
作者&投稿:进媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Due to restrictions of law and regional different, we are very prudent in undertaking such business.Your business contradicts with our principles,so we are sorry to inform you that we won't undertake this.We hope that you can understand us.Thank you.

Please do contact my colleage xx on this issue for i will be on a business trip next week. thank you.

Im planning to fly to New York from beijing, the destination is Kenendy Airport. The transportation in New York is very convinient. There are subway, Mass rapid transport and bus going from the airport to the long island

my father is a worker He likes swimming He rides the bicycle to go to work every day He does not like the computer games Every day 6:00 gets out of bed He 7:00 has the breakfast the 12:00 gets off work I love my father and mother He has a big eye A small nose A...

look at this picture,please.this is apicture of my family.请看这张照片,这张照片是我的全家福。in the picture,you can see an old man and an old woman.你在照片里看到的这两位老人,they are my grandfather and geandmother.他们是我的爷爷奶奶。they are over seventy and both of ...

to earn a high salary.9.人难免要犯错误。All men sometimes make mistakes.10.是团队精神使他们活了下来。The spirit of team-work makes them survive.11.谨遵你意。As you wish.By your oeder.Bow to your request.On your mark.Absolutely.手工逐句翻译,译文精彩至极,尽请放心使用 ...

1.在我回家的路上 on my way home 2.最糟糕的是 the most terrible thing is that 3.过时的 outdated 4.密码 code 5.做鬼脸 make a face 6.面对面 face to face 7.省钱省时 economical and time-saving

几道简单的汉译英 悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 1。我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了 He had hung up before I picked up the phone.2。昨天夜里过了很久我才睡着 It took me a long time to fall asleep last night.3。他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她 Somebody called her ...

1:我曾经听说过一个很有意思的故事 I have heard a very interesting story.2:当他醒来,他发现他在另一个世界,一个无忧无虑的世界 When he wakes up,he finds himself in another world,which without anxiety.3:希望你们喜欢 I hope you like it。

1、指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。例如:(1) To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading.东南方呈现一抹浅红,正在向远处扩展。(2) The sun rose thinly ...

I want to go to the supermarket to buy some milk and cakes.

大地震仍然在继续。这个山村严重需要很多的衣服。(on clothing)The big earthquake is still going on. This village needs much clothing.当我们到达车站的时候,火车已经离开了。(by)The train have been left when we get to the train station.在没人注意的时候小偷溜进了房间。(slip)The thife ...

1.我想订一间带洗澡间的单人套房.I want to order a single suite with bath room.2.您若能为我们安排一次约会,我们将非常感激.Your arrangement of a meet between us will be appreciated.3.有一本关于旅游的书,这本书非常有用.There is a book relative to tourism being very useful.4.我...

吴江市15736468636: 汉译英,比较简短的一段话,求大虾帮忙翻译,不要在线直译的.拜谢~! 在线等! -
伯牙吾台刚生脉: Hi,Dennis,1. Shawn and I are from a hunting company instead of Avaya HR department.2. It was Jae Choi(supposedly he will be the person you report to) who called you this morning. He gave me feedback through phone that he had a quite pleasent...

吴江市15736468636: 汉译英!很简单的小句子!急用,快快快!!!!!!!!! -
伯牙吾台刚生脉: 权1 When Hong Kong return to the People'e Republic of China, I was playing with my friends and my family was watching TV.2 All the Chinese people were very happy.3 China was in charge of Hong Kong again.4 I think it's been hard for Hong Kong to return to China, but she still came back to her mother's arms.

吴江市15736468636: 中译英一段话很简单~今天,我们来种树.首先,找一块适合种树的土地,在这块土地上用铲子挖一个洞,将树种下去,然后,用土把它埋好,最后给这棵树浇... -
伯牙吾台刚生脉:[答案] Today,we are to plant trees.First,find a piece of land suitable for planting trees in this land with shovels dug a hole and will continue trees,and then buried it with good soil and finally to this tr...

吴江市15736468636: 帮忙翻译一篇小短文,中译英.很简单的! -
伯牙吾台刚生脉: I started as a small primary school captain, squadron members, head of the class representatives of their duties, during which I learned a lot, for example, learned how to organize an event, and better communication with others. I hope that through ...

吴江市15736468636: 急,汉译英,帮忙翻译一小段话. -
伯牙吾台刚生脉: Come on guys, English no is 这么 write 的 but 1L 翻译的 pretty 好 ls 的 朋友 English 可不是像 Chinese 这么说的 if 你 do not 知道 then 就别乱 translate.1. Serious casualties and property loss as a result of fire hazard, 或 用 [caused by] 代替 [as a ...

吴江市15736468636: 帮忙一小段汉译英无论如何我都会支持你.我沮丧的时候从你那得到了力量,所以现在也想把力量给你.世界的各个地方都有为你加油的人,想和你一起欢笑的... -
伯牙吾台刚生脉:[答案] I am altogether on your side for anything. I found the strength from you when I was feeling frustrated and now it is my turn to take this strength come to you. The people who always cheers you up,who always wants to laugh with you,they came from all over ...

吴江市15736468636: 一小段汉译英.很高兴收到你的回信.你的回复让我的心情终于平静.抱歉不能用大篇幅的文字去描述我的心情和工作态度,因为以我的英语水平,刚才的那封信... -
伯牙吾台刚生脉:[答案] Thank you very much to receive your letter.Your reply calms me down.I'm sorry that I can't describe my feeling ang working attitude with too many words.Considering my English,I have made greatest effo...

吴江市15736468636: 【汉译英】一小段话这些是通过天文望远镜拍摄的月球照片.我曾经用我的反射式天文望远镜看到过木星以及它的四颗卫星,这让我激动得彻夜未眠.我对天文... -
伯牙吾台刚生脉:[答案] These are images of the moon shot through a telescope.I once observed Jupiter and its four moons with my reflecting telescope which excited me to stay up all night.I am very fond of astronomy,and real...

吴江市15736468636: 求助汉译英一小段对了,恐怕我下次写信给你的时间会稍晚点,因为这周五我将去参加一个初步的面试(我想去的公司),所以我需要更多的时间来做准备.... -
伯牙吾台刚生脉:[答案] 翻译如下: By the way, I am afraid that I will write to you late(不用later)next time, for the reason that I have to take an interview this Friday.(前面不用介词in的) Therefore, I need more time and energy to prepare for it.I will really appreciate it if you don'...

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