
作者&投稿:李莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

把 that 改成 what,understood 后跟宾语从句,she was suffering from 是从句,from 是介词,介词后缺宾语,宾语从句缺宾语,表示物用what,不用that,
that 后应该是一个不缺成分的句子。

One may believe that it takes luck to succeed, whereas others may believe that academic seccess depends on hard work.


1:what row is he,do you know?

2:they all are good drivers

3:l think his old bike is wrong

4:we don't like eggs and milk

5:he is old and strong

6:there can't are any chilren there

7:not put your ball on the table

8:please you open your books

9:a bird is singing on that tree

10:let him to have a look at my new t-shirt

11:which ball is yours?one under the tree

12:look after your shoes.don' put it here

13:please buy a pink lamp to me

1:what row is he (in),do you know?
2:they (are all))good drivers
3:l think his old bike is (broken)
4:we don't like eggs (or) milk
5:he is old and strong.
6:there can't are any chilren there
7:not put your ball on the table
8:please you open your books
9:a bird is singing on that tree
10:let him to have a look at my new t-shirt
11:which ball is yours?one under the tree
12:look after your shoes.don' put it here
13:please buy a pink lamp to me

1:what row is he in,do you know?
2:they are all good drivers
3:l think his old bike is something wrong
4:we don't like eggs or milk
5:he is old but strong
6:there can't be any chilren
7:Do not put your ball on the table
8:please open your books
9:a bird is singing in that tree
10:let him have a look at my new t-shirt
11:which ball is yours? the one under the tree
12:look out your shoes.don' put it here
13:please buy a pink lamp for me

which row he is
wrong broken
old but strong
are be
there is a bird
the one
to for

1.what row is he (in),do you know?
2.they are all(all are)good drivers.
3.I think his old bike is wrong(broken).
4.we don't like eggs and(or)milk.
5.he is old and(but)strong.
6.there can't are(be)any children there.
7.not(don't) put your ball on the table.
8.please you(/)open your books.
9.a bird is singing on(in)that tree.
10.let him to(/)have a look at my new T-shirt.
11.which ball is yours(your)?the one under the tree. 重点在前面
12.look after your shoes.don't put it(them)here.
13.please buy a pink lamp to(for)me.

1 what's row he is in
2 they are all good drivers
3 wrong 改为broken
4 we don't like eggs or milk
5 old but strong
6 there aren't any children here
7 not改为don't
8 去you
9 on改为in
10 去to
11 the one under the tree
12 looking after
13 to 改为for


1:what row is he,do you know?he后加in 2:they all are good drivers are与all位置互换 3:l think his old bike is wrong wrong改成broken 4:we don't like eggs and milk and改成or 5:he is old and strong and改成but 6:there can't are any chilren there are改成be 7:not...

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1.Are these the twins pencil-boxes?the twins应为the twins' 表示所有格。2.Where is his shoes,do you know?is应为are,表复数。3.These are my parent parent应为parents,表复数。4.I can see some apples in that old apple tree in改为on,表示树上长出来的东西。5.One os my ...

的确选B,因为有Over the last DECADE(在过去的十年里),所以应该用现在完成时,即has grown 而这个that 和 which 到底分别在什么情况下用呢?这大多是在定语从句种难分辨。一下时详细分析 定语从句中什么时候只能用that,什么时候只能用which?[思路分析]在定语从句中,当先行词是指物时,关系代词...

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