
作者&投稿:郝贵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


First of all, Based on the flame cutting technology and CNC flame cutting machine at home and abroad on the analysis, on the overall structure of the flame cutting machine has been designed, the overall use of gantry-type institutions, workpiece and cutting sports use motor driven hydraulic pump control system of its exercise and cutting process. As the flame cutting work piece, so no cutting force. In the hydraulic power stations and cutting machine sliding movement control of the two parts of the order, I use a Omron PLC control system and PLC ladder were carried out its line graph design. Used in the design process of modular design to enable easy implementation calls. Finally, in order to more easily express my thoughts, I also draw a diagram of the flame cutting machine assembly.
Key words: flame cutting machine hydraulic control system PLC





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鬱致可力: I never found it a mistake to like you. On the contrary, it brought me much happiness and good memories. I long for the romance as in "Titanic", and enjoy the bliss as in "My Sassy Girl". Even though I have failed now, I will keep working hard for...

陆丰市18882737335: 谁能帮我翻译下面的一段英文?急!!!
鬱致可力: 一天 一直兔子在路上遇到一直乌龟,“你好慢”兔子说.“你是世界上最慢的动物.”“我比你想象中要快,”乌龟说.“来场比赛怎么样?”狐狸做裁判.他说“从这开始,围着森林跑.先到小河的人赢得比赛.”兔子在一棵大树下睡着了,乌龟从兔子身边慢慢地悄悄的超过了他.

陆丰市18882737335: 谁能帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文?
鬱致可力: The last house The old carpenter of over sixty years of age requests the retirement from the owner, prepare to go home children with wife share the happiness of family reunion.The boss return true loathe to give up he, repeatedly request not next, ...

陆丰市18882737335: 谁可以帮我用英文翻译一下下面一段话?
鬱致可力: I was a mature small handsome guy! Everybody has his charisma, the charm is that I am: a low profile! Low-profile low profile in the low-key! Hope that people will like me!

陆丰市18882737335: 谁能帮我用英文翻译下面一段话 -
鬱致可力: 二三楼都很不错,我尽量给你起个压韵的,哈哈!I love my husband,I love my Taotao, He spoils me,loves me,and treats me well! Therefore I'll make him smile, never feels sad and never going on trail!As long as you're there for me, keep me shiny ...

陆丰市18882737335: 谁能帮我用英文翻译一下下面这段话? -
鬱致可力: Good! You have been free, later you will not need to be called my husband again, you might seek for another to belong to your love! Do obeisance! I thought that I needed to rest!”

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