
作者&投稿:祢便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Beautiful sea views of Victoria Harbour during the day, at night to see the building across the bright lights, the Star Ferry ride the shuttle in which the two sides scenery glance.
2、Creamy lard package, mellow tea, playing Q delicious fish ball noodles, a delicious classic Hong Kong-style breakfast.

Thesis Abstract
With the rapid development of information technology, e-business is playing a more and more significant role in every country's strategy position. Nevertheless, without a strong base of logistic system, the development of e-business is greatly restrained. That is to say, the developmantal level of e-business depends on that of logistics. This whole passage mainly consider different developmental situations of logistics, to analyse domestic developmental trend of logistics under e-business condition in China.

Since China's birth rate decline, average life expectancy of the extension and the transfer of rural surplus labor force, "empty nest" families in China's rural population ageing of the situation is becoming increasingly severe. The proportion of the rural elderly population growing increase in the rural old age dependency ratio, resulting in rural labor productivity and economic growth slowed down and weakened the functions of the family pension, has shaken the traditional Chinese rural old-age security base. In building a new socialist countryside in the process of rural elderly population is a vulnerable groups can not be ignored, how to deal with the ageing of the good of the future of rural elderly people related to the impact of the overall situation of China's construction, after many years of practice and reform, although China Has taken shape in the rural social endowment insurance system for the basic framework, but also a very imperfect "To meet this century's upcoming ageing of the population upsurge, we must proceed from China's basic national condition, the establishment of the market economy requirements for the development of rural social endowment Insurance system ", the paper is to explore, understand and analyse the status of the ageing of the population of rural old-age security and the impact at this stage of the rural old-age problems and how to respond to rural old-age security to prepare for the sustainable development of the existing rural community Construction on the basis of protection for China's rural areas the practical needs of the rural old-age security model for the increasingly serious in rural ageing trend, based on realistic conditions, in accordance with the central proposal of "base ourselves on the present, focus on the long term, and gradually perfect" the basic ideas, focused , After the first urgent relief, promoting the grading, construction of the new diversity of rural pension system.

Since China's birth rate decline, average life expectancy of the extension and the transfer of rural surplus labor force, "empty nest" families in China's rural population ageing of the situation is becoming increasingly severe. The proportion of the rural elderly population growing increase in the rural old age dependency ratio, resulting in rural labor productivity and economic growth slowed down and weakened the functions of the family pension, has shaken the traditional Chinese rural old-age security base. In building a new socialist countryside in the process of rural elderly population is a vulnerable groups can not be ignored, how to deal with the ageing of the good of the future of rural elderly people related to the impact of the overall situation of China's construction, after many years of practice and reform, although China Has taken shape in the rural social endowment insurance system for the basic framework, but also a very imperfect "To meet this century's upcoming ageing of the population upsurge, we must proceed from China's basic national condition, the establishment of the market economy requirements for the development of rural social endowment Insurance system ", the paper is to explore, understand and analyse the status of the ageing of the population of rural old-age security and the impact at this stage of the rural old-age problems and how to respond to rural old-age security to prepare for the sustainable development of the existing rural community Construction on the basis of protection for China's rural areas the practical needs of the rural old-age security model for the increasingly serious in rural ageing trend, based on realistic conditions, in accordance with the central proposal of "base ourselves on the present, focus on the long term, and gradually perfect" the basic ideas, focused , After the first urgent relief, promoting the grading, construction of the new diversity of rural pension system.
中文 » 英语 翻译
Since China's birth rate decline, average life expectancy of the extension and the transfer of rural surplus labor force, "empty nest" families in China's rural population ageing of the situation is becoming increasingly severe. The proportion of the rural elderly population growing increase in the rural old age dependency ratio, resulting in rural labor productivity and economic growth slowed down and weakened the functions of the family pension, has shaken the traditional Chinese rural old-age security base. In building a new socialist countryside in the process of rural elderly population is a vulnerable groups can not be ignored, how to deal with the ageing of the good of the future of rural elderly people related to the impact of the overall situation of China's construction, after many years of practice and reform, although China Has taken shape in the rural social endowment insurance system for the basic framework, but also a very imperfect "To meet this century's upcoming ageing of the population upsurge, we must proceed from China's basic national condition, the establishment of the market economy requirements for the development of rural social endowment Insurance system ", the paper is to explore, understand and analyse the status of the ageing of the population of rural old-age security and the impact at this stage of the rural old-age problems and how to respond to rural old-age security to prepare for the sustainable development of the existing rural community Construction on the basis of protection for China's rural areas the practical needs of the rural old-age security model for the increasingly serious in rural ageing trend, based on realistic conditions, in accordance with the central proposal of "base ourselves on the present, focus on the long term, and gradually perfect" the basic ideas, focused , After the first urgent relief, promoting the grading, construction of the new diversity of rural pension system.


Because of the extension of decline of the birthrate of our country, average life expectancy and transformation of the surplus rural labor force, " empty nest " The appearance of the family, the situation of rural aging population of our country is becoming more severe. Rural population proportion not old day by day raise after improving old age of countryside increase than, cause rural labor productivity and economic growth rate to drop, has weakened the function that the family supports parents, foundation shaking the rural tradition of our country and supporting parents and ensuring. While build the socialist new countryside, the old population in the countryside is a piece of disadvantaged groups that can't ignore, it concerns Chinese construction overall situation how to handle the impact on rural old people of future of aging well, through practice and reforming for many years, though our country has already formed the basic frame of the rural social basic old-age pension system tentatively, perfect " for meet this century times upcoming aging population climax extremely also, must proceed from fundamental realities of the country of China, establish the rural social basic old-age pension system of meeting the developing needs of market economy " ,This text lies in exploring, understand and analyse the current situation of aging population and influence supporting parents and ensuring to the countryside, discuss how is countryside should to support parents question and make preparation for countryside sustainable development ensured to support parents the present stage, structure suitable of our country feasible countryside that countryside need support parents mode of ensuring on the basis of existing rural social security, to the severe rural aging trend day by day, because of the realistic national conditions, " base on present according to what the central authorities put forward, have one's eyes on the future, perfect progressively " Basic thinking,stress the key points, slow after being urgent first, move forward in grades, structure the new-type rural the pension system of pluralism.

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东秦甘舒: Since everyone is here, I'd like to introduce myself again.

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东秦甘舒:[答案] Happy new year.wish you and your family healthy and happy in a new year. and your kids thrive well

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东秦甘舒:[答案] I fall in love with someone,but i can't speak.I love her so much,but she didn't know.I don't know when,her shadows is always around in my heart,her bright eyes are always in my mind.I miss ,I love her

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东秦甘舒: Switzerland traffic The Swiss transport system (Swiss Trave System) to provide convenient and comfortable passenger travel for the purpose. The Swiss transport system by trains, cars, ships and alpine cable car complementation, these tools ...

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东秦甘舒: Your heartfelt smile.

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东秦甘舒:[答案] next,I will introduce flower pie,which contains fresh flower.but I haven't try it,so I want to find two guys to try it.who want to if the answer is“no”,I will keep it .

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东秦甘舒: eloved Lv teacher you are fond of thanking your this about 3 years to me teaching the effort making my English improve many our knowing I am really not that I also am able to require that self achieves self's aim I should like to study so process me ...

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