
作者&投稿:成王卫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I have been to your company twice since that.
I am considering whether I am fit for the job

A beautiful girl was asked to answer a question by her biology professor in middle of the class. Which part of your body would expand ten times when you were stimulated?

" I refuse to answer it", she spoke in embarrassment. Her eyes moved away from the boy sitting beside her. Then another student stood up and gave a correct answer which was "pupil".

"Ms Rogers" Professor said to her, " That you just refused to answer the question proves three things that firstly you didn't prepare for the lecture last night, then you were just thinking something about adultery and last one I am afraid that you will be probably dissappointed your marriage life in the future."

A pretty girl was suddenly questioned by her biology professor during a class,"Which part of your body will expand over ten times when you are excited?"

"I...Um...I refuse to answer this..."The girl said hesitately with eys wandering shyly,avoiding her boy classmate sitting near her.Then,another student gave the correct answer,"The pupils!"

"Miss Roggies,"said the professor,"The fact that you refused to answer the question only proved 3 things.First,you didn't review your lesson last night;second,your mind is a mess of wrong ideas;and last,"he stopped for seconds,"afraid your future marriage might probably fail you big time."


Beautiful female students in class was suddenly called up a professor of biological answer: who, when agitated or excited, which parts of your body would grow ten-fold?

   "I ... ... I refuse to answer this question?" Girls and stammer a little bit of that shy away eyes followed隔座male students, then called up another student made the correct answer: "pupil."

   "Miss Luo Jisi," Professor said: "You have refused to answer to prove three things: First, do not preview your homework last night; the second, you are full of evil thoughts; last ... ..." Professor顿了顿: " ... ... Third, I am afraid that the marriage is the future, you will be disappointed. "

The beautiful female student class a biology professor was suddenly get up answer: person in excitement or excitement, which part of your body will be ten times the expansion?

"I... I refuse to answer this question?" The girl said stammer, eyes follow shy to avoid the every male classmate, then another classmate was called up to the correct answer: "the pupil."

"Young lady," Rogers said: "you just professor proved refused to answer three things: first, your homework last night didn't prepare; second, do you mind slanting idea; finally..." Professor a beat: "... the third, when the future lead marital life, you will be disappointed."

Beautiful female students in class was suddenly cried biology professor answered: who, when agitated or excited, the body parts of you which will expand ten-fold?

   "I ... ... I refuse to answer that question?" The girl stuttered to say that the eyes follow Gezuo shy away from male students, then called up another student made a correct answer: "pupil."

   "Miss Luo Jisi," the professor said: "You just refuse to answer to prove three things: First, you do not prep homework last night; second, the idea of your head is full of distortion; and finally ... ..." Professor paused: " ... ... Third, I am afraid that the marriage in the future, you will be disappointed. "

来得早不如来得巧 这个我买了吃 很好吃哦 我告诉你,上面的话都是废话,只要知道制作方法就可以了 那左右两边的图比较重要 左边是说加55毫升的水和(huo)放进微波炉就要叮3分30秒 右边的呢是说如果你喜欢软一点的 就可以加70毫升的水和 放微波炉叮4分钟 其实写的是理论,我把我的实际经验告诉...

普通话发阴平(一声调)的,陕西话都念轻声 普通话发阳平(二声调)的,陕西话仍读阳平 普通话发上声(三声调)的,陕西话发去声 普通话发去声(四声调)的,陕西话发阴平 这只是一般规律,根据人们日常生活中的讲话习惯,还会有一些特例;另外陕西话会有拖长音的现象。现代陕西方言一般来讲只需在普通话...

。时时都要哄。。他宠你是应该的。。女人是需要宠的。。但是凡事都有个度。。他的失误就是这个度没把握好。。仅此而已 男人是好面子的。。所以在一些场合或者事情上。。你要学会为你所爱的人保留面子。。好好和他沟通。。把自己的姿态放低点。。一切都会好的。。祝:风雨早日结束 ...

个人建议,意大利语吧。为什么呢= =首先意大利语你有发音基础,心理上稍微好些,再者意大利语还没热到跟德法西一样的程度,还有空间(虽然国家少,但是罗马语语系的分支可以衍生的领域也多,西班牙语、葡萄牙语、法语多少都受影响,当然,这是站在如果你要在语言的道路上一骑绝尘的角度上说的= =)前景...

【韩语翻译】韩语达人进 不要翻译工具翻的 谢谢了(4)
서 명사를 대체적으로 5개 분류를 한다.量词在韩国一般称为단위의존명사,而在朝鲜语里可能会被称为양사....

鹏:このように亲密な友人とは、最も楽しいことのいくつかは多くの场合は 特に、后にすべてのこれらの年は、これまでより多くを语るのは难しいの感情から分离输出 キング:手に戻り、航空券、明日かもしれないし、左 として私に滞在させるには理由があることが実际には、限りを开...

*日语达人帮忙翻译一点自己写的东西,谢谢!! *ありがとう^^
1.人々は惊いて闻いて、私が半年ならない日本语だけを学んで试合に参加することを知っているようです。2.大部分の日本を理解する人にとって、XXXは1つの観光地で、もしかすると更にいっぱいで有名です 3.しかし私にとって……4.それから、私は日本の文化を始めて兴味を持ちます...

If I lose all my memories one day, I will still remember you.Use your tooth brush secretly, if you are not angry, I will try few more times.Compose a song and only play for you.If there is last drop of gruel(也可以用porridge,通俗点) left in the bowl, you have it ...

一早上的辛劳 我有些倦怠 但我仍快乐的迎接每个日出 哪怕在低徊的时候 让我们都去追寻遥远的梦想吧 我知道遥远的距离也不能把我们分开 那难以忘怀的甜蜜夏日 已经是多久以前的往事了!充满爱恋的笑靥 仿佛还近在昨天 啊 我平静地祈求回到 那再也追不回的过去时光 正在万水千山之外的人啊 微波拍打着...

★估计:一种爱好,我找到了状态,这是一个业余爱好,我猜。当我问一个人的爱好,音乐,听音乐作为业余爱好是建立一个'不说,你是非常有趣的答案,但是它确实不能帮助它。 - _ -一个特殊的地方听音乐,它喜欢它是会喜欢的俱乐部。听音乐新鲜,而不是翩翩起舞gandagi目的是要付诸tyunyi我看到你有...

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 谁帮忙把这个笑话翻译成英文,感激不尽 -
沙郑小儿: An English beginner was walking on a street one day, and stepped on a foreigner's foot by accident. The beginner hurriedly said :"I'm sorry." And...

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 找英语达人帮忙翻译一个小笑话
沙郑小儿: 从前有三个人 他们在一次上课之后被外星人抓到once upon a time,there were there persons.They were caught by aliens after a class.外星人说:我要把你们杀掉 不过如果你们达成我的问题 我就放了你们One of the aliens said:I'm gonna kill you all....

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 帮忙把这个笑话翻译成英语,麻烦不要用翻译软件,那样出来的是中国式英语
沙郑小儿: one couple were viewing and admiring works of art in a museum.The nearsighted wife,she standed in front of one works and spoke to his husband:"here look,this is the guliest picture I have ever seen in my life.the husband drawed his wife promptly and bleated:"come here,darling.it's not a picture,it's a mirror. “

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 帮忙翻译一个英语笑话,谢谢 -
沙郑小儿: A camping groud is recruiting new soldiers. A is the first to have an interview. The interviewer asked:"What is one plus one?" A answered:"3.""That's wrong.""5.""That's wrong!""7!""That's not right, either. You can go now!" said ...

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 帮忙把这个笑话翻译成英文,谢谢 精神病院里,新来了一个心理医生. 医生发现有个病人,每天都撑着一把伞 -
沙郑小儿: The mental hospital, was a new psychological doctor.Doctors found a patient, every day hold an umbrella in the corner of the room, crouching, neither ate nor drank.The doctor cured the patient to think, to understand the inner world of the patient, ...

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 帮忙翻译一个英语笑话,自己写的.. -
沙郑小儿: I have a good friend, his name is ***. one day ,I asked him :“how to spell“pig”?Is p-u-g?” He answered quickly: "no, is P - I - G." then I asked,:"are you sure? i think it is "U"?" "No," he said, "pig is I".

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 把 “英语笑话” 翻译成英语
沙郑小儿: English jokes

乌拉特后旗18564304863: 帮忙翻译一下这个英文笑话
沙郑小儿: A German, French and Japanese to field work. The boss is American, he said to the germans, you are responsible for your physical good pay. The French say: you said you are engineers, you are responsible for mining plan. And he said to the ...

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