
作者&投稿:黄柳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

亲爱mohther:你是很伟大的母亲,你认真考虑我们的照顾. 是冷的,妈妈给穿的,我们可以热母亲给予我们fan.dut.mother,你kmow是什么? 以前,我们发挥做家事,是错误的,并且 我们不能,你很气愤,命中we.although伤害他们,但我们paih.mohther,我爱你.




我们生成一个虚拟显示的时间前后,然后2003年之间的互动产生两个方面的休息时间点 个人合作保险采取行动,这点休息时间,村合作保险的执法,这一点休息时间赶上了农村医疗保险制度不同的海浪可能微分效应。老假和主观健康状况基线 我们还包括省和年假人假人捉弄 办理行政迪erences和所有这些省份的总体冲击。

翻译英语啊 是初一的 帮一下忙 明天就考试了 今天复习 如下
一个半小时(两种)one and a half hous \/ one hour and a half 两年半(两种)two and a half years \/ two years and a half 猴展 monkey show 如此聪明 so clever 动物朋友 anilal feriend 吃早餐 have bbreakfast 看动物 see the animals 在家会见朋友meet friends at home 小猴子 ...

4. 他喜欢自己做每件事。 He likes to do everything by himself.5. 他是一个杂志的摄影师,他总是很忙。 He is a photographer of a magazine and is always very busy.6. 在很多方面, Lisa 是一个普通的女孩。 Lisa is an ordinary girl in many aspects.7. 她喜爱听音乐,喜欢跳舞...

各位哥哥姐姐帮我翻译一下 汉译英 急需 谢谢
我昨天买了一本书。I bought a book yesterday.这个新方法省了我们不少时间。This new method has saved our much time.你能帮帮我的忙么?Could you help me?我给了修理工50元。I have given the mender 50 Yuan.他给自己要了一瓶饮料。He paied himself a bottle of drink .史密斯先生把他...


1我需要一位志愿的观众。老师帮一下忙好吗 I need one voluntary audience. Could Mr.xx\/ Missxx give me a hand,please?1掌声鼓励一下 Let’s clap hands for him (or her).三罐饮料,等一会我会请你选中其中的一罐,拿起来举高,等一下。你的选择在我的预料之中。Three cans of drink,...

Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.Now, lots of countries...


额、谁能帮一下忙、帮我翻译一下 トリオ ツアー 是什么意思呐?……拜...
トリオ : 三个一组,三人一组;三重奏,三重唱,三步合奏曲 ツアー :(短途)旅行,游览; 巡回演出。具体不知道你说哪方面的,什么场景下的,所以分别给出这两个词的意思,你自己根据实际情况拼一下吧。

When I got a little bit older,I thought happiness was about being perfect.I wanted to be the perfect student,the perfect daugther,the perfect sister,and the perfect friend.解析:找到属于你自己的快乐(这个是题目吧?)在我很小的时候,我以为快乐就是名望和财富。我以为成为一个名人会很...

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下.英语 -
兆昆念复方: If she wished, she was very happy. Refueling

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下 -
兆昆念复方: go to bed 去睡觉go to the bed 走到床边on the bed 在床上in bed 生病在床,在睡觉,卧床

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下英语短语 -
兆昆念复方: 1.twice a week2.a little water3.decorate the tree4.help sb (to) do sth/with sth5.sweep the floor6.call/phone/telephone/ring/make a phone call to me7.wear a coat...

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下... -
兆昆念复方: My,dear~I know you are sleeping now and I'm having a class... 亲爱的,我知道你现在正在睡觉,而我呢,正在上课.Today is our day...I wish we can live together forever...I wish you can com...

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下(汉译英)
兆昆念复方: 1. It lies in the north of Jiangsu. The mountains are green and the water is clear. The air is fresh. The pollution is less than that in big cities. 2. There are many wide new roads. It is faster to get to other cities. 3. There are many tall buildings on both ...

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下!~(英文翻译)
兆昆念复方: 1 If I were you, I will remove them. 2 If I met Li Hua, I told him. 3 If I have time, I'll help you. 4 He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups. 5 He told us, as if he been there. 6 I hope he can on my side.

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下. -
兆昆念复方: The work location:Peking is last Make collective report the object:Section manager of IS The work job and accomplishment:Be responsible for the company network equipments, server equipmen...

蚌山区15270707096: 请帮忙翻译一下英语 -
兆昆念复方: Let's walk.on and on... 让我们继续走下去...or让我们一直走下去...Earlg Summer 初夏

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下英文 急用!! -
兆昆念复方: 1.Should break the convention.2.Cause conflicts between clans.3.It is really cool .

蚌山区15270707096: 帮忙翻译一下下~~~~ -
兆昆念复方: 原话少了一个on,ory应该是cry:If you need a shoulder to cry on, you can always count on.假如你需要肩膀让你靠着它来哭诉,我是你永远的依靠.——————据说很多男人肩周炎、肩部风湿之类...

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