10个句子50分 句子改错 先给20分

作者&投稿:星晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





1、 Being a hot day ,we all go swimming.

2、 The story is very worth listening.

3、 The thief has been caught climbing over the garden wall.

4、 Don’t forget your dictionary home.

5、 This is the very child looked at by her.

6、 One of the first books printed in English were hunting with birds.

7、 The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate on.

8、 He was the first student to come to school yesterday.

9、 If you want to be understood,you should speak slowly and clearly to the listeners.

10、 No matter when you call,you will find him at his desk.

Being a hot day ,we all went swimming.
2、 The story is very worth listening to.
listening--to listen
3、 The thief has caught climbing over the garden wall.
4、 Don’t forget your dictionary at home.
5、 This is the very child looked by her.
6、 One of the first books printed in English was hunting with birds.
7、 The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate.
skate--skate on
8、 He was the first student coming to school yesterday.
9、 If you want to be understood,you should speak of slowly and clearly to the listeners.
10、 No matter whenever you call,you will find him at his desk.

1、 Being a hot day ,we all go swimming.
2、 The story is very worth to listen.
3、 The thief has been caught climbing over the garden wall.
4、 Don’t leave your dictionary at home.
5、 This is the very child found by her.
6、 One of the first books printed in English was hunted with birds.
7、 The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate on
8、 He was the first student came to school yesterday
9、 If you want to be understood,you should speak slowly and clearly to the listeners.
10、whenever you call,you will find him at his desk
或No matter when you call,you will find him at his desk

2.to 去掉
4.dictionary which at
6.books was printed
9.of 去掉

海州区18260971155: 10个句子50分 句子改错 先给20分 -
老汤丁疏: 1.went→go2.to 去掉3.over去掉4.dictionary which at5.looked→looks6.books was printed7.skate→skating8.comeing→comed9.of 去掉10.at→on

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