
作者&投稿:镇溥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
寻英语达人、英语高手帮我 翻下这段话~



“尼采的强大源于恐惧”,恐惧与意志既相对立,又互为一体,可互相转化。 "Nietzsche's fear stems from a strong," fear and the will of both opposition and each one can be translated into each other.
它们就像硬币的正反面。 They like the coins back.
只要一个人没被击垮,那么恐惧越强,反抗它的意志就越坚定。 As long as one does not want to be down, the stronger fear, it is against the will of the more firmly.
而看一个人的坚强程度,就在于看他面对恐惧时能坚持到什么层度。 And look at a person's level of the firm, is to see if he can persist in the face of fear to what degree level.

他的恐惧并非来源于现实,而是他自己。 His fear is not from reality but his own.
他所恐惧的丑恶以及那个破碎的世界,不过都是他自我撕咬和摧毁的结果。 He's ugly, as well as the fear that the broken world, but his self-Bite and destroyed.
他对自己充满怀疑和不自信。 His suspicion and full of self-confidence.
之所以如此,也是跟尼采性格有关。 The reason why is also concerned with the character of Nietzsche.
他是一个敏感的理想主义者。 He is a sensitive idealist.
看他童年时代,他为了信仰将蜡烛放在手中融化,他对世界是充满美好幻想的。 Look at his childhood, to his beliefs Candle will be placed in the hands of melting, he is full of beautiful world of fantasy.
但“幻想不断破灭,年轻的心灵备受折磨,最终开始怀疑自身”。 However, "continued illusions shattered, young soul has been tortured and eventually began to doubt their own."
"在这种转变中,我们不相信自己的感情,以此惩罚自己;用怀疑折磨自己的热情,甚至觉得问心无愧是一种危险,似乎它是自我掩饰,是正直诚实的困倦". "In such a change, we do not believe that their feelings in order to punish their own; tortured by doubt their enthusiasm, even with a clear conscience that is a dangerous, it seems that it is self-disguise, is the integrity of the sleepy."
实际尼采所恐惧的东西,不过都是他自己一手造成的,这个残破不堪的世界的不过是他自身的倒影。 Nietzsche's fear of the real thing, but all of his own making, the poor condition of the world is nothing but the reflection of his own.
这就是一个极端的理想主义者追求永恒与绝对的结果。 This is an extreme idealist pursuit of absolute and eternal.
而尼采最终的思想走向,也反映了他的需要。 Nietzsche and the end of the ideological orientation also reflected his needs.
一切价值的重估,实际是自我的重建。 All of the value of re-assessment of actual self-reconstruction.
但他已经在人的道路上走入了绝境,他的出路只剩下超人。 But he's already on the road into a desperate, his only way out for Superman.
因此,最终, As a result, in the end,
在自我的废墟上,他要重建一个超人的世界。 In the ruins of the self, he has to rebuild a world of Superman.



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商琳槐耳: 现在完成时 和现在完成进行时 的区别 在于现在完成进行时的动作一直在持续 现在完成时则有可能说话时动作已停止 只不过强调动作的影响而已 但在下面的句子中 区别并不大如 he has lived here for ten years 强调动作的起点 到现在已经十年 ...

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