
作者&投稿:诗股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

西双版纳是云南省的最南县长的辖区。 县长的职权对于它的被给 " 空气的花园 " 取绰号繁茂的和被分层堆积原始的林木和热带的雨森林地带的多的, 这对动物和工厂感到群集。

有名的如一个极大的自然动物园, 西双版纳的雨植树,而且季候风丛林提供一个栖息地作为动物的将近 1000个式样。 在厚的和无负有责任的森林地带荒野象和荒野牛里面漫步大约,藉由他们的自傲的孔雀, 在余隙的长臂猿, 和犀鸟耳语。

野性寿命的十三个式样拥有状态保护贸易制, 含狐猴之类,长臂猿,红色拥抱的起重机,棕-颈角状物-对奶妈人们是一个和平的符号,快乐和好命运和优美的姿势能放职业上的舞者侮辱的法案, 和绿的孔雀。 区域在中国有工厂的 5,000个实物或全体中的大约六分之一。 这已经赚得它名声和绰号 " 在工厂的王国的拱顶上的月长石 " 。

在这些是把改变涂颜色三个次每日的如 " 变更颜色的花 " 的迷人一和树叶逐渐地使旋转的 " 舞蹈药草 "之中。 然后有 " 神秘的成果 " 哪一个倒档尝, 旋转酸性的对甜蜜。

回去百万年的树状结构的式样仍然正在繁殖他们自己。 说的 "茶的君王爬上树 ," 是至少 800 岁, 继续使发芽, 把特别的光辉加入出名 普洱 茶的故乡。 在西双版纳, 有一个叙述: "甚至一个树状结构能获得一个森林地带,而且老茎能开花而且还价成果 ."

ranslated content: 【snow wrapped Kunlun, sad Maple China, met Yang Zong Ma songs in the world, shoulder to shoulder on the emotional elegance of Love, long rivers and lakes road, muddy muddy earth road is lonely, but you I do not lonely because there you have him, as to, then --- here is our home, welcome to the North Hall of the nest, please accept my most sincere blessings】

Please the teacher to reach someone to translate some of the comfortable, not that it is very rigid and very jerky like a translation of Chinese grammar. Thank you, bow

The Manchester 联 brigade is a British foot altar of on paying old-brand crack troop establish in 1878, at that time from openned the peace treaty gram of the summer England for summer a railroad company a worker to constitute of an amateur ball team, call the 斯 brigade of Newton 赫 .Turned into the occupation brigade in 1885, joined a British football alliance in 1892, changed name to a Manchester 联 brigade in 1902.Because the ball team brigade takes for the red, the fans took a nickname for the Manchester United brigade, calling it is"British foot altar of red and evil".

The Manchester regiment is an English soccer world's established brandcrack force, was established in 1878, at that time was by the Englishstandard 兰开夏 an extra-curricular team which was composed withthe York summer railroad company worker, named for Newton the Hessteam. In 1885 transferred the professional team, in 1892 joined theEnglish soccer alliance, in 1902 changed name as the Manchesterregiment. Because the team team clothing for is red, the fans havetaken a nickname for the graceful regiment, calls it "the Englishsoccer world's red evil spirit".



Manchester United Football Club was formed in 1878, it is an oldest and the most excellent football club in England,the club was first formed as an amateurish team by the workers of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in England,the club has its first name Newton Heath.

The team was transferred to a professional one in 1885,and then it joined the England Football Union in 1892,and Manchester United was born in 1902.

Because the players of Manchester United were in red, their fans name the Club with the nakename:Red Devil of the England Football Club.

The Manchester regiment is an English Soccer world's established brand crack force, was established in 1878, at that time was an extra-curricular team which was composed by English standard lancashire and the York summer railroad company worker, named for Newton the Hess team 1885 years transfer the professional 1892 years join the English soccer alliance, in 1902 changed name as the Manchester regiment. Because team team clothing for red, the fans have taken a nickname for the graceful regiment, calls it;the English Soccer world's red evil spirit

In my eyes you are so beautiful, pure, kind, like an angel, thank God let me meet you, in the future, no matter what, I will always remember you.在我眼里你是如此的美丽、纯洁、善良,如同天使一般,感谢上天让我遇到了你,将来无论怎样,我都会永远地记住你。


中文译英文 初二英语日记 自己亲自翻译 答后重赏2013年9月12日 今天过...
it's a really bad day.First,i was late for the school,then i got home and realized that i didn't have my keys and i have no idea but waiting for my mum.finally i got in home and it was raining,in the same time,i found that the family was blackout and short of ...


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重赏!!!40分 英语翻译 要自己翻译,不能靠软件,不然不给分
If someone meets an car accident, we should call 120 immediately, the remove the car, but don't move the injuried which might endanger the person's life.如果有人触电,我们最好拿绝缘体,例如干木条去挑开导体.如果我们拉开那个人的话,我们也会被触电.If someone is struck by an ...

I wear glasses。我戴眼镜 I enjoy acting。我喜欢扮演角色 I'm reading a great play called comic book heroes。我正在看一部超好看的戏剧叫<<comic book heroes>> (书名较难译 是不是讲很多英雄故事的漫画啊)I like singing and dancing。我喜欢唱歌和跳舞 I don’t like sports very much,...



非有府臧之蓄 重赏甘饵翻译

龙港区13340573882: 请各位英语高手帮我翻译几个句子!重赏!1.Why do you want to drop the chance to go abroad fo free?2.On average,I do exercise for two hours eevery day sa ... -
黄虾仁青:[答案] 1.为什么你想放弃公费出国的机会呢?2.如你昨天提及的一样,我通常每天做2小时的运动.3.首先,这意味着我们要在休息时间提供免费的水.4.在体育馆里,很多器材对公众全年开放.5.作为英语老师,我们应该尽我们所能提高学生学习英语的兴趣.6.It`...

龙港区13340573882: 英语翻译哪位高手能帮我翻译一些下面的句子呢?(中译英) 采纳的话会重赏的哦(100),--------------------------------------------------------------------先生,不好意思... -
黄虾仁青:[答案] cardholder's signature model and positive and negative copies of credit card can be.

龙港区13340573882: 帮我翻译一段话 高分
黄虾仁青: When I think of you,I will feel very happy.Because of you, my life become lively.My love only belongs to you.Everything I do is for you.My hugs only open to you.I will be the one who cares you the most.Ous love will last forever.I really want to be wilh you.I want to hold your hands till the end of my life.

龙港区13340573882: 英语高手来帮我翻译几个句子,重赏!!!!!
黄虾仁青: 1. My hometown is Harbin. The winter here is very pretty because it snows a lot.2. I have a very ordinary family with my parents and I.3. My high school is a vocational school.4. I have been liking this job since I was little, because I think it is a very nice job! *** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】

龙港区13340573882: 帮忙翻译个句子 重赏! -
黄虾仁青: 一些家庭充分利用起垃圾代替了直接把它丢掉

龙港区13340573882: 翻译一段英语句子,速度,还有重赏
黄虾仁青: 黛娜,我亲爱的,我多么希望你也掉到这里来,同我在一起呀,我怕空中没有你吃的小老鼠,不过你可能捉到一只蝙蝠,你要知道,它很像老鼠.

龙港区13340573882: 帮我把一段话翻译英语、急!高悬赏!
黄虾仁青: Although the monthly exam is over, but after that there will be many opportunities to prove himself. Despite this our results are not high, but this proves that our air is still very great improvement. Our life is full of sunshine, is not it? - Given the strength in the examination of all the friends.

龙港区13340573882: 帮我翻译一段话………可加倍悬赏
黄虾仁青:She, in order to find a job every day running around, and finally one day she found a suitable job! Her job is very treasured. It took several years, she found her true love! In an auspicious day they were married in January ... when they have their own ...

龙港区13340573882: 请帮我用英文翻译一下下面那段话,我有急用,答对的重赏!加分!
黄虾仁青: 话说一精神病院有两个神经病,他们想要逃出精神病院,但是那个精神病院有99道墙,非常难爬! There were two mental patients in a mental hospital. They wanted to escape, but there were 99 walls around the hospital, so escaping would be very...

龙港区13340573882: 『急』5个句子翻译!重赏!不会的,请绕道!
黄虾仁青: 1. At present, more than one million visitors travel to Guangzhou every year. 2. Their relationship was based on/ upon years of open communication with each other. 3. The world's fresh water resources are very limited so we must make good use of...

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