
作者&投稿:姚寇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As a great part of international competitiveness,agricultural products have widely brought into focus through out the world. To improve the competitiveness of agriculture products is of great significance to the development and stability of the society. The article firstly analysed the agricultural products export scale and the change of flow direction according to the commodity structure, area structure and market structure as well as well as trade method structure. The analysis concluded that the exportation of agricultural products in our country mainly centers on the labor intensive products, which have competitive advantage. Eastern area is the major part of agricultural products exportation. which account for 80 percent of the total exportation .Agricultural products market is more centralized, most of them are exported to Asia , Europe and North America. Modes of trade is diversity,but the main form of the agricultural products exportation is ??? trade. Then the article made a detailed analysis to the competitiveness of the agricultural products in the recent years through the international market share and RCA.The case analysis demonstrates that domestic agricultural products are lack of international competitiveness,while relatively speaking, labor intensive agricultural products have comparative advantages. These reflect the feature of agricultural resource endowment and comparative advantages in our country

International trade depends on the development of transport, efficient mass transport of goods, but the entire international community for survival and development are indispensable. Transport in international trade, maritime transport of goods has always dominated, and the bill of lading is the transport of goods by sea the most important documents, has become the cornerstone of international trade and shipping. However, with increasing international trade and prosperity of the shipping bill of lading has been threatening risk to the entire mechanism of the normal operation of the bill of lading and hinder the smooth progress of international trade.
Bill of lading in international trade has a very important position and role, which is by its nature of the decision. Bill of lading is evidence of title, who controls the bill of lading, will have the ownership of the goods. However, in international trade, also brought the use of bills of lading all the risk. In this paper, an analysis of the risk of the bill of lading, and proposed preventive measures.

Agricultural trade as an important part of the International Trade in goods, were wide - ranging importance to all countries in the world, improving the competitiveness of agricultural products to economic development and social stability but also is of great significance. china's entry into WTO over the past nine years, china's agricultural development and strengthening of their own in the competition, exports achieved a big growth, but at the same time,some beneficial to domestic factors in gradually reducing agricultural import pressure gradually increase agricultural products trade deficit will become normal. To further expand the export of agricultural products, reducing the trade deficit, we need to enhance international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products.
This article first by commodity structure, regional structure, market structure and trade structure on Chinese agricultural products export scale and direction analysis of the change, and then use the RCA share of the international market and revealed comparative advantage index on the competitiveness of china's agricultural products to do the detailed calculations in recent years.Drawn by an empirical analysis on the conclusion of the overall lack of international competitiveness of china's agricultural products and the corresponding suggestions on the main problems existing in the trade of agricultural products.

Agricultural products as an important integral part of international cargo trade have drawn great attention from coutries all over the world.The improvement of agricultural products' competition ability is also of great importance to economical development and social stability.It's been nine years since China entered the WTO.Chinese agricultural products have gained great development through competition,and the export has achieved great increase.But at the same time,some favorable factors is gradually decreasing.The pressure for agricultural products' import is growing.The agricultural products' trade deficit will become a common phenomenon.If we want to further expand agricultural products' export and reduce the trade deficit,we need to strengthen Chinese agricultural products' international competition ability.
This paper analyzes the export scale and trend of our country's agricultural products based on merchandise structure,regional structure,market structure and trade method structure first.Then it makes detailed estimation about our country's agricultural products' competition ability by utilizing international market share and RCA.Through positive analysis,we draw the conclusion that our country's agricultural products as a whole lack international competition ability and provide relevant suggestions regarding main issues existed in agricultural products' trade.



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潘芝迪皿: 供参考Please be advised that for this PO of a total of 146,490 pcs on 28th February we have booked shipping arrangement with NYK . And please also be advised that the delivery would be split into three, with 102,800 pcs in a 40' by 40' container ...

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潘芝迪皿: George WenPei company is a famous the production and operation of home appliances company, headquartered in hangzhou, in the whole nation more than 30 hi-growth companies. I wish to hiring sales manager a name. Conditions: 1. Chinese ...

蔚县13320073358: 帮忙翻译一下句子,不要机器翻译的 -
潘芝迪皿: 说的是一件能根据空气好坏而改变的衣服,空气越差,衣服就皱得越厉害.所以句子是说, 这件衣服-其实外观还不错-,当空气不干净时,它看起来就像是你从一堆脏衣服底下抽出来的一样(皱巴巴的).

蔚县13320073358: 谁帮我翻译一下,不要机器翻译,不标准. -
潘芝迪皿: 不是.在这里可以表示为“请再重复一遍您的问题”等同于"pardon"

蔚县13320073358: 谁能帮我翻译以下几句话(不要电脑翻译)
潘芝迪皿: 1The film had begun before we got to the cinema. 2They had learned English for three years when they were admitted into the university. 3We had been to Beijing twice before 2001. 4I did't go to bed until he came back. 5The train had left before i ...

蔚县13320073358: 帮我翻译一下几句话(不要用机器翻译) -
潘芝迪皿: 1: I am a little shy(个人感觉国外的学校不是很认同文静这种性格,你可以改成稳重或者内敛)2: I am an immigrant to HongKong, now I am familiar with this place and my family likes here too.3: I am a fan of animations4: I am aspirational and ...

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潘芝迪皿:[答案] 1.be promoted according to status 2.adhere to old conventions/follow a sereotype routine

蔚县13320073358: 帮忙翻译一段话但是能不能不用机器翻译啊谢谢对不起,我受够了你总我
潘芝迪皿: Sorry, I'simply tired of you saying in my face that I can't understand English. In fact, you are only showing off yourself in English. You're always saying that my English is poor...

蔚县13320073358: 请帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢!希望不要机械翻译,急!谢谢! -
潘芝迪皿: 交付的全部或任何部分的这条命令,不得以任何方式和卖方概不负责,并违约或延迟,由于任何原因或应急超出卖家控制,包括但不限于未交付或迟延交付的原材料,罢工,关厂,火灾,事故,交通延误,或规章的美国或任何国家,任何政府或...

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