
作者&投稿:荡云 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Mr.Pete,
Do you have a word text of my homework on the line which I made mistakes?If you do,can you send me a copy?I have been aksing my classmates for that text ver since yesterday.but hardly nobody downloaded it.The only downloaded one has incorrect form and I could not open it.
I am so sorry for missing the work and make your explaination delayed.
Thanks for your patience and forgiveness

A: Excuse me, why are you late? What's your name?
B: My name is Mike, Sir/Miss*(1). You can't forget me just because I've been absent for four classes.*(2)
A: All right, Mike. Why were you absent for four classes?
B: The programming contest I participated in required me and seven other students in the same field*(3) to work in a workshop*(4) for twenty-seven days (consecutively). *(5)
A: That doesn't mean you can be absent without the knowledge of a teacher.*(6)

*(1) 男老师用Sir,女老师用Miss。英语中跟老师交谈时不会称对方为teacher——很多人都犯这个错误。
*(2) 瘦瘦的肉包子用户说得没错。为了好好表达出原句中的“就”,在because前加个just会比较好。
*(4) “机房”一词一时找不出什么好的意译……网上辞书都是译成equipment room、engine room、machine room、generator room之类的词。因为B参加的是个编程比赛,所以个人认为以上的翻译全部都不太合适。
*(5) 括号中的consecutively可要可不要。但为了原句中“连续”的关系还是放进去了。个人认为不要会比较自然和不啰嗦。
*(6) 英文中好像没有能清晰直接地代替“请假”的单词,因此有点麻烦……
翻译后的整句话语法和文法虽然都没问题,但因为跟原中文句子的意思有点偏差,所以我觉得还是不够完美——That doesn't mean you can be absent without the knowledge of a teacher. 直接翻译成中文后是:“这不代表你可以在老师不知情的情况下缺席。”
也可以译成:That doesn't excuse you from not notifying a teacher who's not aware of this. ——“这并不代表你可以不事先通知不知情的老师。”/"这并不能为你没事先向不知情的老师请假作借口。"——暂时想不出更自然的翻译了。
当然,肉包子用户的 It doesn't mean that you are allowed to be absent without the permission of teachers who don't know about *it*. 也可以(it 换成 this 更好)。但这样一来句子长度就比原句多出许多,而且有点不自然和啰嗦的感觉——这并不是翻译者的问题,怪也只能怪“请假”没有好的代替词。


1, Please find attached a few pictures of my college classmates and me, some of whom you used to know, hope you still remember them.
2, If it's ok, I hope we can still be friends.

1.Btw,attach some of the photos of my friends and me ,someone you may ever knew,and wish you would always remember them!
2.If possible, I hope we 'll be friends for good.

1.I have attached some of my photos with classmates of my university , some maybe familiar for you , some maybe not
2.it is my sincere hope that we are still friends , if permitted

1.by the way .plus a couple of photos of my collegemate with me,some of them you have known them,I hope you can still remember them.
2.if I could,I wish we are still friends,

IF can ,we will be still friends

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解油辰欣: Excuse me, sir (考官直译是testmaster,不过称sir就行了). I got into a car accident in September and my hearing was damaged. The doctor said that it won't completely heal until six months later. Could you please speak a bit louder when you ask ...

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 英语高手帮忙用地道的英语翻译一下 -
解油辰欣: 真正在国外的店里一般没有第一句…… 只说good morning/good afternoon,Sir/Mam. What can I do for you?或Anything I can help?硬要翻译第一句,就是Hello,welcome! 或hello,welcome to+店名 总共25元,请问还需要点什么吗 The total charge ...

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一句日常用语对不起,您能容我解释一下这件事情吗? -
解油辰欣:[答案] Excuse me.I was wondering if i can explain this to you. 这是语气最委婉的一种了

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 请英语高手帮忙翻译
解油辰欣: If you are afraid of failure, then you will never succeed.

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 请英语高手帮忙把这两句话翻译成地道英语, 是很变态的口语材料,不要翻译器的,谢谢哦 -
解油辰欣: 1.Do you think that i will have courage to say it out in front of you even thougt i don't trandform it into words to email it to you?2.You don't konw what the answer means to me.

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这两句对话,希望用地道美语口语.是口语课翻译的作业.不要翻译器的谢谢 -
解油辰欣: A:Were you happy yesterday when we talked on the phone,what happened?B:Nothing,just encountered someone this morning.A:Who would it be that dared to piss off our Peter?B:Little Tom,our neighbor.

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 请帮忙翻译一段话,越口语化越好~~~ -
解油辰欣: I'm 22, now living in Beijing. I have stable payment for my job, and I like staying with American and European very much. I'm looking for a foreigner who lives...

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话,要地道美语,不要翻译器的,谢谢 -
解油辰欣: you're a very kind man.never be angry with my fault,and always patient.(我自己翻译的,你可以对照下面的对此句进行翻译.) You are a good man, never because of my fault, and angry, and very patient and always.(百度翻译) You're a kind person, never angry because of my fault, and always very patient.(google翻译)

江华瑶族自治县18523383518: 英语高手帮忙用地道的英语翻译一下你好,欢迎观临总共25元,请问还需要点什么吗收你50元找你25元,这是您的小票谢谢,欢迎再度光临 -
解油辰欣:[答案] 真正在国外的店里一般没有第一句…… 只说good morning/good afternoon,Sir/Mam.What can I do for you?或Anything I can help? 硬要翻译第一句,就是Hello,welcome!或hello,welcome to+店名 总共25元,请问还需要点什么吗 The total charge will ...

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