
作者&投稿:百风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It was the first thing that i did when i moved in .
that i did 是一个定于从句修饰the first thing,


After we prematch argument over which ball to use for the final,it is believe that the Argentine ball was used in one half and the Uruguayan ball in the other。

Rumor has it that this is how the phrase developed。单数名词+has+it+that为固定结构,解释为据。。。说,原句的意思是,句谣言说这就是这个词组如何发展的过程。

1 As were expected,the South American countries were strengthless或者
2 As expected,the South American countries were strengthless或者
3 As people (had )expected,the South American countries were strengthless
第一个为as引导的定语从句,可放于主句的前面。如果后面有be 可以省略,如上,但是变为了as引导的状语从句,3与2一样是状语从句。

Consultative mechanism of government decision-making is now at home and abroad under the new situation, an inevitable requirement. Government to strengthen the building of mechanisms for decision-making advice for improving the decision-making authority, and reduce the cost and improve the ...

1,However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go for an interview.然而,三天后我收到一邀请我去面试封信 2,The walls were dirty with ink marks.四壁都沾满了墨水的污迹 3,She's the one who really runs this school.她才是真正经营这所学校的人 4,What would my ...

这些题都是考时态的啊,是个专项语法练习。A。首先只有A C 选项 两个单词的时态是一致的,排除 BD.。再看句意,汤姆爬上树了,他现在“高高在上”。表示的现在的状态,意思就是在说话人说这话的时候,汤姆在树上呢。因为有个look,看,汤姆在树上。你要选C,总不能人都不在了,你还说,看...

1.lift 此处为名词,顺便搭载[C];give sb. a lift 顺便载某人一程。2.此题考查短语make a difference 有影响,有区别;否定式don't\/doesn't\/didn't make any difference 没有影响,没有区别。3.now that 既然;even if\/though 即使,虽然;根据句意可以选出;句型there is no point in ...

1My past life 2Creator of 3the name of your first teacher 4what about 5be friendly to 6in a small village 7in the province of liaolin 8on the east cost 9have many things to do 10a living room with a 1.television 11posters of 12a big garden with mang trees 13a big po...

TOO FEW SCORES.Under the star, we look into the distance 满天繁星下,我们仰望虚空 Do you still remember the doll which you loved once?你还记得你曾经喜欢的玩具娃娃吗?Do you still remember the fairy tale which you had ever been told?你可还记得曾经听过的童话?Do you still remember...

"I have received your email, I am very sorry it back to you so late, because then we are still holidays. Has set a date of the positions determined, will immediately notify you!"“已经收到你的email了,很抱歉这么迟才回复您,因为那时我们还在假期。一有订仓日期的确定,立刻就会...

1. C (mouse的复数形式是mice,"老鼠",这里要用复数,因为后面的be动词是were)2. D (在表示具体日期及特定的时间前面要用on.)

首先,有那么些词我们在平常的谈话中对它们变得熟悉,也就是说,那些词是我们从家庭成员或我们的朋友那里学回来的。这里,with which是一个介词加which,这是定语从句的其中一种用法:介词+which。因为本来词组是be familiar with stn.而从句中with要提到which前所以就是这样的用法了 然后that is to ...

有几个英语小问题 高手们帮帮忙 谢啦^_^
1. as swift and merrily as 没错,swift既是形容词也是副词,此处就是用作副词。2. society为集合名词,a powerless individual所指为一类人,并不是一个人,one of a powerless individual 指这类人中的一个,所以没有问题。3. 应该是可以替换的。4. 用法是哪里不懂呢,e.g.: He fights...

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 高手们请帮忙:英语语法(现在完成时) -
苑纪醋酸: 答案是在正确的. been是去了又回来了,gone是去了还没回来. 所以如果是当面问的只能用been. 如where have you been? 因为你已经回来了. 再如 where has he gone? 他还没回来,你应该这样问另一个人.

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 请英语高手帮帮忙
苑纪醋酸: was works是工厂的意思

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 英语高手 请来帮帮忙啦!! 是关于英语语法的问题!! 在线含泪跪求中啊!! -
苑纪醋酸: 如果 it是形式主语 则是现在分词 的垂悬 现象 除了 generally speaking 一类 的固定说法 以外 分词垂悬 一般是错句问题是 it 指的是什么?如果 指的是 the river , 则 垂悬 消失但 应该是 Having suffered such heavy pollution already, the river may now be too late to clean up .所以你的这个句子 貌似 错句 应该把 后面的the river 去掉 .直接用其 作主语 .

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 英语语法填空,帮帮忙!
苑纪醋酸: 1.rejoined 楼主没问明白 2.Teached 翻译:受到要有礼貌的教育,我姐姐(妹妹)尊敬其他人,不管老少和肤色.受到教育,所以用被动语态 3.permitting 翻译:廉价的火箭太空旅游将被大力发展,这将允许我们穿越太阳系做长距离的旅行.

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 英语高手~~~~帮帮忙啦~~~ 是关于英语语法的问题啦~~~ 在线跪求中! -
苑纪醋酸: 没有任何错误.work many hours “工作很长时间” 不需要加什么in.这里的work可以看成vt.这是字典里的例句:They work forty hours a week.就好像run many miles, walk a long distance 一样,不需要画蛇添足地写成 walk at a long distance.后面的each day they work 也是一样的道理.they work each day --> each day就跟many hours一样.句子翻译:在他们工作的每一天,他们都愿意长时间地工作.

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 英语高手帮帮忙有关语法 -
苑纪醋酸: 宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序,而What 's the matter ?是固定用法,不能改变它的顺序,故只有A对

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 请各位英语牛逼的前辈帮帮忙,这是插本的英语语法题,我语法题比较差,希望可以得到你们的帮助 -
苑纪醋酸: 1. D suggest doing, suggest that sb (should) do2. C 什么都没做,我晚上很不开心的回到寝室. C是非谓语动词do的过去分词作定语,表示被动.D成了nothing主动,不对.3. A 发现有东西被偷了 B.to be stolen(可以被偷,从句意来看他们应该...

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 请英语高手帮帮忙? -
苑纪醋酸: 我觉得应该zenith放在the yummy 的中间 catch the zenith yummy 意为:捕获的美味

玉树藏族自治州17166359981: 求求求英语语法帮助!!急!!英语高手快来!
苑纪醋酸: 1. goes, 2. seems, 3. are playing, 4. was listening, 5. will rain, 6. will bring, 7. took, 8. is coming, 9. had left, 10. have lost, 11. sat, 12, has not eaten,13. will go, 14, is, 15. comes, 16. did, buy, 17. have been, 18. were, doing, 19. does, cost, 20. shall, ...

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