
作者&投稿:伯乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一小段 汉译英~

The most exciting thing that horrify, is the second a clock at the mobile, every move is expressed our life has been shortened part, the people can be hung on the wall of the calendar, every tear off a means of our life and shorten the day. Because time is life. No person not spare his life, but few value of his time. If you want to do in life, to learn something about what knowledge, enriching themselves, helping others, make life become meaningful, not whole life, then do not waste time. Everybody knows the truth, but very few people can really positive unremitting and use of his time.

I am altogether on your side for anything.

I found the strength from you when I was feeling frustrated and now it is my turn to take this strength come to you.

The people who always cheers you up, who always wants to laugh with you, they came from all over the world

So please don't be upset, you do still have your family, your dance and of course we are always here for you too.

Let's keep fighting together!


希望我的回答可以帮助到你。如果你满意我的回答,记得给我加分哈 ^^

Publicity language -- open and face the public, notices, instructions, suggested warning showed marked with life and production life of solidarity ecological health of the industry and its graphic language information modernization of the International City City information of all the publicity language study and translation of urgent strict requirements and expectations, Publicity of the Chinese-English language translation is based on the actual application of the phrase publicity and special context-specific functions, specific audiences psychological and behavioral needs or specific information on the function of the text, the corresponding change operation. Building international metropolis, international tourism destination needs a good international language environments. As an international metropolis, international tourist destination in the language of the human environment an important component, Translation informed of the publicity for any one language from the distant travelers athletes in their shoes recall any of the local firms were involved in travel accommodation entertainment out of careful attention. Only serious English language publicity to the function and significance of language and cultural connotation, can be truly accurate language publicity play in China deepening reform, expanding opening up, regional international process of the role of information services. In China, a region in two languages - English language of publicity is an extensive application in the region open to the direct embodiment, whether the application is the norm in the region international level testing, Translation whether obtaining in the region's overall quality of the direct display

Publicity language -- open and face the public, notices, instructions, suggested warning showed marked with life and production life of solidarity ecological health of the industry and its graphic language information

Internationalization of the modern city of all information on research and publicity language translation of urgent strict requirements and expectations, Publicity of the Chinese-English language translation is based on the actual application of the phrase publicity and special context-specific functions, specific audiences psychological and behavioral needs or specific information on the function of the text, the corresponding change operation.

Building international metropolis, international tourism destination needs a good international language environments. As an international metropolis, international tourist destination in the language of the human environment an important component, Translation informed of the publicity for any one language from the distant travelers athletes in their shoes recall any of the local firms were involved in travel accommodation entertainment out of careful attention.

Only serious English language publicity to the function and significance of language and cultural connotation, can be truly accurate language publicity play in China deepening reform, expanding opening up, regional international process of the role of information services. In China, a region in two languages - English language of publicity is an extensive application in the region open to the direct embodiment, whether the application is the norm in the region international level testing, Translation whether obtaining in the region's overall quality of the direct display


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be bored with the canteen food too, shouldn't you?是啊,我真的感到厌烦了,那好吧,让我跟你出去吃吧 Yes , I'm really sick of it,let's go out for lunch.个人见解做了一些修改,觉得里面的have lunch有点赘述了,看看这样是不是好一点。希望对你有所帮助,欢迎探讨,采纳~...

汉译英 一小小段 简单的文字 呵呵
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There is a village situated in the mountains at the foot of a large, the people lived in the village calm and carefree days. The legend in the mountains that side are limitless treasures. But this particular steep hill from the foot of the mountain to the past only through a ...

The entire town area 45.3 square kilometers, till the fields 35,799 Chinese acres, some 16 administrative villages, 3 neighborhood committee 36 inhabitants groups, 11,565 households families, household register population 35,673 people, transient population nearly 30,000 people. This ...

宾县15780749249: 一小段汉译英,请帮忙 -
康震瑞艾: Due to restrictions of law and regional different, we are very prudent in undertaking such business.Your business contradicts with our principles,so we are sorry to inform you that we won't undertake this.We hope that you can understand us.Thank you.

宾县15780749249: 翻译一小段汉译英谢谢 -
康震瑞艾: my favorite hobby is meditation.i can be happy while being alone, being alone is a kind of happiness,being sad is also a kind of happiness when you are being alone,your mind are not necessarily pure void,it's also a colorful world. emotional ...

宾县15780749249: 急,汉译英,帮忙翻译一小段话. -
康震瑞艾: Come on guys, English no is 这么 write 的 but 1L 翻译的 pretty 好 ls 的 朋友 English 可不是像 Chinese 这么说的 if 你 do not 知道 then 就别乱 translate.1. Serious casualties and property loss as a result of fire hazard, 或 用 [caused by] 代替 [as a ...

宾县15780749249: 帮忙汉译英两个简单的句子,谢谢第一句是孔子说的“吾十有五至于学,三十而立,四十不惑,五十而知天命”第二句是,“当一个人老去后会有两种事情... -

宾县15780749249: 【求助】汉译英,帮个忙翻译一段文字,谢谢! -
康震瑞艾: 前面那几个人都是使用翻译器的,语法很有问题!我纯手工翻译的,或许会有少许错误,但应该基本没什么问题啦!希望楼主可以采纳.People who works hard lives longer than others . As a student, we should study hard and live happily . I agree ...

宾县15780749249: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
康震瑞艾: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

宾县15780749249: 谁能帮我把这段话正确的汉译英出来啊谢谢当我想你的时候,我喜欢安静的坐下来,给你写封信,我想把对你的思念之情写下来,让它变成文字,可以让你感... -
康震瑞艾:[答案] when i miss you ,i will sit down quietly and write a letter to you, I want write down my missing of you,let them become words and you can touch my feeling.

宾县15780749249: 帮忙翻译一小段话 汉译英 -
康震瑞艾: I'm really happy to be with you but we will eventually go to separate ways as time waiting for nobody

宾县15780749249: 谁可帮我翻译一小段介绍,中译英,感谢不尽! -
康震瑞艾: 我们已经在广州帮你租到一间房子,因为考虑到你不熟悉这里的环境,所以我们在市中心帮你租到一间房子,虽然面积比较小,但位置不错,在市区中心,周围有很多商场、超市,这样你平常想逛街、吃饭都很方便,不用坐车旁边到处都有. ...

宾县15780749249: 帮忙一小段汉译英无论如何我都会支持你.我沮丧的时候从你那得到了力量,所以现在也想把力量给你.世界的各个地方都有为你加油的人,想和你一起欢笑的... -
康震瑞艾:[答案] I am altogether on your side for anything. I found the strength from you when I was feeling frustrated and now it is my turn to ... they came from all over the world So please don't be upset,you do still have your family,your dance and of course we are always ...

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