
作者&投稿:鞠弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





工厂生产出来的Liners 都是一卷一卷的,不能做一段一段的, 上一订单每一包的10段Liners, 都是我自己用手一段一段撕下来的。 这次订单30卷Liners 可不可以不要拆开,因为,那样,太浪费时间,又不卫生。撕的时候,可能会把Liner 弄脏。
Factory produced Liners is a roll of a roll, can't do section by section, on the order of 10 per packet segment Liners, is my own a a off by hand. This order 30 volumes Liners can not open it, because, that is a waste of time, nor health. Tear, the Liner may be dirty.

The liners are all roll by roll which is made from factory, it could not be piece by piece.
In last order, 10 piece Liners of each pack are made by my own to tear off piece by piece.
And the 30 rolls Liners of this order could not separate , okay? If so , it will waist time and be not clean, also it could be dirty on the Liners.

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other dangerous substances. If some people were injured, to the wounded placed in a safe place timely relief.In short when the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. We help each other, the common seismic!中文 » 英语 翻译 ...

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Corporate social responsibility to strengthen the four research work carried out urgently Corporate social responsibility in the international sports wave of the cost of China's foreign trade, comparative advantage may be exacerbated by weakening, foreign trade system will face the enormous ...

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ceshi группы является международной машиностроительной компании. расположенном в китайском городе Сучжоу в провинции Цзянсу, строительн...

Tramp novel produced in the middle of the sixteenth century of a kind of new literature genre, it is described in the lower city Life as a center, from the urban character permanently in the Angle to observe and analyze the various social evils,With the form of characters, humor...

多边外交活动 Multilateral diplomatic activity 讲过二十多年得快速发展 Has spoken more than 20 years fast development 西部地区的资源优势得到充分发挥 The western area resources superiority obtains the fulldisplay 吸引力 Attraction 目前的工作重点是致力于完善投资的软环境 The present work key ...

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.我非常抱歉地通知你你的邮件信息无法传达至一个后或多个收信人.随信附上.For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> 想得到更进一步的帮助,请发送E-...

江阳区19535606459: 我想问问能不能帮我翻译一下下面的话, -
子丰贾托百:[答案] 我可以帮你,你是不是想翻译这句话啊:谢谢好心人了啊. 那么,这句话的翻译是这样的:Thank you for good.

江阳区19535606459: 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下下面这些啊 -
子丰贾托百: 1. Electrified railway track system group products company2. Ministry of quality engineering and technical supervisors Assistant Engineer3. Primarily responsible for product quality control, production supervision, and provide technical services. ...

江阳区19535606459: 英语翻译能帮我翻译一下下面的吗1我国第一艘航空母舰“辽宁舰”已按计划完成建造和试验试航.2停泊在码头的“辽宁舰”悬挂满旗,舰上官兵精神抖擞,... -
子丰贾托百:[答案] 1.China's first aircraft carrier, "Liaoning ship" had planned to complete the construction and test trials2.The Wharf "Liaoning ship" flying the flag, soldiers alive on the ship, partition queue3.Deve...

江阳区19535606459: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面这段简单的中文?谢谢拉.赫赫.是我要值日用的呢.关于“草莓”的.翻译内容如下:今天我要值日的内容是草莓.草莓是我最喜欢的水果.... -
子丰贾托百:[答案] Today I must assume duty for the day the content is a strawberry.Thestrawberry is a fruit which I most likes.The strawberry is sweet,butsome times a little are also sour.The strawberry is red,has a li...

江阳区19535606459: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面的英文?
子丰贾托百: 1.请代我向你的父母问好! 2.我多么希望你能成功! 3.他总是很粗心,但我还是很喜欢他. 4.活到老,学到老. 5.我很高兴再次见到你! 6.你想踢足球吗? 7.我2010年认识他的! 8.我发现学英语很有趣! (个别单词是打错了吧?)

江阳区19535606459: 谁能帮我翻译一下,下面这首英文诗 -
子丰贾托百:[答案] 1.我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 在山丘和谷地上飘荡, 忽然间我看见一群 金色的水仙花迎春开放, 在树荫下,在湖水边, 迎着微风起舞翩翩. 连绵不绝,如繁星灿烂, 在银河里闪闪发光, 它们沿着湖湾的边缘 延伸成无穷无尽...

江阳区19535606459: 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下下面这段文字,请问你现在有时间吗?我想跟你学英语,请先不要拒决我,因为我需要你的帮助,每天只需要花费你一两个小时,... -
子丰贾托百:[答案] Excuse me,r u free now?I wanna learn english from you.Pls do not refuse me at first,cuz I need ur help.Although it will spend you one or two hours' time,here I have no money to pay.I think I can achie...

江阳区19535606459: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面这句话呀,十分感谢,中译英的. -
子丰贾托百: Please be informed of that the half and two days belong to annual leave of last year and annual leave of this year still remains all. Any question, please tell me.Thank you

江阳区19535606459: 英语翻译有没有英语高手?能不能帮我翻译一下下面的话:我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,保护你,和你一起一辈子…,但我身处两难….现在,或许最好的办法就... -
子丰贾托百:[答案] 我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,保护你,和你一起一辈子…,I still remember that I had sweared that I would take care of you, protect you and to be with you forever.但我身处两难….现在,或许最好的办法就是离开你…Bu...

江阳区19535606459: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面这些句子?
子丰贾托百: 这些句子是比较常见的:打电话的时候开始翻译:1,您拨打的电话已经关机,请您稍后再拨!2,您拨打的电话正忙或不在服务区,请您稍后再拨!3,您拨打的电话无人接听,请您稍后再拨!好像就是这三句,谁能帮帮我,最好是能跟电话中的讲得差不多,要是能一样就最好了,呵呵!

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