
作者&投稿:伯峡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


If I had a vacant house, I couldn't have left it idled. I could've invited the homeless in
the door; I could've asked the panhandlers on the crossover whether they'd like a
stable place to live and to start a new live; I could've moved some orphans in there for them to play together, to grow up together and to study together. It can be a safe haven for the poor, a private school, or an independent clinic. It will be transformed from a vacant house into a house of love.


I've always been thinking how much of an organization's original purpose could be
preserved once it grew in size. Is it better for us to build an organization so big that
we may help the others with so-called "substantial meaning", or to simply do what we can in a more practical manner - starting with little things? I was lost and I couldn't judge on my own. However, for her it all seemed so simple. She just quietly does it without thinking much about anything else. "When one door shuts, another opens" - things will turn out just fine, simply keep the faith and keep loving the others with a conviction.

When she realized that the organization was slightly off the course as it grew big, she decisively resolved it and reverted back to the basics. Perhaps it is an inevitable cycle, but isn't it the so-called guidance from this film to keep at it? Don't get sidetracked by the changes taking place in the society at large, just stick to the basic principle and you'd be doing the right thing. No pain, no gain. I am particularly fond of the saying that " God's favorite things are all petty, especially those made of love."

整部影片中我没有看到过Mother Teresa的泪水,只有她那一双慈悲眼睛,时时在饥馑,病痛,与死亡面前流露出太多怜悯。倒是我自己,看她一袭白袍、赤足、凉鞋、缓缓徐行的身影,为之一再泪倾。


I've not seen a single teardrop from Mother Teresa throughout the entire film, only
her compassionate eyes, overflowing with benevolence when witnessing femine, sickness and death. On the other hand, I myself cried over and again watching her in the film pacing slowly in her white gown, wearing only sandals in her barefeet.

I thought of another phrase that once deeply touched me : "Little by little I've lost my passion for the world, more and more I found myself now wrapped up in it." Immersed in the ever so delicate selfishness and indifference, I can't further justify it nor do I have the means to repent. All I could do was to give this film a 5-star rating deep in my heart, despite its imperfection.

我曾也抱有广泛影响的想法,去做有效的事。也许我忽略了小的爱,而那,其实便是令我真切感动的,那便是让我真心佩服的,那是我应该去做的。那是所指引出的方向。 爱是可以传染的,爱是可以感化别人的。不要让别人理解你,让别人去关注你所要保护的,也是爱的方式。

I've had my illusion to want to be widely influential, to be meaningful in what I do. Perhaps I've neglected the trivia, and that, was in fact what truly moved me. That's what I sincerely admired, that's what I ought to be doing, that is the way. Love is contagious, love can be influential. Allow others to care about what you're protecting, regardless they undertand you or not, this is another way to express love.


To comfort the others, more than being comforted;
To understand the others, more than being understood;
To love the others, more than being loved.
Upon death, we reach eternity.
Upon death, we reach eternity.
Thanks to you, touched by your love on our way forward - plain and simple, yet shined upon us all.
Don't get lost. Simply love, with pure and simple love. Don't forget.
Love is eternity, Love is eternity, Love is eternity. Do not fear, for it is always there. Do not worry, for it is always there.

1. at one's mildest
2. 在20世纪50年代
in the 1950s
3. 将某人逼疯
drive sb. crazy
4. 处于良好状态
be in a good condition
5. 位于
be located (in/at/on/...等等)
6. 接管;夺取
take over
7. 被活埋
be buried alive
8. 为...付账
pay for...
9. 因...而自豪
be proud of ...
10. encourage sb to do sth
11. fall for
12. be satisfied with
13. lead a .... life
14. 在...中发挥作用
play a role in ...
15. 每四年,每隔三年
every four years
every fourth year
every other three years
16. 肩并肩地
side by side
shoulder to shoulder
17. 实现这个梦想
realize this dream
18. 知道某人/某物的情况
know about sb/sth
19. 为了...为竞争
compete for
20. 32年的空白
the vacuity/blank for 32 years
21. separate A from B
22. come to public attention
引起公众关注/ 进入公众视线
23. be recognized as
被认为是 ...
24. be involved in
涉及, 包含在 ... 中;卷入
25. meet one's requirements/needs
26. (梦想)实现
come true
27. 被控告犯有...罪
be accused of
be charged with
28. 实际上
in fact
as a matter of fact
29. 发现;遇见
come across
30. 关闭,使停业
close/shut down
31. provide sb with sth
32. score a goal
33. be responsible for...
对 ... 负责, 对 ... 有责任
34. at a speed of
以 ... 的速度
35. refer to
36. 对...有危害
do harm to
be harmful to
37. 被...覆盖
be covered by
38. 用...代替
replace with...
substitute for
39. turn out
40. 对某人而言
on one's part
41. 以...告终
end up with
42. 观点
point of view; view point;
43. 待销售,供出售
for sale
44. 想出,计算出
figure out
work out

1.Betty, what lessons we have on Monday?
2.We Chinese classes at eight o 'clock, bad science class 5 to 9 o 'clock.
3.My favorite subject is Chinese.
4.And then I eat breakfast.
5.We start work at nine o 'clock.
6.I do my homework and then go to bed at ten o 'clock.

1. Betty, what are our lessons on monday?
2. We have chinese at eight AM and science at five to nine.
3. My favorite lesson is chinese
4. and then eat/have breakfast
5.we start working
6. I do my homework and go to bed

Nanchang subway real estate Co., LTD
或Nanchang subway properties Limited


信和置业有限公司(Sino Land Co.)
青岛佳豪置业有限公司The Qingdao good bold property Limited company
北京首都机场置业有限公司。Beijing Capital Airport Tourism Company Ltd.
广州市鸿盛置业有限公司Guangzhou Hongsheng Properties Limited
陕西旭邦置业有限公司 Shanxi Xubang Real Estate Company.
新疆中盈置业有限公司 Xinjiang surplus Ltd..
湖南XHL置业有限公司Hunan XHL Installing Company Limited
沈阳百益龙置业有限公司 Shenyang Lung Properties Limited benefits.
百益龙置业有限公司 Suzhou Yi Lung Properties Limited
上海海联置业有限公司 Shanghai Hailian Real Estate Co.
山东久久发置业有限公司Shandong long hair Properties Limited
上海恒石文道置业有限公司Shanghai Heng Shiwen Road Properties Limited


go straight into是直接进入的意思
right from noon就从正午时分 。作状语修饰go straight into the sunset

Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is setting over France. If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into the sunset, right from noon. Unfortunately, France is too far away for that. But on your tiny planet, my little price, all you need do is move your chair a few steps. You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like…确实,大家都知道,美国的正午时分,正是法国夕阳落下的时候。如果能在一分钟内赶到法国,你就可以看到落日了,可惜法国太远了。但是,在你的小行星上,只要把椅子向后挪几步,就可以随时随地地看到落日的余辉了。

由於=due to, because of,意思更像是原因。
on the ground that/ in condition that 是指条件,比如说:In condition that you do not have ample time 就是「基於你没有充足的时间」。



个人而言,我会翻译成 This is due to the excessive minor information that our brains are flooded with.

【汉语】语文 【英语】Chinese 【音标】英语读音【ˌtʃaɪˈni:z】美语读音【tʃaɪˈniz】【例句】He went south to climb Taishan, a mountain sacred to the Chinese.他南下去爬泰山了,那是中国人心目中一座神圣的山。These texts give the reader an ...

你好!中文 Chinese 英[ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] 美[tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis]n. 中文; 汉语; 华人; 中国人;adj. 中国的; 中文的; 中国人的; 中国话的;[例句]The new design compromises the merits of Chinese and Western styles.这个新设计...


3、中文翻译 英文意思是Chinese translation 英文也可以读作Chinese Translation Chinese translation 中文翻译 中译本 Chinese 英 #716t#643a#618#712niz 美 t#643a#618#712niz, #712。4、英语翻译 名English Translator例句你要翻译什么呢“我的英语翻译水平很差,不知道是否可以帮助我”I am very...

意思,用英语翻译是:meaning meaning 解析:一、音标 英音 [ˈmiːnɪŋ] ,美音 [ˈmiːnɪŋ]二、释义 n. 意义;意思;含义;重要性;价值 adj. 意味深长的 vt. 意味 (mean的现在分词);意思是;三、词形变化 原型 mean 复数 meanings ...


动词 translate 名词:translator翻译(员);translation(翻译)如果是口译:interpret 口译(动词)interpreter口译员(名词)interpretation口译(名词)




柳林县19474902859: 英语翻译 - 搜狗百科
笃仁曲安:[答案] 音译这个就太难了吧. 英文里面能发鼻音(ing,ang...)的单词本来就少得可怜. 西班牙有条河叫Minho,可是发的是mi-no的音. 不过意思一样的话就好办了:perstige emperor,famouse king...

柳林县19474902859: 英语翻译用英语怎么说? -
笃仁曲安:[答案] 人: English translator(书面翻译) English interpreter (口译) 普通的说英语翻译就是 English translation

柳林县19474902859: 英语翻译用英语怎么说? -
笃仁曲安: 人: English translator(书面翻译) English interpreter (口译)普通的说英语翻译就是 English translation

柳林县19474902859: 英 语 翻 译(翻译成英文)
笃仁曲安: 1.Please add my name to the name list. 2.You can come to see me on any day next week. 3.You may buy it in any Department store . 4.How awful it smells! 5.How awfully hot the weather is!

柳林县19474902859: 英文翻译成中文 -
笃仁曲安: 翻译成中文的英语翻译是:Translate into Chinese,见下图百度翻译

柳林县19474902859: 英语翻译北京有多少人口?翻译英文 (至少3种) -
笃仁曲安:[答案] There are one hundred thousand people in Beijing. The population of Beijing is one hundred thousand. Beijing's population is one hundred thousand. Beijing has one hundred thousand people. 望采纳,谢谢

柳林县19474902859: 英语翻译,汉译英
笃仁曲安: 1. For me, it's not important to have the same clothes as friends. 2. He is really funny, he ususally tells some jokes to make us laugh. 3. He is friendly to us, so he is very popular in ihs school. 4. The diference between he and me is I'm taller than him,...

柳林县19474902859: 请问英语翻译的英文怎么写? -
笃仁曲安: english translator 英语翻译translate this to english 翻译成英语要看你怎么用咯

柳林县19474902859: 英语翻译怎么说
笃仁曲安: 亲爱的大卫,你好,我家里现在帮我找到一份新的工作了,我想向你申请明天走,可不可以吖,谢谢 Dear David. My relatives found me a new job. I want to you that I will be leaving tomorrow, if that's okay? thanks


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