的节奏。 我喜欢在这里听粤语歌曲,用闽南语讲话,看北京人士的书,操普通话与...


南沙区13584285163: 现在生活和以前生活的对比事例 -
子萍倍美:[答案] 谢谢,希望你能够采纳.希望对你有帮助 听父母讲述,以前我们家非常贫穷,东拼西凑才凑齐钱买了一套简陋的房子,当时,屋里没有一样像样的家具,只有一张破烂不堪的石桌子和几把烂塑料椅,一家人都在石桌上吃饭、做事.后来...

南沙区13584285163: 现在和过去生活水平的对比,怎么写? -
子萍倍美: 生活水平差不多都属于中等发达城市,工资待遇也差不了多少.只不过论物价的话南昌的东西要比银川便宜很多,从吃到穿.南方人的生活很多方面都是不怎么讲究的,就看你对生活是怎么个要求了.

南沙区13584285163: 现在的生活环境与以前的环境相比较 有哪些变化 -
子萍倍美:[答案] 科技方面:这个变化太大了,以前电视都买不起,大哥大都是奢侈品,现在手机,iPone,LED电视,无线网络,科技的进步太大了. 环境方面:这个方面大不如前,以前的环境比现在要好很多,现在污染比较严重,主要是大城市汽车数量的增多,人...

南沙区13584285163: 以前的生活与现在的生活有哪些不同?? -
子萍倍美: 现在的生活是物质需求很大,要什么有什么,包罗万象,应有尽有.很多的年轻人过的可以说饭来张口衣来伸手的优越生活.可是以前你自己不劳动那不只能挨饿,且你劳动了也只能分一点不相等的粮食给你,几乎常常是一家人的口粮比不上现在一个人的口粮.有些地方很多人都饿死了,喝稀玉米粥.反正是太多了,例举不尽.楼主是不是想吃苦呀?祝你成功!

南沙区13584285163: 写一篇关于以前与现在生活比较的英语作文 内容是写以前的生活和现在生活的比较.房子 生活水平和学习环境 -
子萍倍美: 'm a middle school student . First of all,I don't know what the differents from the happiness and happy on earth. But the "happiness”and "happy”are some look like in English . So I believe we are happiness that when we are in happy.What's ...

南沙区13584285163: 现在和以前的生活的对比~ -
子萍倍美: 这就是以前和现在的区别 因为现在的人好生活都过习惯了

南沙区13584285163: 写一篇对比的作文,关于现在的我和以前的,形成了怎样的对比,题目为:不一样的我 -
子萍倍美: 现在的我,已经不在是从前的我了,随着年龄的不断增大,面临的问题也越来越多了!实在是令我苦恼啊! 上了初中以后,朋友们也都走的走,散的散,人生就是这样有合有散!但是我的合在哪里啊?朋友们都离越来越远了,虽然...

南沙区13584285163: 原来的社会和现在的社会对比,今天,我是幸福的.作文850字 -
子萍倍美: 幸福是什么? 看你自己怎么看待它了.很多时候,简单就是一种幸福.生活本来就太多的诱惑,太多的追求和渴望会让原来简单纯粹的人生变的迷茫与困惑起来.什么是幸福?这是个太老套的问题,我想每个人的答案和标准都不同,不过有一点是肯定的.那就是活着就是幸福,可以看到早上升起的太阳是一种幸福,可以听家人在你的餐桌唠叨个没完那也是种幸福,可以和好朋友插科打诨也是种幸福,幸福很多很多,多的就如你身边的空气,充盈在你的周围而你懵然不知....

南沙区13584285163: 帮忙,急求一篇家乡变化的作文,大约500字,过去与现在对比的 -
子萍倍美: 我的家乡是农村,近几年发生了翻天覆地的变化.当你走在晚上的街道上,街道干净极了,街道两旁的路灯像一个个珍珠闪闪发光,美丽极了.车辆来来往往,川流不息.商店里热闹非凡,货架上摆着各式各样、琳琅满目的小吃.我还听老家的...

南沙区13584285163: 英语作文 写过去人民生活与现在人们生活对比 90来个词的 高分悬赏 在线等 -
子萍倍美: In 50 years, our life has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past my elder sister and my parents live in a small house, we are very poor, but we're happy. Now, our lives have changed dramatically, we live in a high-rise building. In the past only ...

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