
作者&投稿:廉景 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Rainforest is a biota with a lot of rainfall. Rain forests are divided into tropical rain forests and temperate rain forests according to their location. Most of the rain forests are close to the equator. There are large areas of rain forests in Africa, Asia and South America. In order to protect the rainforest, I propose the following initiatives:


Strengthen environmental awareness education, make citizens aware of the serious consequences of rainforest destruction and the significance of protecting rainforests, and improve citizens' awareness of environmental protection.


Strengthen the management and protection of rainforests, establish nature reserves and establish international protection funds, so that local governments can benefit from management and protection. We also need to strengthen the construction of rainforest buffer zones and reduce the opportunities for immigrants and farming to enter the rain forest areas.


We should also set up various forms of rainforest reserves such as "ecological reserves" and "forest parks".


写作思路:首先简单介绍一下雨林,然后给出自己的对于如何保护雨林的倡议,语法要正确,语句要通顺连贯,避免语法使用错误。正文:Rainforest is a biota with a lot of rainfall. Rain forests are divided into tropical rain forests and temperate rain forests according to their location. Most of t...

当他再次看向那片曾经感到陌生的雨林时,他被美景所震撼。小明深深地体会到,热带雨林是地球上独一无二的宝藏,我们应该保护和珍惜它。他希望每个人都能了解热带雨林的重要性,积极保护环境,让这个美丽的世界永远存在。 热带雨林探险之旅是一次令人难忘的经历,它让小明深刻地意识到我们与自然的紧密联系。我们要珍惜每一...


1. 写一个关于热带雨林的作文 热带雨林 或许是我没有想象中的那么坚强,或许是年岁的增长让每一个脚步都多了些沉重,才会让我常常沦陷于现实的沼泽中难以自拔,却仍是不安的挣扎。每一次的敷衍和借口,只不过是些无所谓的掩饰。但它却常常幻化成漫天迷蒙的大雾,让我总是看不清自己,看不清远方。 这里常常会下起...


4. 强调热带雨林受到的威胁 最后,您可以强调热带雨林受到的威胁。这些森林正面临着许多威胁,如森林砍伐、野火、气候变化和生物多样性丧失。如果这些问题得不到解决,热带雨林将面临生态和环境崩溃的危险。总之,写一篇关于热带雨林的作文时,您可以从热带雨林的概念、特点、重要性和面临的威胁等方面展开论述...

点拨:可以写我们为什么要保护雨林,要提出哪些举措。Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest .Many countries are rain forests and national parks .Farmersare learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest .It requires alot of people working together to make ...

热带雨林旅游景点介绍英语 关于热带雨林的资料英语
热带雨林介绍(英文)A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a ...



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表强固肾:[答案] tropical rain forest Lush forest,generally composed of tall,broad-leaved trees and usually found in wet tropical regions around ... where the climate is relatively humid with no marked seasonal variation.Depending on the amount of annual rainfall,the trees ...

高碑店市13217539906: 求一篇关于热带雨林的英文文章越简单越好最好在15到30句之间越简
表强固肾: tropical rain forestLush forest, generally composed of tall, broad-leaved trees and ... Depending on the amount of annual rainfall, the trees may be evergreen or mainly ...

高碑店市13217539906: 怎样保护雨林为题目写一篇英语作文初二
表强固肾: protect the rain forestsTropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas ---- Central ... of the earth, but more than 50% of the plants and animals on the earth live in them. Thick ...

高碑店市13217539906: 求保护热带雨林英语作文一篇求一篇关于怎样保护热带雨林的英语文章!最好有中文 -
表强固肾:[答案] 已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 求一篇用英语写的关于怎样保护热带雨林的文章 [ 标签:英语,热带雨林,文章 ] 匿名 回答:1 人气:11 解决时间:2008-12-25 19:11 检举 满意答案 protect the rain forests Tropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas...

高碑店市13217539906: 8上英语作文,怎样保护雨林 -
表强固肾:[答案] The forest is a valuable wealth of mankind, it will not only provide us with wood and forest products, but also soil and water ... property caused serious losses, will wreak havoc on the living environment to our production, protection of forest resources is the ...

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表强固肾: 中文: 亚马逊河向大西洋排放的水量达到了每秒18万4千立方米,相当于全世界所有河流向海洋排放的淡水总量的五分之一,从亚马逊河口直到肉眼看不到海岸的地方,海洋中的水都不咸,150公里以外海水的含盐量都相当低. 亚马逊河主河道...

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表强固肾: Rainforests are very dense, warm, wet forests. They are havens for millions of plants and animals.Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. The plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth's oxygen. These plants are ...

高碑店市13217539906: 如何保护雨林 70词英语作文 -
表强固肾: The forest is a valuable wealth of mankind, it will not only provide us with wood and forest products, but also soil and water conservation, water conservation, windbreak and sand play an important style of the protection of agricultural production and ...

高碑店市13217539906: 写一篇关于亚马逊热带雨林的英语作文 -
表强固肾:[答案] 中文:亚马逊河向大西洋排放的水量达到了每秒18万4千立方米,相当于全世界所有河流向海洋排放的淡水总量的五分之一,从亚马逊河口直到肉眼看不到海岸的地方,海洋中的水都不咸,150公里以外海水的含盐量都相当低. 亚马...

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表强固肾: Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and becoming one of the most serious problems of the world. It is our duty to save our earth. How can we prevent our earth from polluting? firstly, donnot threw garbages at the places. ...

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