
作者&投稿:谯卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello! Boys and girls. I am glad i can speech here . my topic is football ! My favorite sport is football, because I love the feeling of scoring. Usually, I was a vanguard when we playing football. I always watch soccer live. I like English football Premiership's Arsenal football cub, because it attacks very smooth, with very carefully.. van Persie is my most favorite footballplayer in Arsenal, he is a very good forwards. Of course, I also like AC Milan, Real Madrid, and Ajax. I Hope you like football . like the competition .


在4 - 0战胜Rayo Vallecano星期二,巴塞罗那的另一个有趣的美食提供他们的球迷扒在星期六的比赛中。这个倒霉的对手的莱万特,并被他们设法生存仅仅三分钟前对一个典型的落后越位止动塞斯克·法布雷加斯的完成。他们两个的莱万特失踪最有活力的球员——中场和前锋Juanlu何塞Barkero戈麦斯,一点都不像侧领先西甲,早在赛季。法布雷加斯公司

Football, the popular game in the world, makes many people crazy. Football is a attractive game. In the field, there are 22 persons but only one ball. The combination performs a perfect performance in each corner of the world, and the game makes people passionate. It is said that this game made strength, speed, skill together as one. At the same time, many peole get hurt. In 1830, the World Cup began. It made more and more people love the game. Now, there are a lot of powerful countries in the world, for example,Germany, Brazil, and Spana. Every match attracts thousands of football fans who cheer for their loved club. If their loved club goals, they will be happy. And if their loved star goal, they will be crazy. Because of this, lots of famous football club were born, such as Bacerona, the Real Madrid, Bayrern. Naturally, these clubs gave birth to many famous stars like Messi, David Villa, C.Ronald. They are super stars in the world. Now, you are interested in football, aren't you?




football is the .....不会了

Football, the popular game in the world, makes many people crazy. Football is a attractive game. In the field, there are 22 persons but only one ball. The combination performs a perfect performance in each corner of the world, and the game makes people passionate. It is said that this game made strength, speed, skill together as one. At the same time, many peole get hurt. In 1830, the World Cup began. It made more and more people love the game. Now, there are a lot of powerful countries in the world, for example,Germany, Brazil, and Spana. Every match attracts thousands of football fans who cheer for their loved club. If their loved club goals, they will be happy. And if their loved star goal, they will be crazy. Because of this, lots of famous football club were born, such as Bacerona, the Real Madrid, Bayrern. Naturally, these clubs gave birth to many famous stars like Messi, David Villa, C.Ronald. They are super stars in the world. Now, you are interested in football, aren't you?
是英语句子词典上查到的 和前面那位仁兄的差不了多少

Taking over the world vision, football is the most popular sports in the world. The sport which is formed by simply 22 players and a ball is attracting everybody. Football is not only a sport game, but also a show inculding power, skill, speed and pasion. After the first World Cup held in 1830, football had being a world wide sports. Many country strong in football like German, Spain and Bazil appeared many football heroers, like Messi and villa. The fans of different clubs and countrys cheers for their achivments and tears for the lost. Football is stealing hearts from fans like a beauty.

纯自创,不是翻译出来的,根据你的汉语稍稍改变了一下叙述的顺序,说的会更加通顺一点,没有生词,都是初二差不多能写出来的。 望采纳

画蛇添足 楚有祠者,赐其舍人卮酒。舍人相谓曰:“数人饮之不足,一人饮之有余。请画地为蛇,先成者饮酒。”一人蛇先成,引酒且饮之,乃左手持卮,右手画蛇曰:“吾能为之足。”未成,一人之蛇成,夺其卮曰:“蛇固无足,子安能为之足?”遂饮其酒。为蛇足者,终亡其酒。译文 楚国有个...

Football is the world's most popular collective project of all countries in the world play football. Football teams need 11 players, this is not by the other ball games. And different rugby, football requires the ability to control with a single step, but it is a collective ...

I have a cold,last one week 上个星期,我得了感冒 I feel very bad.I eat many medicine everyday. 我感到十分不舒服,我每天吃许多药 When in dream.I see devil. 在梦中,我 看见了魔鬼 when i get up.Weak still... 而当我醒来,我仍然如此虚弱 Where is my gress& sunshine, 哪里...




九年级英语文章翻译the winning team

但是我喜欢这个名字。事实上,这条狗也够笨的!它长得跟其他混种狗差不多。我在城里狗背街发现它的,当时它摇着尾巴,我感觉我和它可能会成为好朋友。他几乎和我形影不离。当我妈妈晚上去上夜班的时候,他总是睡在我的铺上。也写写信给我吧,告诉我关于巴黎的事情。你真诚的朋友,汤米 ...

Abstract: In the world of football known as the movement of the power of large, participatory and involves extensive attention from China's most popular and one of the items.As an emerging sport in another small item - Beach soccer, despite its short history, but throughout the ...


石景山区18443366422: 来个高手帮忙翻译英语文章文章如下: Soccer is the most popular game in the world.The most important soccer competition is the WorldCyp.The World Cup ... -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] 英式足球是在每四年WorldCyp.The世界杯存在控制的world.The最重要英式足球竞争存在中最受欢迎游戏.In2002 它was第一次控制住亚洲.它被牵引国家第一次也分担.那些两个国家是韩国和日本.在1924年英式足球成为部分奥 林匹克的Games.But因为...

石景山区18443366422: 英语翻译这是一篇关于青少年的足球的文章 一.Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all the its games,and the pressure started.(moved up to ... -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] 一.Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all the its games,and the pressure started. (moved up to the top division 在文中是什么意思?) 那么这个队伍在赢了全部这些比赛后荣升到甲级,与...

石景山区18443366422: 有关足球的英语作文100个单词左右.要翻译! -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] One day,the weather was fine.Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for soccer.They are divided into two ... 一天,天气晴朗.小明和一群小伙伴们到一片绿油油的草坪上踢足球.他们分为两队,一队是红队,一队是黄队.小明在黄队是队...

石景山区18443366422: 英语翻译翻译 if they moves it to the other end of the field,they will get six points 网上翻的是 如果他们转移到另一端的领域,他们将获得六分这是一篇关于足球... -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] 如果他们能把球带到场地的另一端,就能获得六个罚球点

石景山区18443366422: 谁能帮我翻译一下这篇关于足球的文章,我们要考试,特别急 最好今晚就能翻译出来, ,必有重谢 -
尉瑞再奇: 在4 - 0战胜Rayo Vallecano星期二,巴塞罗那的另一个有趣的美食提供他们的球迷扒在星期六的比赛中.这个倒霉的对手的莱万特,并被他们设法生存仅仅三分钟前对一个典型的落后越位止动塞斯克·法布雷加斯的完成.他们两个的莱万特失踪最有活力的球员——中场和前锋Juanlu何塞Barkero戈麦斯,一点都不像侧领先西甲,早在赛季.法布雷加斯公司

石景山区18443366422: 英语翻译短文:我喜欢的运动是篮球和足球两个.但我特别喜欢的运动是足球.我认为它是世上流行的.它们使我强壮.当我长大的时候我要成为一名足球运... -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] 楼主,我先回答的,但是我想回过头来提醒一下: 楼上完全是机器翻译,语法全错,希望楼主注意. 没有语法错误: My favorite sports are basketball and football.But I especially like football.I think it is the world's most popular sport.They make me ...

石景山区18443366422: 急求一篇关于足球的英语作文或演讲时长差不多一到两分钟,词不要太难.最好附上中文翻译!哪位大哥大姐好心帮帮小弟~ -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] Football in China When I still was a small child,I have formed an unrealistic picture of my future life,I thought that I will become ... when they have a match each other in a same field. 中国足球当我还是一个孩子的时候,我已经形成了一种不切实际的想法我...

石景山区18443366422: 求一篇关于喜爱足球的英语小短文 -
尉瑞再奇:[答案] Playing football with teammates are really enjoyable. Running on a football pitch makes us not only in good health, also it results in team spirit and coorporation. The moment scoring a goal is exciting. Every playe rof our team will celebrating because it is...

石景山区18443366422: 关于足球历史的英文文章 -
尉瑞再奇: History of Football 足球运动的历史Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including countless children and teenagers. Young people play in narrow, urban alleyways. They play in refugee camps. They play...

石景山区18443366422: 简单英语作文带翻译关于我最难忘的足球比赛 -
尉瑞再奇: put an end to to be sash to die in utero and at fine wine was understood to be sanctioned by the vehicle was built on the land beside usually the gunfire miles an hour

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