
作者&投稿:项竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

so we have to apply for access rights to the websites for some of our customers, please help us to do this.



Because of the need to query the data produced in the work, for the use of " mill " software permission.


Please help me to open access to the network folders.

Please help me to open access to the network folder's permissions

please help me open permission of the net folder

Hello,Sir.I am a little chinese girl. I am not very good at my English. Actually I put a lot efforts to write this letter to you,but I am happy of that.I was fall in love with you when I saw the charactor who you were acted,and I became one of your fans since ...

12. 大学报刊社论说:“就像警察逮捕违章超速驾车者一样,我们的目的并不是要捉拿所有的作弊者,而是抓住足以传播这项信息的要犯。【由于不知道具体的语境,所以本句译文仅供参考】13. 大型超级市场的结帐员会把钱返还给顾客吗 ?【注意:本句英语确实存在问题:money 后面少一个介词 to,(打词人一...

4.自分の仕事にウンザリしてたのだろうね!——ウンザリ是什么?这话啥意思?たの的作用是?可能是对自己的工作感到厌烦了吧!うんざり:厌烦,厌倦,也可以说【饱きる】断句:自分の/仕事に/ウンザリしてた/の/だろうね!の表示强调,不必翻译 5.言い出したらキリがないくらい中....

您好,请看一下我们公司的宣传资料。 Excuse me. Please have a look of our company information.我们公司是做CBA技术的。 Our company is specialized in CBA technology.它是一种来自于法国的先进技术, It is an advanced technology introduced from France.抱歉,我的英语不好,不能为您解说。

personally,在这里的意思是 个别地,单个地;apply to 在这里是个词组,就是 use 使用,应用的意思,其宾语就是 some way,就是apply some way to ...;close 在这里是名词,所以才用了 the close of ,即 在...的结束之际\/之时,整体做状语。这样的话,你就可以明白了,这句话的...

1。你叫什么 お名前は何ですか。2。你是哪里人 ご出身はどこですか。3。为什么要来这里 どうしてここに来ましたか。4。多大了 おいくつですか。5。来这里干什么 何のつもりでここにくるんですか。6。以后有什么打算 今后はどういうつもりがありますか。7。你家人在哪儿 ご...

1.美丽的湖泊和湖中的天鹅被视为这个小镇的一大特点。The beautiful lake and the swans inside is viewed as one of the main attractions in this town.2.在中国,出去吃饭被视为一种庆祝方式。In China, eating outside is viewed as a way of celebration.3.香港被认为是以贸易和金融著称的...

A, keep and raise the child's purpose and the object:At China, family point of departure that keeps and raise the child basically is has no child and hope earnestly the child can bring to satisfy and happiness, more what to pay attention to is the one who keep and raise ...

3. In this floor plan, the width of road is set to be 4.5 m, and the maximum slope of the road is designed to be less than 17%.4. In this floor plan, all the green areas and decorations are only for demonstration instead of real objects.俺是做翻译的,手工翻译,希望...

Some took place in New York's Cinderella-like fantasy love story. A luxury hotel waitress with a Junshuai courtly aristocratic tenants, in the case of casual encounter. The man mistakenly think she is a socialite with her contacts. When her true identity was revealed, the two men...

晋江市19126042378: 一句话,请高手翻译.“请帮我开通访问网络文件夹的权限” -
鞠包羚羊:[答案] Please help me to open access to the network folders.

晋江市19126042378: 请高手帮忙翻译句子 -
鞠包羚羊: 1.你一旦作出承诺,就必须信守诺言(promise;keep one's word) Once you make a promise, you must keep your word.2.一切都准备就绪,他们迫不及待地要启动这个项目(be dying to) Everything is ready, they are dying to start this project.3.乘...

晋江市19126042378: 请高手帮我翻译一句话 -
鞠包羚羊: i ate nothing, either. 我也啥都没吃.drag into将...硬拉入 solemnly adv. 庄严地;严肃地 calmly adv. 冷静地;平静地;安静地 whistle 口哨.

晋江市19126042378: 请高手帮忙翻译英语一句 -
鞠包羚羊: 请您尽快帮我把东西寄出来!我很着急用!谢谢!Please help me to send the things out as soon as possible! I am very urgently needed! Thanks!

晋江市19126042378: 请高手帮忙翻译一句话~~谢谢了~ -
鞠包羚羊: 英文中有个习语叫put oneself in sb's shoes 设身处地为他人着想或 put oneself in sb's placePut yourself in my shoes, and then perhaps you'll stop complaining. 你设身处地为我想一想,也许就不会再抱怨了.Try to put yourself in his shoes. ...

晋江市19126042378: 翻译高手请进来帮忙翻译一句话 急用 -
鞠包羚羊: The suppliers who win the prize will get 1 P of hard advertisement in an inside page, which costed 5000 yuan, free of charge as a gift by the magazine "China Shoes Capital" .

晋江市19126042378: 请韩语高手帮忙翻译一句话~~~ -
鞠包羚羊: 中文:XX顾客请注意,请您听到广播后,速至一楼大厅出口处,您的家人在此等候.韩语:XX고객님, 안내방송을 들으시는대로 속히 일층 로비쪽 출구로 오시기 바랍니다. 가족분들께서 기다리고 계십니다.

晋江市19126042378: 英语高手请帮我翻译一句话!
鞠包羚羊: 每一次我看见你的眼睛···

晋江市19126042378: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话(汉译英),谢谢 -
鞠包羚羊: Please tell me how late you can accept of the delivery.the latest 是最新的意思....

晋江市19126042378: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话 -
鞠包羚羊: You need to believe something like courage. fate, life, fortune and confidence, though these will lead you to somewhat unusual. 感觉后面用“即使”连接有点奇怪哦~

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