
作者&投稿:杨垂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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  摘要:本设计是对某小区污水处理回用的设计。进水水质为:CODcr:200 mg/l,BOD5 :120mg/l,SS:150mg/l,PH:6.5~8.5,NH3-N=20 mg/l,PO43-=6 mg/l。本着技术先进成熟、运行可靠、切合实际、降低运行费用、操作管理简单、占地少不的原则,通过对该小区废水的水量水质等特点的分析,结合该废水的处理工艺对厂区环境卫生要求及本工程的具体要求,采用以cass工艺的出水经过活性炭和消毒处理即可达到中水回用标准,为小区污水处理回用提供了一种可供选择的工艺及配套设备。其工艺流程是进水-格栅-沉砂池-CASS池--出水-膜过滤-消毒设计的污水处理系统具有费用低、占地少的优点,是一种高效、经济、灵活的污水处理技术。出水达到《城市污水再生利用 城市杂用水水质》(GB/T 18920-2002)《城市污水再生利用 景观环境用水水质》(GB/T 18921-2002)回用标准。
  关键词:CASS工艺 小区污水 活性炭 中水回用
  Abstract: The design is of a residential sewage treatment and reuse design. Influent water quality for: CODcr: 200 mg / l, BOD5: 120mg / l, SS: 150mg / l, PH: 6.5 ~ 8.5, NH3-N = 20 mg / l, PO43-= 6 mg / l. In mature technologically advanced, reliable, practical, reduce operating costs, simple operation and management, covering the principles of not less, through the residential wastewater and other water quality characteristics of the analysis, in conjunction with the wastewater treatment process for plant sanitation requirements and the specific requirements of the project, the use of technology cass and disinfection of the water through activated carbon can be achieved in dealing with water reuse standards for residential sewage treatment and reuse provides a choice of technology and other ancillary facilities. The process is water - grille - grit chamber-CASS pool - the water - membrane filtration - disinfection of the sewage treatment system design with low-cost, less the merits of an area, is an efficient, economic, flexible sewage water treatment technology. Water to reach "urban sewage water recycling urban miscellaneous water" (GB / T 18920-2002) "urban sewage water recycling water quality Landscape" (GB / T 18921-2002) back to standard.

  Key words: CASS process area of activated carbon in sewage water reuse

With the growing of information communication technology and perfect, convolution code was in human daily life plays an increasingly important role. Using convolution code not only can greatly improve the quality and speed of communication, but also the process of operation can reduce kinds of digital communication system and computer storage and operation system of the probability. Nowadays, convolution code has been widely applied in communication, computer network technology, etc, to improve our life greatly contribute to the. This paper from the origin of convolution code, principle, performance in aspects of convolution code for the analysis, but through Verilog - HDL language a simpler convolution, and use Modelsim program of the simulation.
Don't use machine turned the teacher is not so stupid that can be covered

"J2ME is the Java 2 Micro Edition initials in recent years, with different equipment, especially mobile communications equipment and the rapid development of the birth of a new development technology. In these devices, Undoubtedly phone is the most popular, the most popular. With Java functions in mobile devices are realized, Java application of the value-added mobile services gradually reflect its impact. People were no longer satisfied with the old cell phone dead Fixation, not added or deleted to bring their own procedures, strongly demand more colorful content added. Mobile phone games by virtue of its portability, simple, the characteristics of leisure has won countless lovers their concern is stronger doubt. This paper aims to introduce himself to the development of a mobile phone based on MIDP2.0 Java racing game -- glory slide. This game has not only made ordinary racing game outcome determined that the track changes, experience to obtain the money, setting up roadblocks to bend the traditional setting, but also creatively designed a title, props, stunt vehicles and other add interesting game system, and intensified the process more difficult. "

专业翻译:"J2ME is the abbreviation of Java 2 Micro Edition , is in recent years subsequently various different equipment, especially moving at full speed, to develop but come into being one new exploitation of item technology of communication equipment. That in these equipment, mobile telephone goes without saying is popular , the most universal.
With the Java function realization on moving equipment,the mobile telephone added value service that Java application produces embodies out whose influence gradually. People satisfies on old-fashioned mobile telephone inflexible fixation , self simultaneous procedure being able to not add or delete no longer , the content demanding to have being rich and varied especially intensely puts in. The person has just carried mobile telephone game by means of , characteristics such as simple , lying fallow has won uncounted amateurs, the intense degree that the person is shown solicitude for allows of no doubt.
The mobile telephone JAVA racing car game glory aiming at introducing that I develop one's MIDP2.0-based lathes a thesis swiftly. This game has realized the average racing car game success or failure not only deciding , Saidao has been changeful , the tradition gaining money experience , interposing the barricade curve has set up, return field the system adding game interest such as system , prop system , vehicle stunt having designed a title back to creativeness, degree of difficulty having enlarged procedure".

A beautiful girl was asked to answer a question by her biology professor in middle of the class. Which part of your body would expand ten times when you were stimulated?" I refuse to answer it", she spoke in embarrassment. Her eyes moved away from the boy sitting beside her....

I sign in the horizon The white cloud is a feather The light breeze is a wing Various absolute being, please see nether earth with me Wrong these crimes why punish The difficult way wants to wait a blood to spread full earth The difficult way wants to wait world to be filled...

修改了一下你的中文:亲爱的莉莉安,收到你的邮件我很吃惊。因为根据我的网上调查,你的邮件除了名字,其它几乎与2008年的一些邮件内容完全一样。而那些邮件被发现是诈骗邮件。我不关心你是谁和你的目的是什么,我只希望你能有自尊,做一些好事而不是欺骗。上帝保佑你。Dear Lilian,I am surprised ...

animation partly because it has created some new element,such as cosplay.All in all,I hope that one day the domestic cartoon industy will be like the Japan`s,reaching out throughout the world and beloved by all.啊,我辛勤打了十几分钟的~完全个人版,你自己在修改下吧~仅供参考~...

求英语达人帮帮我,谁能把书写的英语翻译成正楷的。 实在是看不懂,天书...
橄榄木:Olive Wood (香)绿檀:Verawood 大美木豆:Pericopsis elata 桧木:Hinoki 这你都敢考,你才是牛人!!!

I explained first anything is called “the bright sword”, ancient times the swordsmen when came face to face with an adversary with the match, regardless of the match had how formidable, even if opposite party were the first under heaven swordsman, did not know perfectly well the...

The exchange of non-monetary assets, is the side of transaction in order to inventory, fixed assets, intangible assets and long-term equity investments and other non-monetary exchange of assets. The exchange does not involve or involved only a small amount of monetary assets. Criteria...

when i came to Singapore 2 months ago, everything was fresh to me ,but now, this feeling becomes bore.i can still remember the first night when i came here,there was a wonderful smell in the small rain at the Zhangyi airport.and that night i couldn't sleep because of ...

哪为英语达人能帮我翻译这段英文对话啊 最好是自己翻译的 能说的通...
我不相让它看起来好像我一直在催促急着完成这件事。A: I could add it to my report and recommend action.那我可以将他添加倒我的报告中然后建议实施行动。B: Let's try that. 我们可以试试。I could put it where you just said not to put it and you could take it out of order这...

只有22个是右手的,因此使用右手现象是非常明显的。问题:从这段话可以推出,即使岩画的手印是用嘴喷成的 A没有证据证明是印的是哪只手 B被印的那只手是使用比较少的手 C被印的手是使用比较多的手 D作家对使用比较多的手的创作比少用的手多。我觉得是选A的。翻译不妥之处请见谅。

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唐龚川百: The original environment of the nature is the earth which gives birth to the beauty of humanity. Sincere feelings of characters and the original sense of life are themes of the beauty of humanity. The choice of the subject, the peculiarity of the language ...

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