
作者&投稿:抄哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




人口计入中国有ended.population 柜台现在 度过将那些下少数检查数一下以进行核实是最后数字预计被到8月底宣布的correct.The。 5,000,000个人口普查接受者已经花费过去10 天在中国对成员地谈论每个家庭。 他们已经收集关于年龄的信息,就业,在China.China的人口的每人的教育水平被相信是1,300,000,000 人。 这在世界上是全部人们的about20%。(有些不懂....)

中国人口调查结束了。人口调查人员将会用接下来的几?时间复查数据,以确保其正确性。最终结果预计将在八月底公布。5000000 问卷调查员在过去十天里访问了中国每一户家庭的成员。他们收集了中国所有人关于年龄、就业、教育水平的信息。相信中国人口已达到1300000000,大约是世界人口的20%。


Hello, everyone!Nice to meet you . I'd like to introduce myself to you all .I’m Zheng Lingyun .My english name is Wawa ,it's meaning is holy .you can call me Wawa. I'm glad to get to know you and make friends with you.嗨,大家好!很高兴见到你们。我想向你们大...

in heart a little not shed. You have taught us after all one year, I am first time such like outside one teaching. I also remembered the semester heard our grade came outside to teach,

Everytime I see Liu Xiang running in the track, shouting wildly after the races, I find myself is full of passion in my heart.每次我看到刘西昂在轨道上运行,高喊着疯狂的比赛后,我发现自己是充满激情,在我的心。 Especially, the moment when he gets the first prize on the stage,...

The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth...

翻译一篇英语文章 200字
loving and thanks baby. 爱与感激,亲爱的 I'm merry every days because my wife. 我因为我的妻子而每天都很快乐。 honny. 亲爱的 waiting for your husband little more... 再等等你的丈夫吧…… I'll go on a business trip to Honduras in 31th-December. 我将在12月31日去洪都拉斯进行...

Dear XiaoDong:Thank you for inviting me to visit your new house very much, I want to go very much too, but I am very busy this week, so can't go. On Monday, I want to participate in the little and red party, on Tuesday, I want to see a dentist, driving me up a ...

famous buildings. There are many stars that left Shoumo, like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Andy Lau, also, that one of my idol, Bruce Lee's statue, it nice! My dream is to become a movie star, one day, I will put my fingerprints printed on the Walk of Fame.OK了 呵呵 ...

When I woke up, I found myself going to be late. I quickly rushed to bath and eat my breakfast. By the time I reached the bus station, I realised that the bus has already departed. However when I arrived at school, I only know that today is actually Saturday. I had no...

帮我翻译一下这篇文章~谢谢 简单的翻译大概意思就行

大家帮我翻译一篇文章 谢谢了
the liquid crystal display module takes one kind of new technical the graphic display device, is replacing CRT gradually, receives the general consumer's favor. this article used internationally more advanced temperature sensor DS18B20 to take the temperature gathering system, this system th...

高安市19398719284: 翻译一篇很短,很简单的文章帮忙翻译一下,但希望不要有语病啊.拜托了,我有急用啊她的名字叫王芳,今年18岁.她喜欢所有美味的食物.她喜欢所有球类运... -
丛乔中诺:[答案] Her name is called Wang fang.She is 18 years old?She likes all delicacies food.And likes all ballgame and jogs.She has very many friends,she thought she is so Interested.

高安市19398719284: 急 急 急 拜托谁能帮我翻译一下这篇短文! 谢谢! -
丛乔中诺: "What is the saddest case you ever knew of ?" “什么是最让人难过的情况下,你都不知道的?”I asked a doctor in a hospital . 我问一位医生在医院里.She thought for a minute or two and then replied," it was a nurse I had , one of the most ...

高安市19398719284: 请问一下谁能帮我翻译一篇古文《猫说》?拜托了,今天一定要翻出来,
丛乔中诺: 《猫说》译文 我家中以鼠患为苦,向别人请求帮助.得到了一只猫,外形魁梧威猛,牙齿和爪子都很锋利.我私下里认为鼠患是不足为虑的了.刚来的时候(猫)还没有被...

高安市19398719284: 拜托大家帮我翻译一篇小文章, -
丛乔中诺: How do you like on the court when the freedom of flying, how do you like in the studio at the time of focus, how to enjoy your time in the quiet of Anja, how you appreciate...

高安市19398719284: 英语翻译拜托各位帮我翻译下面的短文;Long long ago,a fox and a wolf became good friends.They alawys played together like brothers.One day they caught ... -
丛乔中诺:[答案] 很久很久以前,有一只狐狸和狼成了好朋友他们总是在一起踢球就象亲兄弟. 有一天,他们捕获了一只小鸡狐狸说,“这姑娘狼对你来说太小了,哥哥让我给你一个大的.”“不,不,不,”沃尔夫说.“你是年轻让我有这个小的.” 正在这时,狮子就...

高安市19398719284: 急! 急! 急! 拜托,谁能帮我把这篇短文翻译一下,谢谢!The Harp Seal is one of nature's most beautiful and appaling creatures . Many years ago it was ... -
丛乔中诺:[答案] 鞍纹海豹是自然界最美丽、最吸引人(appealing?)的生物之一.多年前它们曾因为自己纯白的毛皮而遭到捕猎.今天,捕猎鞍纹海豹已经是非法行为.鞍纹海豹在夏季的几个月里大批成群迁徙.它们可在潜水时紧闭鼻孔和耳洞,但需...

高安市19398719284: 帮我翻译一篇古文,拜托!急~ -
丛乔中诺: [原文] 王冕者,诸暨人.七八岁时,父命牧(1)牛陇上,窃(2)入学舍,听诸生诵书;听已,辄(3)默记.暮归,忘其牛,父怒挞(4)之.已而复如初.母曰:“儿痴如此,曷(5)不听其所为?”冕因去,依僧寺以居.夜潜(6)出坐佛膝...

高安市19398719284: 求一位英语水平很高的前辈帮我翻译一篇短文!!急!!拜托了!!!感激不尽! -
丛乔中诺: In a car accident, he lost his sight. Later, the girl in the family's introduction, two very good relationship. A few years later, his girlfriend was found late cancer of the stomach, before leaving the cornea donation to his...... The operation was successful, ...

高安市19398719284: 我需要人帮我翻译一篇文章,哪个好心人可以帮帮忙呢?Enjoy our life A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the ... -
丛乔中诺:[答案] 享受我们的生活 1:46pm,一次强烈的地震严重影响了日本.当时我听到这坏消息十分震惊. 为什么世界上会有这么多的灾难? 每个人都应该珍惜我们现在所拥有的一切. 当我看《2012》这部电影时感到很害怕,但是我现在不担心这些了.下一分钟所发...

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