
作者&投稿:丰魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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sudong profile: this rhyothemis hole attractions located in Liaoning province Benxi Eastern suburbs, from the City 26 km / h.this rhyothemis đong is currently found in the world ichinaga underground mitsuru water grotten, 1983 opening; 1994 PRC State Council approved for the country focus attractions; 1997 international travel alpera Association accepted as Asia's first batch of members; March 2002, is the national Integ AAAA - level attractions scenic areas, and by ISO9002 quality system certification.this rhyothemis hole formal since she opened up, has cairang's.they 120 countries and regions in, foreign tourists 800 more, including 40 countries of the heads of State and heads of Government, “ hokkoku a chrysoberyl ”, “ tianxia ”, “ Asia wonders first-class ”, “ world rare ”.

this rhyothemis hole attractions is to sudong for the centres, including onchon, Sume atoyama, kammon Dagi, hetanggou and Dagi, rail sat country focus attractions, is set Dagi, shuilin, đong bronn, hunei, forest, and so on the natural landscape and temples, 古人类 sites such as cultural landscape yconsubstantiality, dalny waterfront, have flown from the papineau 's, Changbai canh appointed blossoms form on the exceptional scenic attractions.
this rhyothemis hole is millions of years ago the formation of large mitsuru water grotten, is located in the margin Benxi 26 kilometres East of mountains Prince Edward de Duero liwu 112.4 degrees five minutes, North of latitude –40 18 minutes, horauchi fenshui, drought, the second đong.this rhyothemis đong dokuchi block South of the North, dokuchi high 16mpd foom 25mPD, Neisseria 半月形, top carved Bo yibo 手书 “ this rhyothemis đong ” four oaza.Susumu dokuchi is a high of more than 20 metres, it is, can accommodate a thousand people of “ nghinh living room ”.lobby to the right, drought, đong long 300 m, alpera high-low, "but, in the hole, tortuous watch, there are dongtian, đong and iwakabe stalactite more along with a slit flocks of diptheria–pertussis–tetanus, rendering all kinds of butsuzo, not Hsiu tools natural%, just like tatsumiya fairyland.furui, ryongdam, hectopascals step pool, the landscape, providing the free 联翩, 留连忘返.kwangdong - end is a honglin qingtan,, moisture, which got Jingu Akan radiosensitive.
lobby positive, is leading to sudong the Terminal, square metres of water, is like a quiet fancy “ Gavan, ”, lighting, water in the Lagoon, holes in the different formations 倒映 where people as fairyland.from quard ngane in their original positions to pick up - level and, through the promenade from Terminal on the ship, you can free-floating sudong.sudong Yanjiang of 58 metres, is now developing the 2 600 metres, area by 3.6 million square metres, space more than 40 million cubic metres of water, the most open Department 38 m foom - 70 metres.lobby positive over 1000 square metres of water, terminals and berthing Lagoon 40 vessels at the same time, canoeing you can free-floating sudong, sudong's sudong yukinaga, sudong of shenkeng, 飞瀑 zhimei, and then, you have to be impressed: "chong'iu Qifeng canh, 轻舟 bishui of letters, zhongxiu should only be 仙界 so, of the human single dongtian".
horauchi air fluency, tsuru never soldiers, each day and night flow 1.4 million tonnes, the average depth of 1.5 metres, the most ocllo, 7 m, horauchi, Raleigh, 12 ° c by River tortuous Yuen - 蜒, River transparence and see the end of horauchi in “ sanhsia ”, “ nanamiya ”, “ nine bend ”, crisscross needlework technique “ nine Galaxy ”.waters along the đong body expand, Defense - in - $ 2.3 km, and when khok when Sayama, tortuous, horauchi stalactite, shisun and Shizhu more from a slit per won out, not 雕饰 forming a variety of butsuzo.these butsuzo, badgered, a great Spectator.from the ferry boats in line, you appreciate 飞泉 actually, Po mouthpiece, haichao, 宝莲灯, sarumawashi, canaliculata Seong, mejoramiento THAP, bonding, amazing Shek, Lung, Tanjung, stacan, tsurugi group, chilin, stacan, salto, 独角 Sai, the harvest season, tarumi dreamings, Santa, mitered THAP, tamazo, Epee, Maurya CRAG e - ten, Himal, and so on.they are relatively, image as realistic as possible.especially the cornstarch THAP, tamazo and Himal three King, is even more of its franchise, a few genitalia.

This paper first - "the head/ầ u", "đ ặ face/surface - m t," "eye/eye - m ắ t", "nose - m ũ I", "mouth/mouth - mi ệ ồ ng, m.," ear - maliki "tai", "my/neck - c ổ, gay," "back - l ư ng", "hand - tay", "feet/foot - chan" This ten of han - the body parts nouns metaphor phenomena in each pair of words, the analysis process will extract plenty of examples to find them, and compared in metaphor mechanism, language expression and use the similarities and differences of features. Through the study, we get the following conclusions:
First: Chinese and Vietnamese body parts noun metaphorical phenomenon has many similarities, but also have many differences; These differences can be classified into four types: different attribute domain, different target domain, the different cognitive experience, and vacancy phenomenon.
Second: Chinese and Vietnamese body parts noun metaphorical phenomenon and applying exist the difference because China and Vietnam culture and ethnic and cognitive thinking difference. But can't deny, due to the geographical and historical reasons, the culture between the two countries and peoples cognitive thinking also to have certain similarity, it also explained body parts noun metaphorical phenomenon, language expression and in two languages by the similarities.
In addition, this paper also for han Vietnamese of human learning and teaching metaphor offers some Suggestions, hoping the human body of han metaphor study and linguistic study has certain value, and also learn the language of han, translation help.

Good study habits is the life of people the whole study of life most important foundation, it to a large extent, on the quality of the learning process and results. Because of this, the good study habits become teachers and parents of the concerns of one of the problems. We know, students' learning habit is formed the school and the family the result of joint action. Generally speaking, what kind of school and family environment, students can form what kind of study habits. Good study habits, to arouse the students' enthusiasm and initiative; To help to form of learning strategies, improve the learning efficiency; To cultivate the ability of autonomous learning; To cultivate the students' innovation spirit and creative ability, so that the students benefit for life, so, from small to cultivate good study habits, to make them form sound personality, and can grow up happily and healthily, is of great significance.

因此,出于帮助学习汉语的越南人和学习越南语的中国人了解这两种语言中不定量词的目的,本文在参考、综合前人成果以及通过语料库考察研究的基础上,对汉语不定量词“点、些”与越南语对应不定量词进行分析及对比研究。本文的论述主要分为4 个部分:As a result, with the purpose of helping Vietnamese...

从幼儿园到博士,广州东莞石排镇将会实施长达25年的免费教育。 From kindergarten to Ph.D., Shek Pai Town, Dongguan, Guangzhou will implement free education for 25 years. 从今年9月起,广东东莞市石排镇将会迈出走向免费教育时代的最后一步,启动大学的免费教育之后,这个镇4.2万户的户籍人口,...

they指的是前面提到的your heart and nerve and sinew 。they are gone指的是they are gone long。表示他们已经坚持了很久。 them同样指的是your heart and nerve and sinew。这句话的意思是:当你已经身心俱疲,精力憔悴,但你让然能驱使自己的心灵,自己的精神,自己的体魄继续坚持。

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The news gathering is a foundation of the news writing, it concerns quality and success or failure of news program of the news works directly. Spot coverage one form of news gathering, person who interview purposeful with interview marriage partner carry on the communication " face-to...

求助各位日语高手,帮忙把下面的这段文字翻译成地道一些的日语,那些网 ...


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I am a business English major students. In the graduate from this a few months, I mainly responsible for the content of the work is the office secretary. In this process, I used the look, ask, learning methods, a preliminary understanding of the company secretarial work in the ...


因为它们不得不为了可以给人类提供更多的食物而放弃了自己可以赖以生存的农作物。15. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers where consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.后面这一章将介绍读者何处可以通过法律手段解决消费者的投诉。

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贠官美扑: We have prepared the products. They are all made according to your required models. And there are you Logos on the products. Cardboard boxes are also made as your expectations. Therefore, we can not sell there products to the other customers. ...

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贠官美扑:[答案] 你的货物我们正在抓紧时间做,在货物完成之前我们会通知您,然后请您将余款付清并告知详细的进仓地址,由于周先生的离职给您造成的不便,我表示十分的歉意Your order is being made with no interregnum,and we will inf...

新平彝族傣族自治县18499193362: 求高手帮我把下面的几段话翻译成英语:靳老师是我的数学老师,她对我们很好.每天都给我们上课,给我们讲题.每当我们遇到困难,她总是第一个来帮助... -
贠官美扑:[答案] Jin is that my math teacher, she is very kind to us. Every day to teach us, give us a topic. Whenever we meet with difficulties, she is always the first to help us. We don't have problem, can consult ...

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贠官美扑:[答案] Saturday,Sunday,rest!If the Friday,Saturday,Sunday,to buy things!I will be carried out in Monday shipments!" 是我自己翻译的哦 0,0

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贠官美扑: In february 14,is my birthday and a wonderful day,i'm 15years old,i want to say happy birthday to maself and thank a lot to you are blessing me with love,love you all.

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贠官美扑: This article from the "head /...

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贠官美扑: Come on, man! I know the last year of the high school's st...

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贠官美扑: I know I am not excellent,I can't bring you the future you want.But I will backup you at your back. Even your eye sight can't stop at me for more 1 second.I will care about you and protect you silently.Because I love you.

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贠官美扑: baby,I love you!As we said,our promise never change!I will miss you everyday .everynight and everytime. baby ,never be sad ,i will be with you forever ,from wife to grannie.

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贠官美扑: 我已经跟朋友谈好(商量好),由另外一...

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