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In 2003, he took the Shenzhou five spacecraft into space
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Did Shenzhou V take you to the moon ?

Days - 21 days, China Manned Space Engineering first "divine boat" experimental unmanned spacecraft test flight was a complete success. At the beginning of 2001to the end of 2002and have developed and successfully launched the Shenzhou2 ~4unmanned test craft, obtained valuable test data, for the implementation of manned spaceflight to lay a solid foundation. The spacecraft is in5unmanned spacecraft based on the development of China's first manned spacecraft, by1astronauts in orbit for 1 days. The flight period for astronauts to provide the necessary working and living conditions, at the same time the astronauts physiological data, television image transmitting ground, and ensuring the safe return of astronauts.
Spacecraft from the orbital module, the returns cabin, a propulsion module and additional sections, total8860mm, total7840kg. Spacecraft manual control function and environment control and life support system for the safety of astronauts has provided a guarantee.
Spacecraft from the long march carrier rocket launch2F to locations near200km350km, apogee, inclination angle 42.4 degrees initial orbit, after the implementation of the orbit, into the 343km circular orbit. Spacecraft orbiting the earth14 times after landing in the predetermined region.
5spacecraft Shenzhou manned space flight of the Chinese nation to realize the Millennium flying Apsaras desire, is the wisdom of the Chinese nation and the spirit of the highly condensed, China's space industry in the new century, a new milepost.
The Shenzhou five
Emission time: nine o'clock on October 15, 2003
Rocket launcher: the new Long March two F strap-on rocket, this is the long march series of carrier rockets seventy-first flight, is also following the 1996since October, our country spaceflight launch twenty-ninth consecutive successful.
The spacecraft into orbit required flight time : nine ten, boat arrow separation," Shenzhou" five manned spacecraft into orbit accuracy.
Return time: Six twenty-eight on October 16, 2003
Launch site: Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Landing sites in central Inner Mongolia grassland area: A Mu Gu Lang
发射火箭: 新型长征二号F捆绑式火箭,此次是长征系列运载火箭第71次飞行,也是继1996年10月以来,我国航天发射连续第29次获得成功。


Day ~ 21, China's manned space engineering first ship unmanned experimental spacecraft shenzhou flight test gained has come to a successful conclusion. By the end of 2001 to 2002 and successively developed and launched successful shenzhou 2 ~ 4 unmanned experimental spacecraft, earned a precious test data, for the implementation of the manned space to lay a solid foundation. Shenzhou 5 spaceship was developed based on unmanned spacecraft in the our country the first manned spaceship, take one astronaut, orbit 1 days. During the whole flight for astronauts to provide the necessary living and working conditions, will also be an astronaut, television image physiological data, and ensure that astronauts send ground return safely.

Spacecraft TuiJinCang by their 22-pound, capsule, with additional section, chief of 7840kg 8860mm, total weight. The shuttle's manual control function and environmental control and life protection for an astronaut safety system provide the safeguard.

Shuttle launch by the long march - 2f rocket into 200km, carrying 42.4 ° Angle bipropellant 350km, after initial orbit, implementation, into orbit changes 343km circular orbit. Shuttle orbited the earth 14 times in reserve area after landing.

5 spacecraft shenzhou manned space flight realized the desire of the Chinese nation, is flying millennium wisdom and spirit of the Chinese nation, is highly condensed of China's space industry a new milestone in the new century. Shenzhou 5

Launch time: on October 15, 2003 9 when the whole

Rocket: new long march no.2 F, the experienced rockets long march rocket series is 71 times, is the flight since October 1996, our space launch the 29th time in consecutive successful.

Shuttle into orbit when needed flight time: 9, 10 points arrows separation, ship the shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft in orbit accurately.

The return time: on October 16, 2003 when June 28 points

The launch site at: jiuquan satellite launch center

Landing sites: GuLang grassland area of amugang in middle Inner Mongolia

Days - 21 days, China Manned Space Engineering first "divine boat" experimental unmanned spacecraft test flight was a complete success. At the beginning of 2001 to the end of 2002 and have developed and successfully launched the Shenzhou 2 ~ 4 unmanned test craft, obtained valuable test data, for the implementation of manned spaceflight to lay a solid foundation. The spacecraft is in 5 unmanned spacecraft based on the development of China's first manned spacecraft, by 1 astronauts in orbit for 1 days. The flight period for astronauts to provide the necessary working and living conditions, at the same time the astronauts physiological data, television image transmitting ground, and ensuring the safe return of astronauts.Spacecraft from the orbital module, the returns cabin, a propulsion module and additional sections, total 8860mm, total 7840kg. Spacecraft manual control function and environment control and life support system for the safety of astronauts has provided a guarantee.Spacecraft from the long march carrier rocket launch 2F to locations near 200km 350km, apogee, inclination angle 42.4 degrees initial orbit, after the implementation of the orbit, into the 343km circular orbit. Spacecraft orbiting the earth 14 times after landing in the predetermined region.5 spacecraft Shenzhou manned space flight of the Chinese nation to realize the Millennium flying Apsaras desire, is the wisdom of the Chinese nation and the spirit of the highly condensed, China's space industry in the new century, a new milepost. The Shenzhou fiveEmission time: nine o'clock on October 15, 2003Rocket launcher: the new Long March two F strap-on rocket, this is the long march series of carrier rockets seventy-first flight, is also following the 1996 since October, our country spaceflight launch twenty-ninth consecutive successful.The spacecraft into orbit required flight time : nine ten, boat arrow separation," Shenzhou" five manned spacecraft into orbit accuracy.Return time: Six twenty-eight on October 16, 2003Launch site: Jiuquan Satellite Launch CenterLanding sites in central Inner Mongolia grassland area: A Mu Gu Lang

Shenzhou 5 (simplified Chinese: 神舟五号; traditional Chinese: 神舟五号; pinyin: shénzhōu wǔ hào) — was the first human spaceflight mission of the People's Republic of China (PRC), launched on October 15, 2003. The Shenzhou spacecraft was launched on a Long March 2F rocket booster. There had been four previous flights of unmanned Shenzhou missions since 1999. China became the third country in the world to have independent human spaceflight capability after the Soviet Union and the United States.

Days - 21 days, China Manned Space Engineering first "divine boat" experimental unmanned spacecraft test flight was a complete success. At the beginning of 2001to the end of 2002and have developed and successfully launched the Shenzhou2 ~4unmanned test craft, obtained valuable test da...




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吴旗县17187911876: 神舟五号用英语翻译 -
禤胥阿魏: 神舟五号 shenzhou no . 5 / shenzhou five

吴旗县17187911876: 神舟5号载人飞船翻译成英语 -
禤胥阿魏: Shenzhou 5 manned spaceship

吴旗县17187911876: 用英语写一篇介绍神舟五号的短文 一百词左右2003年十月十五日时“神舟”五号载人飞船成功发射升空,十月十六号早上六点二十八安全着陆,这使杨利伟... -
禤胥阿魏:[答案] Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space ever since before.China had launched three unmanned spacecrafts successfully from 1999 to 2005. On Dec. 31, 2002 ,the launch of the fourth spacecraft "Shenzhou IV" was another big ...

吴旗县17187911876: 用英语介绍神舟五号返回 -
禤胥阿魏: Shenzhou 5 (simplified Chinese; traditional Chinese; pinyin: shénzhōu wǔ hào) was the first human spaceflight mission of the People's Republic of China (PRC), launched on October 15, 2003. The Shenzhou spacecraft was launched on a Long ...

吴旗县17187911876: 它的名字是神舟5号用英语怎么说 -
禤胥阿魏: 神舟”是寓意神奇的天河之舟,又是中华“神州”的谐音,象征着飞船研制得到了全中国人民的支持,是祖国四面八方、各行各业大协作的产物;同时,“神舟”又有神气、神采飞扬之意,预示飞船成功研制和圆满飞行,很有意义.

吴旗县17187911876: 用英语简单介绍“神舟五号”宇宙飞船50词! -
禤胥阿魏: 介绍“神舟五号”宇宙飞船 Introduction to Shenzhou five spacecraft

吴旗县17187911876: 快!请帮我用英语翻译内容:2003年10月5日我国成功发射了“神舟五号”载人宇宙飞船,这是继1999年我国第一艘无人飞船“神舟一号”发射以来的又一... -
禤胥阿魏:[答案] October 5,2003 China successfully launched the "Shenzhou V" manned spacecraft,which is the second in 1999 China's first unmanned spacecraft "Shenzhou I" since the launch of yet another feat,it shows t...

吴旗县17187911876: 英语翻译四,神舟五号,英语:【】 -
禤胥阿魏:[答案] 神舟五号Shenzhou-5 四five

吴旗县17187911876: 2003年10月26日,清晨6时23分,“神州5号”载人飞船安然着落(英语翻译)
禤胥阿魏: On Oct. 26th, 2003, 6:23 AM, "Shenzhou 5" manned spacecraft safely landed .

吴旗县17187911876: 英语翻译由于团结协作,中国将“神州五号”成功发射到太空____________________ - ,the spaceship"Shenzhou V" with people_____________ - by ... -
禤胥阿魏:[答案] 1.As a result of unity and cooperation; was successfully launched into space 2.that it is invincible of

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