
作者&投稿:宇文郑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Distinguished leadership:
In honor of your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you!
I am a graduating college students software. University for three years has laid a solid theoretical foundation for the professional, good organizational ability, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.
★ theory of learning
Conscientiously study the theory of expertise, read a lot of computer books. At the same time, the literary aspects of the non-professional knowledge, I also have a strong interest.
★ expertise on
Proficient in Visual c #, SQLServer, ASP.net. The use of skilled, Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP operating system, and so on. Proficiency in the use of Office, WPS office automation software. Can be used for proficiency in the use of software.
★ work
In the Strait of China Automotive Network internship work by colleagues, leaders of the acclaim.
★ ideas on self-cultivation
Excellent quality, progressive thinking, Benedict Shou-cheng, a letter, ceremony, a man of principles of chi.

The Book of Job hands low, read the mind of self-confidence and sincere, and I look forward to becoming a member of your company!

Dear XXX,
It's very nice of you to spend time on my resume and give me the opportunity of introducing myself. As a college student major in tool design and manufacturing, I love my profession and I've devoted my heart and soul to knowledge learning. In the school life of last few years, I've not only systematically acquired professinal knowledge related to mold but also got rich experience through part time jobs in my spare time.

During my university, being optimistic and working hard, I've made constanly progress on all sides thus improved my comprehensive quality. Also, I've learnt important theories and practical knowledge about mechanical drawing, CAD drawing,modern design of mold ect.. Besides, things about computer use are what I've studied in order to use internet in searching for information as soon as possible.
I like to make acquitance of people in my daliy life and I also have friends with different personalities. In addition, I've learnt how to behave myself and how to cooperate with others in a team. I believe that my ablity and knowledge can be quite needed in your company and I truly want to make a contribute to the future prosperity of this company! I'll be honored and very grateful if you give me the chance of this job position.
Thanks again for your reading. May the company achive better achievements and may you a greater career! looking forward to your reply.
best regards,

O post letters

Embrace the future, common development! Appreciate you in spite of being very busy toglance smoke to precious time to review my resume!

I in July 2005 university graduate, participate in half a year after the job, then response force calls and resolutely joined the army. Troops is a big melting pot, cultivate me the style of the strictly and meticulous work attitude, to work only enforce consciousness, no excuses. My siblings in the army and group company documents, different positions such as BaoMiYuan organs of working environment, and gradually increased my comprehensive abilities. Especially as BaoMiYuan one job, sufficient play my subjective initiative, with a supervisor Angle loyal and work, processing daily all size matters. 5 years I comprehensive ability have been improved greatly by the army chief, also the consistent high praise, successively three times won the "excellent soldiers", three times regiment "reward", two "outstanding newsman" and "advanced individual" and "confidential commands top 10 league members", "outstanding communist party member", and twice won the second-grade "three-class merit.

I engaged in civilian administration work in the army, so peacetime in addition to handle affairs office, still need the size of of all kinds of office software, often used as office2003, powerpoint, photoshop, etc. I'm responsible for file management and unit secrecy work and also take unit outside the site management, news update and maintenance, put the video conference system using and maintenance; Daily visitors reception, the venue layout, photography and photographed, all kinds of office supplies procurement; ShenGai; writing and leadership speech draft Unit news selects and submissions, all kinds of internal publication), and the more than 10 news manuscript was army and the administrative nets by people's front newspaper published; In two years) out two this personal poetry anthology, totaling more than 300 first prose poetry.

His military career has a history, but this unforgettable experience is in my life the most precious wealth! I desire to 5 years in the army, forged solid work style and efficient work ability, for need talent you out of a force!

God is my faith, self-renewal is my pursuit. "To do a line, loves a line, the drill a line, the fine line" is our attitude towards life. So in my belief, receives my attitude, strive for the future. Now anxious to fight alongside with you and become a member of your company, and dedicate their youth and talent!

Awaits respectfully you soon, and our sincere gratitude!

1.2003^200 = ((2001 + 2)^2)^100 =(A + 4B + 3 + 1)^100 = (C + 1)^100 这里有50个(C+1)^2相乘,每一个的常数项均为1 其他的带字母项均能被3整除 则余数为1 2.19^6 = (14+5)^6 =(A + 10B + 21 + 4)^3 =(C+4)^2 * (C+4)=(D + 14 + 2)(C+4)...


1、8和9最大公因数1 9和18最大公因数9 17和51最大公因数17 7和13最大公因数1 27和9最大公因数9 14和15最大公因数1 2、12分解质因数=2*3*2 30分解质因数=3*5*2 12和30最大公因数6

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新津县17842429817: 请英语高手帮我把这封求职信翻译成英文,谢谢啊!尊敬的招聘方领导: 您好! 首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来阅读我的自荐信!为一个满腔热情的... -
正从奥卡:[答案] Respect to the recruitment of leadership: Hello! Thank you for your first in his busy schedule of taking the time to read my Zi Jianxin! Enthusiastically for a Chengqi I hope the fan! I Changzhou E...

新津县17842429817: 请大家帮我把这个求职信翻译成英语(
正从奥卡: Dearnbsp;leaders:nbsp;Hello!nbsp;Mynbsp;heartfeltnbsp;thanksnbsp;tonbsp;younbsp;Inbsp;readnbsp;100nbsp;ofnbsp;hisnbsp;busynbsp;schedulenbsp;thisnbsp;material.nbsp;Inbsp;wasnbsp;innbsp;Guangzhounbsp;Vocationalnbsp;andnbsp;...

新津县17842429817: 求助!!《求职信》译英文,望各位高手指教
正从奥卡: Dearnbsp;Managernbsp;:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I'mnbsp;presumptuousnbsp;tonbsp;troublenbsp;younbsp;,nbsp;Inbsp;wasnbsp;anbsp;studentnbsp;ofnbsp;teachernbsp;Zhangnbsp;nbsp;whonbsp;nbsp;recommendednbsp;younbsp;tonbsp;...

新津县17842429817: 急找英文翻译高手! 请帮我把这封求职信翻成英语 ,高手快进,在线等 .尊敬的学校领导:您好! 十分感谢您对我的信任并在百忙中抽空来阅读我的求职信.... -
正从奥卡:[答案] Dear school leaders: Hello! Thank you very much confidence in me and taking the time to read my cover letter. Today, I cherish a sincere heart to recommend myself, my self-confidence can give you a su...

新津县17842429817: 帮忙把以下内容翻译成一封英文求职信 -
正从奥卡: July 26, 2005.Dear sir or madam: I see the advertisement that your company invite customer a service department a manager on the newspaper and I hope to get this work.I graduate from Normal University college of commerce in Yunnan in 2001 ...

新津县17842429817: 请高人帮我把求职信翻译成英文,感激不尽 -
正从奥卡: Dear xxx Thank you taking your time to read my letter.As a graduate of law, I put my whole passion to work on it.In few years of my schooling. I concentrated civil and commercial law and earned a lot of experience and value through an exercitation. ...

新津县17842429817: 谁能帮我把我的求职信翻译成英文啊!谢谢!急,在线等!不要谷歌翻译 -
正从奥卡: Dear Sir or Madam:,I am a fresh graduate from Shenyang Technology University majoring in vehicle engineering. I decide to join in your company after thinking it over. I hope that your company will be the successful start for me.I feel honored to ...

新津县17842429817: 把下面的求职信翻译成英语,务必要准确,急用 求职信 尊敬的领导: 您好!首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中 -
正从奥卡: 把下面的求职信翻译成英语,务必要准确,急用求职信 尊敬的领导: 您好!首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门. 我是XXXX学院会计专业的一名学生,即将面临毕业.借此择业之际,我怀...

新津县17842429817: 帮我把一篇中文求职信翻译为英语
正从奥卡: Respect Leadership : hello! Yes, I am. Guizhou Institute of architecture, Career Technical College the third grade students, graduated in July this year. I am writing to apply for yesterday" Guiyang daily" published architectural designer job, because I...

新津县17842429817: 请英语高手帮我把这封求职信翻译成英文,谢谢啊 -
正从奥卡: Respect to the leadership of the recruitment: Hello! First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my自荐信! As a warm up, I hope the fan! I have been informed that your company is to recruit the post of Secretary, if your company ...

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