重赏!!!40分 英语翻译 要自己翻译,不能靠软件,不然不给分

作者&投稿:夏功 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译下啊! 不要用软件翻译哦 不然不给分!~

Goodbye my empty heart [再见,我空虚的心灵]
(The ship takes you far away[你远离了我,船把你带走了]
from me )
(Yes i knew from the start[是的我知道,从一开始你就不是那个保护我的人]
You were not one to protect me )
Between the sky and ground[在天与地之间]
I can’t see any lines that divids us [我看不见任何能分离我们的界限]
And it's so beautiful [然而地平线是如此的美丽]
Cause you don't belong to me [你却不属于我]
I'll never lose you [(我想)我将不会失去你]
Now you can fly [但是现在你可以飞(自由)了]
You won't see me or my tears [你将不用再看见我或者是我的泪水]
You can sail away free , anywhere [你可以自由地航行(离开),去往任何地方]
Goodbye my empty smile [再见,我苦涩(空虚)的笑容]
Don't tell me how it ends [请不要告诉我这是怎么结束的]
Only time knows [只有时间知道一切]
I felt your hand in mine [我还能感觉到你拉着我的手]
But wind tells me to ler you go on [然而风却告诉我让你走]
Beyond the coldest rain[在冰冷的雨水之外]
There must be something I can believe in[应该有些什么,一些我能相信的东西]
Slowly ,once again [慢慢地,再一次]
But I'm bleeding inside [但是我的心正在淌血]
(Oh where should i go [噢!离开你我该走向何方]
Without you )
Just remember this my dear [亲爱的,你只用明白]
You can sail away free ,anywhere [你可以自由地航行(离开),去往任何地方]

so I LOVE YOU [我是如此地爱你]

MR'S HUANG [黄...]


Accidents happen anytime and anywhere in the wrold. Everybody should have some basic rescue knowledge for emergency,so that we could help ourselves as well as others
如果有人遇到车祸,我们应该现拨打120,然后把车 托起来,但不能移动那个人,否则他将有生命危险.
If someone meets an car accident, we should call 120 immediately, the remove the car, but don't move the injuried which might endanger the person's life.
If someone is struck by an electricity,it is best to use electicity-proof material, such as wood sticks to get rid of the conducting body. If we try to pull away the person, we might get struck as well.
If someone breaks his/her limbs, we should not move the person, but fix his/her limbs on a wood block.
The methods mentioned above are very simple but practical. We should learn more emergence response methods to help more people.

In outside the world all intends the accident to occur every time Each person all should have the first aid knowledge, in order to we can help own at the same time, also may help the others If some people come across the traffic accident, we should presently dial 120, then to pick up the vehicle, but cannot move that person, otherwise he will have the life danger If some people receive an electric shock, we best take the insulator, for example does the wooden staff to open the conductor If we pull open that person's, we also can receive an electric shock If some people's hands or the foot broke, we cannot move them, but should use the plank to fix their hand or the foot Perhaps above several first aids method very simple, but is very practical, we should study the more first aids method to help more people

In the World accidents happening at everytime by everywhere. Therefore everyone all should have a number of basic aid knowledge, We can help ourselves meanwhile others as well in cases..

In case somebody meets traffic accident, we ought dial 120 immediately, then lift the car and Picks up carefully, remember! Musn't move that person, otherwise might cause him to lost the life.

In case we meet somebody received the shock by eletrocity. We would better use electicity-proof material's stuffs, such as wooden stick to open the conductor. if we pull that person out, we'll be get a shock too.

In case somebody broke his limbs, We shouldn't move them, but should use the plank to fix their limbs well.

Maybe several aids methods above which seems simple but practical. And we should learn more aids methods to help more people.

The each hour in in this world is each to engrave to all have intention to the outside trouble the occurrence.Everybody should have the knowledge of give first aid, in order to we can help own at the same time, and also can in aid of other people.
If someone meets the traffic accident, we should stir to beat now 120, then lift up from under the car, but can't move that individual, otherwise he will have the life dangerous.
If someone gets an electric shock, we had better take the insulator, for example fuck the wood pick to explain and convince.If we draw apart that personal, we also will is got an electric shock.
If someone or other hand or feets broke, we can't move them, but should fix their hand or feets with the wooden board.
Perhaps and up a few first aids method is easy, but very practical, we should study that more first aids method helps the more people.

Accidents happen at each and every moment in the world,
everybody should be well equipped with emergency life-saving skills,so that as we help ourselves, we help others as well.
In case of a road accident, we should dial 120, then lift the car, but cannot move the victim, or else he will be in danger of dying.
If anybody is electrocuted, we should best use an insulator, such as wood stick to remove the conductor, if we touch the person, we may get electrocuted also.
If somebody breaks his legs or arms, we cannot remove them, but should stabilize their legs or arms with wood board instead.
Perhaps the above methods are very simple, but they are useful, we should learn more emergency life-saving skills to help more people.

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张蓓小儿: 5点20分英文:twenty past five;10点40分英文:twenty to eleven past 读法 英 [pɑːst] 美 [pæst] 1、adj.过去的;昔日的;刚过去的;刚结束的;从前的;以往的 2、n.过去;昔日;过去的事情;(某人)过去的经历(或事业) 3、prep.晚于;在...

卧龙区13635899504: 感觉不错用英语怎么说?请尽快回答,我只有40分的悬赏分了,谢谢 -
张蓓小儿: 你如果想说感觉不错 可以说I feel well I am well 可以说 I am excited I feel excited 有时候你也可以说 It is exciting It is wonderful It is terrific 或有时候就一个词也可以 Fantastic Gorgeous(不知道这个词是否拼错了,就是很棒的意思) Wonderful!有时候也可以说 Not too bad!有时候乃至于可以说 I am very very happy!都可以的 你的英语要灵活使用 不是固定的一个用法的 致意 金德锋 浙江财经学院教师

卧龙区13635899504: 英语翻译:10点40分怎么说 -
张蓓小儿: 1、ten forty2、twenty to eleven3、forty past ten

卧龙区13635899504: 英语翻译高分悬赏(50分,好的再加!!!)
张蓓小儿: 一次英语竞赛 上个学期,我参加了“泡泡英语竞赛”.我认为这对我来说是一次很有意义的经历. 最激动人心的时刻到了,我们当时都很兴奋.所有的参赛选手都在全力以赴来表现自己.我却紧张地不知所措.但是我的队友们鼓励我要自信.到我们上场的时候,我只有一点点紧张,我开始介绍我自己:“大家下午好...”然后我们表演了一个小短剧.我们表演的不错但是得分却不太高,即使如此,我并不失望,因为我得到了快乐、友谊还有与队友们的团结.在我看来,我自己就是个胜利者. 从现在开始我会努力把英语学好.我希望明年还能再参加这个竞赛. 楼主看看算不算漂亮!吼@~! paopao不晓得是哪个字

卧龙区13635899504: 得多少分 用英语怎么说品质部得分,品质部评分 ,用英语该怎么说?还有score有复数形式吗比如40分可以说40score 还是40scores我翻译的是the quality ... -
张蓓小儿:[答案] 你那是中国英语直接翻单词 我给你权威的 得多少分 用英语怎么说:how much you get? 品质部得分the quality department grade score没有复数形式 要说40分 就说40就完了 非要加上别的词用percent,point

卧龙区13635899504: 我妈妈每天步行去上班大约要花40分钟英文 -
张蓓小儿: My mother goes to work on foot every day for about 40 minutes.我妈妈每天步行去上班大约要花40分钟

卧龙区13635899504: 英语翻译 -
张蓓小儿: 1、我想我们需要买点水果和蔬菜.冰箱空了 I think we need to buy some fruits and vegetables.

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