
作者&投稿:第媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求 英文翻译高手 帮我翻译成英文 谢谢~

Listening is the people verbal communication ability, also is the important aspect of one of the important ways of learning English. Through the hearing understanding language is a complicated process, it includes accept information, identification, judgment and understanding of voice signal to wait a few levels of psychological activities. People accept information, through the brain to identify and understand the meaning of each voice signal, and then the appropriate feedback. Feedback speed, judgment, the same person correctness of the recognition and understanding ability and personal knowledge, experience has close ties. However, in the actual study, due to the listener is often difficult to even unable to control what you hear the language materials of clarity and speed, speech expression of speaker, to get the characteristics of limited time accurately understanding and mastery of the speaker's meaning is a fairly difficulty learning tasks.

Beginners to master a foreign language, we must improve your listening level. Only heard correctly, can read fluently fluent, said. At first, language is recorded, can reflect the spoken language communicative functions. In verbal communication process with intonation, rhythm, stress, and other means to communication double can better communicate. Learning language is a very important purpose with human communication. But the hearing of level and to hear method and proficiency directly related. For starters, commonly used method is: the hearing is expected, guess, gist-based and coherent memory etc.


I also wanted to close, but you have to go farther and farther。


In recent years, thousands of Chinese students have to spend large sums of money to English training school in exchange for English test score. If they don't, they will soon training by The Times. Spend learning English is not new. Back in the 1990s, Michael Yu is a startling discovery: people would rather in English training institutions burn money, also do not want their own future were destroyed in the hands of English.

In 1993, with several Yu, Michael teacher came to Beijing, in zhongguancun stationed down near, slowly we out of the name. All the students are affectionately called him "yu teacher". When school and put cold summer vacation every year, Michael and his colleagues on consecutive days to the class. Off-season, when students are back at school, Michael Yu he led his team in each university, a speech, will passion, hope and confidence to all students. Michael in this way to more students gathered, new Oriental tuition is becoming more and more expensive.

Even so, many students, or put to new Oriental as some valuable investment. Michael Yu 38, sohu nets education as he held a ceremony, and for him to commemorate the "China writing most glamorous President".


In recent years, thousands of Chinese students have to spend large sums of money to English training school in exchange for English test score. If they don't, they will soon training by The Times. Spend learning English is not new. Back in the 1990s, Michael Yu is a startling discovery: people would rather in English training institutions burn money, also do not want their own future were destroyed in the hands of English.
In 1993, with several Yu, Michael teacher came to Beijing, in zhongguancun stationed down near, slowly we out of the name. All the students are affectionately called him "yu teacher". When school and put cold summer vacation every year, Michael and his colleagues on consecutive days to the class. Off-season, when students are back at school, Michael Yu he led his team in each university, a speech, will passion, hope and confidence to all students. Michael in this way to more students gathered, new Oriental tuition is becoming more and more expensive.
Even so, many students, or put to new Oriental as some valuable investment. Michael Yu 38, sohu nets education as he held a ceremony, and for him to commemorate the "China writing most glamorous President".

so despairing, beatening by the cold rain and chilly wind,and teasing myself that how I dare to long for your acceptance of my love, for you are so perfect. (Although you refused\/declined my love,此处可不译)终于翻译完了,我是负着病躺在床上给你翻的,希望对你有帮助。

感恩节 英文翻译 谁能帮我翻译成中文啊 准确的! 十分感谢!!
the first winter was very difficult for the pilgrims.对朝圣者(这里指清教徒)来说第一个寒冬很难熬。more than half of the english colonists died during the winter of 1620-1621.超过一半的英国殖民者死于1620-1621年的冬天里。sickness ,lack of food ,and cold left only 50 people alive...

Thank you for your letter!感谢你的来信!Produced by our company in line with the battery not the size you need.我公司所生产的电池(battery)没有符合你所需要的尺寸。The past few days, we have professional production factory looking battery, nor in line with the size you need.这...

第二层就是用聚合物粘结剂粘住缠好的线。The second is to use polymer binding stick around good lines.第四层也就是最外面这层包上的是橡胶外皮This four-layer package is the most outside of the rubber jacket.实在抱谦,我的英文说得不好,还请多多包涵It holds him, my English is ...

翻译成英语:“我已经把文件传真给你了,请查收” I have faxed the file to you,please check it.中翻译英:"附件里是我已经转换之后的文件,请查收" Please check the documents in the enclosure that I have converted 那个经理是用灵格斯翻译的 款已汇出,请查收。 怎么翻译成英文?

8。有2个人要去nijo castle,他们在路上一共问了3个人,第一个人不会讲英文,第2个人用日语为他们指的路,他们听不懂 他们看到一个人拿着地图站在拐角处,于是上前去路,那个人告诉他们。。。他们照着指示走,作后到达了目的 地。9。daniel去酒店找一份工作,interviewer向他提出许多问题,比如会...

Hello Dear visa officer:Oriental Institute of Technology in New Zealand to apply for student visa I am the applicant XXX, 1990 on 29 years, born 9, has just graduated from the XXXXX as a result of his view that China's relatively old-fashioned university education, but has ...

We are happy only if you are happy!! Fighting!希望哥哥在圣诞节之前可以收到这张载着我满满心意和祝福的卡片!Hope you can receive the card full of my wishes before Christmas!哥哥,圣诞快乐!Bor, merry Christmas!一直支持你,加油!!I will always stand on your side, fighting!

献给在地震中遇难孩子们的父母 To All the Parents Who Lost Their Children in the Earthquake 爸爸妈妈,大地撕裂的那一刻 Mom and dad, the moment when the land splitted 您们受惊了吧 You must be terrified 沉重的瓦砾压在我的身 Unbearablly heavy gravels carshed upon me 我好痛 I am...

...)。换句话说,并不只是你吃什么引人入胜,你怎么吃、何时吃、跟谁吃和为什么吃这些也一样有趣。所有这些领域交融在一块儿:不论我们吃什么以及怎么个吃法都会立刻受到这体系内各种牵绊的影响。译者注:基本上我没有全盘按照原文逐字翻译,而是根据语境重新组织文字 - 当然仍然忠于作者本意。

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译成英文,谢了.要正确的. -
爰冠赛治: Five of us are from Zhanjiang There is little water in the cup There are several students studying in class Someone is smoking in room Mum has lots of work to do a day There are lots of kids playing at park There is a little milk to drink Is everything ok...

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译成英文?? -
爰冠赛治: 1. What do you want to buy?2. How many do you want?3. Eight yuan.4. Sorry it can't be less.5. You need to wait for 10 minutes.6. Please MSN me the next time before you come. I'll get the goods prepared and you can come directedly to get them.7. Nice cooperation! See you next time!

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我用英文翻译一下吧!谢了!
爰冠赛治: 1.I usually to go to school by bus. 2.Is rains much in sping. 3.two days 4.He always get up very early.

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译成英语...谢
爰冠赛治: A: how many letters are there after ET went back home. B: twenty-four A: No. there are twenty-one , because he flew away the UFO

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译一句英文, 谢 了
爰冠赛治: 每个人都有他们自己的过去.现在才是重要的.没有人能够停止我向你跑去!我将在某天成为你的爱人! 请抓住我的手!

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译成英语,谢谢啦!
爰冠赛治: How long is the wait, to hold your hand. To have a strong, dare to think constantly of. Just because a review of sense, make me Si Jun Chao and twilight. Who really seriously, who feel sorry for whom. You are my guess is you can be at a loss what to do, I be of no importance. 谢谢采纳

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译下英语,谢了
爰冠赛治: happy birthday! Be happy,peaceful and healthy. ----from the most familiar stranger

鸡西市18524559332: 各位大哥帮我翻译成英语,谢咯! -
爰冠赛治: I want to be a teacher, somebody thinks, teacher's hard work, low income, but I don't think so, because I always want to be a teacher, the teacher is very important for social development and necessary, I think and children live together soon, ...

鸡西市18524559332: 帮我翻译一下,译成英文,谢了.
爰冠赛治: Two days ago, the English teacher of our class organized a group outing to watch a foreign movie named "2012". The movie is about how the world will come to an end by 2012...In order to prolong human species, people have put in all sorts of ...

鸡西市18524559332: 谁能用英语帮我翻译一下这句话?谢了 -
爰冠赛治: Will you accept me if i tell you that i love you already.(如果我告诉你我已经爱上你了,你会接受么?)如果你一定要是你会同意吗?那就把accept改为agree.我修改的那句,够地道哦

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